PSA’s In Your Face Response To Biden

I imagine most people by now have heard about President Biden’s speech where he said you needed F-15s and nukes to take on the US government. Of course there are always those naysayers ranging from the Viet Cong to the Taliban to just about everyone in the gun culture.

The memes have abounded as social media has shown.

Palmetto State Armory is going one step beyond the memes. They are now offering “Tyranny-15” stripped AR lowers for pre-sale.

It is a pre-order item going for $79.99 with about a 12 week lead time.

I have to hand it to them. This is about as in your face as it gets from its name to the engravings. Even the serial number string of TJEFFERSON xxxx recalls Thomas Jefferson’s 1787 “Tree of Liberty” letter where he said the “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” This was the quotation that Biden mangled in his speech.