An Alternative To JaPete’s Common Nonsense

Brady Campaign board member Joan Peterson who goes by JaPete online has a website called Common Gunsense. She calls it a blog to advocate for “common-sense” gun legislation. Many gun bloggers and podcasters have tried to engage her in dialogue without success. She eventually calls them “mean spirited” and bans them from commenting on her blog.

There is an alternative!

Gail Pepin has started her own blog called Uncommon Gunsense. For those that don’t know Gail, she is a Registered Nurse, IDPA competitor, and part of the ProArms podcast crew. She is also Massad Ayoob’s significant other and helps Mas with the Massad Ayoob Group.

Gail got fed up with people being banned on JaPete’s site so started Uncommon Gunsense as the alternative. As she says:

Tired of false promises of thoughtful reflection about the issue of guns and gun violence?

Tired of the misperceptions and the culture of gun violence in America?

Tired of misrepresentation of facts and the censuring of posts that don’t support a given agenda?

Then it’s time for some Uncommon Gunsense.

Comments here will be unmoderated, post what you can’t get posted on other blogs.

Welcome Gail to the blogging world and visit her blog by going here.