Funny? No. Sad And Pathetic – Yes.

The gun prohibitionists at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence are seemingly upset by Weer’d Beard’s organization of gun bloggers to do more than just light a candle to combat criminal violence.

I don’t think any of us found the Brady Campaign’s Too Many Victims campaign that funny. It think the majority of us found it sad and pathetic that they thought they could fight criminal violence by standing around with a candle.

Funding Gun Rights Groups

Thanks to a tweet from our good friends at CSGV, I found a way to send money to the Second Amendment Foundation. I’m sure that wasn’t their intention but it works just the same. They tweeted:

Buying a #Groupon today through#Goodsearch = a 10% donation for gun violence prevention (cause is Educational Fund…

They link to a page called GoodSearch. If you search the Web or shop through them, participating non-profits get a donation. Of course, CSGV wants you to name their sister group, the (so-called) Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. However, a quick search turns up the Second Amendment Foundation as a participating group.

So now you can help fund more lawsuits against anti-gun governments and laws by using this page. Isn’t it fun to turn the tables on the gun prohibitionists?

CSGV And Neo-McCarthyism

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence likes to cast aspersions on gun rights activists. Their Facebook and Twitter posts are littered with the terms “gun extremist”, “insurrectionist”, and “treason”. I, for one, have been labeled a “gun extremist” because I dared to question the sainted Carolyn McCarthy’s continued use of her family tragedy for political purposes. However, being called a “gun extremist” is not in the same league as being accused of “treason”.

Kurt Hofmann is one of those who has been called a traitor by CSGV and Ladd Everitt. In his St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner column for Thursday, he discussed how Ladd Everitt and the CSGV are engaging in a new McCarthyism. He notes that, just like Sen. Joe McCarthy, CSGV likes to toss around accusations of treason with the same amount of proof as the late Senator. In other words, none.

Kurt concludes:

A nation of people who meekly accept the notion that they commit “treason,” merely by stating the obvious fact that the Second Amendment exists to guarantee their ability to resist government tyranny, is indeed a nation of sheep. That’s the nation the CSGV would like to see the U.S. become.

Over my dead body, CSGV–and I won’t die alone.

Treason is an ugly word. Those who would toss it around it with impunity need to be called out on it. Kudos to Kurt for exposing the neo-McCarthyism of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence for what it is.

They’re Back

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence had its Twitter privileges restored about an hour ago. They seem to be making up for lost time. Their last Tweet said:

CSGV’s promise to victims and survivors of gun violence: We will NEVER stop standing with you, including when you…

This linked to their Facebook page where they implicitly accuse gun rights activists of harrassing, intimidating, and threatening these poor sheep.

One of the definitions of intimidate is to “to overawe or cow, as through the force of personality or by superior display of wealth, talent, etc.” If one uses a superior argument with CSGV and their followers, I guess you would be guilty of intimidation. I can live with that.

Hissy Fit Warning

A certain director of communications for a certain group of gun prohibitionists is about to have a hissy fit. He just doesn’t know it yet.

According to a summary of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

Thanks to a friend of Thirdpower at Days of our Trailers, we have a powerful parody of a poster put out by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.

Go here to view it.  I must admit I had a little hand in this project but credit must go to Thirdpower and his graphics artist friend for taking some ideas and creating a masterpiece.

Those guys rock!

Not Above The Rules

If you go the the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s website today, you will see a blue hole where their Twitter feed used to be. The reason is that their Twitter account has been suspended due to a violation of the terms of service. In other words, by using Twitter to “out” bloggers and, more importantly, reveal their personal information including home addresses, Ladd Everitt and CSGV broke the rules and are now paying for it.


The @CSGV Twitter account was suspended because Linoge of Walls of the City blog requested that three of CSGV’s posts be removed because they constituted harassment. As one might expect from those of their ilk, Ladd Everitt and CSGV are playing the victim and claiming it was removed due to a false report.

Sebastian at Snow Flakes in Hell who has also been a target of their “outing” campaign and harassment posted this regarding their Facebook page and missing posts. It is easy to play the victim to your adoring synchophants when you remove all contradictory information. As it is, Sebastian refused to play their little game of releasing personal information on Ladd Everitt.

I think Linoge’s post, The Dustbin of History, really sums up the desperation shown by CSGV and the other gun prohibitionist groups. The “outing” campaign was just one manifestation of that desperation. It is definitely worth a read including following the embedded links.

Quote Of The Day

Kurt Hofmann writes the St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. As such, he has been targeted by Ladd Everitt of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Kurt’s response is wonderful.

If, as I fervently believe, there is as much nobility in being despised by the despicable as there is in being admired by the admirable, CSGV has honored me indeed.

Let’s face it, if Kurt wasn’t effective he would not have been targeted. I congratulate Kurt on this honor. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come with a certificate suitable for framing but the Complementary Spouse could whip something up if Kurt really wants one.

How Lame Can You Get

The ATF’s proposal to expand reporting of multiple firearm sales to include semi-automatic rifles in calibers greater than .22, while limited to the Southwest border states, is and was a major gun control measure. As such, you would expect gun control groups to submit long proposals in support of the measure. The Brady Campaign even announced their submission with a press release.

Ladd Everitt is the Director of Communications for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. He has held this position for five years so it can be assumed that he understands how the game is played.  When ATF is proposing a new gun control regulation, it can be presumed that all gun control groups will submit comments supporting it.

So much for assumptions and presumptions. The picture below is a screen shot from the ATF’s “Comments Regarding Information Collection, Reports of Multiple Sales of Certain Rifles, Published December 17, 2010”. It represents the comments submitted by Mr. Everitt.

That’s right, Mr. Everitt just put his name and address into the form letter generator sponsored by Mayor Bloomberg and his Illegal Mayors. He didn’t bother to even write a comment for CSGV even though so-called assault weapons are one of the items they oppose. How lame is that?

You will notice that I have blacked out Mr. Everitt’s address and email. Unlike Mr. Everitt, I don’t get off on publishing personal data of those with whom I disagree.

I have wondered how a Director of Communications for an organization in D.C. has the time to engage in flame wars on Twitter, character assassination on Facebook, and other childish games involving those opposed to his gun prohibitionist ideals. Now I know.

Not Buying It

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has an on-line store where they peddle their t-shirts, posters and other trinkets. As in the real world, when customers aren’t buying your crap you tend to lower the sales price. This must explain this Tweat.

Everything in #CSGV store 15% off with code SPRINGSAVING . Enjoy! #p2 #peace

Meh! Even at 50% off, I doubt most people would buy their trinkets. They certainly aren’t buying their arguments.