Happy Birthday, US Air Force!

In one of those weirdly appropriate coincidences, today is both the birthday of the US Air Force and the Complementary Spouse. I say appropriate because the Complementary Spouse’s father was an Air Force captain serving as a weather officer when she was born.

The US Air Force was “born” on September 18, 1947 with the implementation of the National Security Act of 1947. This act was a major restructuring of the nation’s military post-WWII. It created the Department of Defense, established the Department of the Air Force as a sub-department, created the Central Intelligence Agency, and established the National Security Council. The Army Air Forces became the United States Air Force.

As a side note, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Dick Cole, the last of the Doolittle Raiders, passed away this April. He had served as Jimmy Doolittle’s co-pilot in the No. 1 B-25 bomber. He was 103.

So best wishes and a big thank you to all who served in the USAF on this the Air Force’s 72nd birthday.

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