Josh Powell Gets His Deal From NY AG

Josh Powell came to terms with the New York Attorney General’s Office and will be dismissed with prejudice from the case once the deal is approved by Judge Joel Cohen.

Under the terms of Stipulation of Settlement, Powell will:

  • Admit he breached his fiduciary duties of care, loyalty, and obedience by using charitable assets for his own benefit or that of his family;
  • Admit he failed to administer charitable assets entrusted to his care properly;
  • Will pay restitution of $100,000 to be held in escrow for the NRA;
  • Be permanently barred from serving as a director, officer, trustee, or in any role with fiduciary duties for any non-profit or charitable organization incorporated, registered, operating, or soliciting donations in New York State;
  • Agrees to accept service of a subpoena for appearance at the trial;
  • And will be responsible for fees and expenses associated with his testimony at the trial.

Provided that Powell keeps to the terms of the stipulations, the Attorney General’s Office will dismiss him from the lawsuit with prejudice. They will also consider it a resolution of all claims against him. The agreement then goes into great detail of what would be considered a breach or voiding of the agreement including denying that the case is without factual basis. If the agreement if breached or voided by Powell, he can expect the AG’s Office to come after him with a vengeance.

We have been expecting this for a few days. The only surprise to me is that Powell now resides in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Using Google Maps street view, it appears to be in a building with a wine shop on the first floor next to a Wendy’s.

I have embedded the full Statement of Stipulation and Order of Dismissal below.