Sold Down The River

RINOs, quislings, I don’t give a damn what you call them, but gun owners just got sold down the river by the GOP. As I said in an email to Traitor Thom Tillis earlier tonight, the “gun reform” (sic) bill was a capitulation and not a compromise.

The Washington Post is reporting that within less than two hours of the text of the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” being released, the Senate had voted 64-34 to advance the bill to the floor. That means that all Democrats voted in the affirmative that 14 Republicans crossed the aisle and vote aye.

Tuesday’s 64-to-34 test vote, which took place less than two hours after the final text was circulated, put the legislation on a path to pass the chamber by the end of the week.Key players on the political right took sides immediately after the text was released, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) backing the bill and the National Rifle Association opposing it….

Cornyn, too, acknowledged the compromise was likely to leave those on both extremes of the political spectrum dissatisfied. But he said the time had come for lawmakers to heed the public’s calls for action: “We know there’s no such thing as a perfect piece of legislation. We are imperfect human beings. But we have to try, and I believe this bill is a step in the right direction.”

Texas Republicans know just what a sell-out Beltway Bandit Cornyn has become and showed it this past weekend. Not only was he booed by the delegates but they adopted a resolution condemning the senators involved (which includes Cornyn) and stated “that all gun control is a violation of the Second Amendment and our God-given rights.”

“Cocaine Mitch” McConnell was one of the 14 that voted in favor of moving the bill. He even called the bill “commonsense”. To use that word which is right up there in the gun prohibitionists’ lexicon with “gun safety” was a slap in the the face.

He continued:

McConnell on Tuesday lent the bill firm support, calling it “a commonsense package of popular steps that will help make these horrifying incidents less likely while fully upholding the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”

“For years, the far left falsely claimed that Congress could only address the terrible issue of mass murders by trampling on law-abiding Americans’ constitutional rights,” he said. “This bill proves that false.”


Of course, the Demanding Moms, Everytown, Giffords, Brady, and every other gun prohibitionist group were ecstatic with “this first step” while calling for more “reforms”.

Here, by name, are the 14 Republicans who sold us down the river.

All 50 members of the Democratic caucus supported the procedural motion Tuesday, plus 14 Republicans — Roy Blunt (Mo.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), Bill Cassidy (La.), Susan M. Collins (Maine), Joni Ernst (Iowa), Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Rob Portman (Ohio), Mitt Romney (Utah), and Todd C. Young (Ind.), as well as Cornyn, McConnell and Tillis. Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (Pa.) did not vote Tuesday but issued a statement supporting the bill.

Text Of Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

I have embedded the full text of the “gun reform” (sic) legislation just released this evening. It is based upon the agreement between 10 Democrat senators and 10 Republican senators led by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC).

If you go to Sec. 12002, you will see that the definition for “engaged in business” which would require a Federal Firearms License has changed. Rather than the prior “principal objective of livelihood and profit”, it is now changed to “to predominantly to earn a profit”. If this is adopted, I am sure we will see many undercover ATF Special Agents at gun shows going after the frequent traders.

Those firearms purchasers that are over 18 but not yet 21 are being thrown under the bus as was expected. It will apply to all firearms purchases including that of a single shot .22 LR rifle. As I read it, the bill imposes what is essentially a 3-day waiting period which is extended if there are any juvenile mental health or criminal record exists. This is in Sec. 12001.

Sec. 12004 deals with straw purchases. We already know that they are illegal under Federal law. However, now adds extra penalties if the straw purchaser knowingly transfers a firearm (or has reason to suspect) to someone who plans to engage in a felony, drug trafficking, or terrorism. Just transferring the firearm raises the penalty to 15 years imprisonment. If it involves the furtherance of a felony, drug trafficking, or terrorism, then the penalty is now 25 years imprisonment.

There is a lot more and it will take some careful combing to get to the rest. If you see something as you read through it, make a comment.

Dettelbach – Never Owned A Firearm

Steve Dettelbach is the nominee of President Biden to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. It is both a regulatory and law enforcement agency. Part of its mission is to serve as the primary agency regulating the firearms industry. Another part of its mission is combating violent crime.

As I posted earlier in the week, the Senate Judiciary Committee tied 11-11 on whether to advance Dettelbach’s nomination. It still can go forward as the Senate Majority Leader can bring him up for a vote in case of a tie. Prior to voting on Dettelbach, the committee held a hearing as well as submitted written questions for the record.

You would assume that anyone charged with regulating an industry have some knowledge of it and its products. In this case you would be wrong.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) (among others) submitted a number of questions. The answers that Dettelbach gave somewhat astounded me.

Have you ever owned a firearm?

Have you ever been issued a firearm in a professional capacity?

As to whether Dettelbach has ever shot a firearm, here is his answer to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Have you ever used a firearm? If so, when and under what circumstances?
RESPONSE: Yes. As a youth, I engaged in target shooting with rifles on numerous occasions. In my time as a Department of Justice employee, on several occasions I was hosted at federal and local law enforcement shooting ranges and afforded the opportunity to target shoot with different types of firearms. Finally, as an adult, I have taken my son to shoot targets with rifles several times.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the Ranking Member and former Chair of the Committee, asked a number of questions of Dettelbach including this one:

The Director of the ATF should be familiar with firearms. To that end, have you ever shot a firearm? How many times have you shot a firearm in the last five years?

RESPONSE: As a youth, I engaged in target shooting with rifles on numerous occasions. In my time as a Department of Justice employee, on several occasions I was hosted at federal and local law enforcement shooting ranges and afforded the opportunity to target shoot with different firearms. Finally, as an adult, I have taken my son to shoot targets with rifles several times. I am not sure of all the dates, but I believe at least one such occasion was within the last five years.

Sen. Grassley also asked if Dettelbach had any meeting or communications with Everytown, Giffords, or the Brady Campaign. He reports that he didn’t have any meeting with Everytown but did have one remote meeting each with people from Giffords and the Brady Campaign. Both of those meeting were about him giving his background and them giving a presentation of their goals and objectives.

My concern is not really that Dettelbach has not owned a firearm. That is his choice. However, his experience, if you read between the lines, seems to be with .22 rimfire rifles. His lack of experience with firearms makes him dependent upon the so-called experts at BATFE. The same experts who once upon a time defined a shoelace as a machine gun and that concerns me.

Red Flag Laws: Myth Vs. Reality

There is no better way to distill the argument against gun confiscation orders aka red flag law than with good infographics.

First, we have the mythical argument for them as posted by Gov. Tom Wolf (D-PA).

In the mythical view, you have the words “cryptic”, “temporarily”, and “evidence”. It would have you believe that Randy made serious threats, that the police had evidence of it, that Randy was given due process, and that the judge determined beyond a reasonable doubt that removing Randy’s weapons would resolve the danger posed by Randy. Unfortunately, this is only a myth.

Now let’s look at two different versions of the reality of gun confiscation orders. The first version shows the political approach that many gun prohibitionists would take. If you have ever read some of the anti-gun posts in that cesspool known as Twitter, you know this could happen. It has been threatened many times in many tweets.

If Randy decides to fight this infringement of his civil rights, it will cost him in the neighborhood of $10,000 in attorney’s fees and court costs. Those are not made up numbers. They come from many posts by attorneys stating what they have charged to actually defend someone in such a hearing. This presupposes that Randy is even made aware of the court hearing and given a chance to fight it.

Longtime blogger and podcaster Sean Sorrentino has long made the argument that if the person is such a danger to himself/herself or others that they have their firearms removed then why are they still freely walking around on the street. Should not such a dangerous person be involuntarily committed for a period of observation and evaluation?

Sean created the infographic below illustrating this reality.

Courtesy of Sean Sorrentino

Crazy Randy has his firearms removed by the court. Unfortunately, there are a number of items still available to Randy to take his revenge on Jane and her family. Looking around the average person’s suburban home, you will find sports equipment, kitchen knives, lawn equipment, pool and cleaning chemicals, and gasoline for the lawnmower. Any of these can be misused to cause harm to others.

They perceive that red flag laws will be the be all and end all solution to mass murder. We identify the disturbed people and take away their firearms and all will be right with the world. Sorry it just doesn’t work that way.

Politicians are looking for a panacea and there just is not one. The sooner that Republicans in the Senate acknowledge this reality, the better.

Marion Hammer Retires As Lobbyist (Updated)

Marion Hammer is retiring from her role as a lobbyist for the NRA in Florida. I presume that means she is also stepping down as Executive Director of the United Sportsmen of Florida. She has held this position for 44 years.

But don’t cry for Marion yet.

From the Tampa Bay Times:

Marion Hammer, who became a nationally recognized institution of gun politics in Florida, is retiring after four decades working as a state lobbyist for the National Rifle Association.

Instead, Hammer will serve as an adviser to the NRA, focused on gun advocacy beyond just Florida, according to a Thursday statement from the NRA.

For her service as an “adviser to the NRA”, Marion received $270,000 in 2021. This is according the Report of the Secretary given out at the 2022 Meeting of Members in Houston on May 28th. The payment was classified as “consulting expenses”. The minutes from the NRA’s 2021 Annual Meeting held in Charlotte, NC said this was for “issues affecting the NRA in jurisdictions other than Florida.”

It is my understanding that Marion has a 10-year contract with the NRA for “consulting services”.

Regarding his chief defender and enforcer, Wayne LaPierre had this to say.

“Marion Hammer’s name has become synonymous with the Second Amendment and with the NRA,” said Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president and CEO of the NRA. “She is a dynamic and legendary advocate who has led the way with many laws that started in Florida and then served as a blueprint across the country.”

I will grant you that Marion had some big successes including stand your ground and shall-issue carry permits. She has also had some major failures.

Again, from the Tampa Bay Times:

Following the Parkland shooting that killed 17, the Legislature and then-Gov. Rick Scott moved a bill that raised the minimum age for gun purchases, banned bump stocks and instilled a waiting period for gun purchase, provisions Hammer opposed.

I might also note that open carry is illegal in Florida with limited exceptions.

If I come across as a little cynical regarding Marion Hammer, it is because I am. She has opposed all moves to reform the NRA, she refers to reformers as “the enemy within”, and her chief job lately seems to be as the enforcer cracking the whip to keep most of the NRA Board in line with Wayne’s wishes. I see continuing payments to her as a payoff for protecting Wayne from being ousted in the 1990s and for continuing those efforts throughout the years.

UPDATE: Attached below is the release that the NRA sent out announcing Marion’s retirement as a lobbyist.

Protest At Tillis’ Raleigh Office, June 24th

Given Sen. Thom Tillis’ (R-NC) role in the GOP capitulation on gun control, Grass Roots North Carolina is holding a peaceful protest outside his Raleigh office on Friday, June 24th. They were able to get Stephen Willeford, the hero of the Sutherland Springs, Texas attack, to attend as the featured speaker. Mr. Willeford is now the National Spokesman for Gun Owners of America.

The event will be from 10am until 1pm outside the Terry Sanford Federal Building in Raleigh.

If you live in the Piedmont or can get to Raleigh on the 24th, please be there. Remember, it is politicians like Tillis who are the reason the GOP is known as “the stupid party”.

More details in the alert from GRNC below:

We need YOU to picket against Tillis gun control sellout!

Traitor Thom” Tillis wants to saddle you with “red flag” gun confiscation.

As one of 10 Republicans tasked by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to “compromise” with anti-gun Democrats, Tillis is key to the “bipartisan” gun control framework announced last weekend.

Worse, with the support of 10 Republicans, the measures have exactly the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. We need YOU to convince Tillis that his present course will be highly damaging to his political career by showing up on June 24 at Tillis’ district office in Raleigh. 

Stephen Willeford knows what really works 

We know mass killers seek out “victim disarmament zones” and that only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. To deliver that message to Tillis, GRNC is bringing in Stephen Willeford, the hero of Sutherland Springs, who will address the Tillis protest

Stephen Willeford is the modest man of faith who stopped the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX with several carefully delivered rounds from his AR-15, then jumped into a truck driven by another Good Samaritan and chased down the killer, preventing him from continuing his murderous rampage elsewhere.

On June 24, Willeford will address those attending the protest against “Traitor Thom” by emphasizing that armed defense, not gun control, is the only way to deter or stop mass killers.

Gun control must be stopped! 

Even beyond unconstitutional gun confiscation without adequate due process of law from people convicted of nothing, anti-gun Democrats regard “red flag” Gun Confiscation Orders as the “low-hanging fruit.” Success in passing the measures under consideration will embolden them to demand additional gun control.

GRNC demonstration against Tillis

GRNC is organizing a protest at Sen. Tillis’ Raleigh district office and WE NEED YOU THERE. If you fail to show up, you will be delivering a message to gun ban advocates that you are too weak and apathetic to stop them. PLEASE ATTEND THIS EVENT, no matter how inconvenient or expensive it may be.

Protest details

What:     A peaceful picket featuring Stephen Willeford at the building containing Sen. Thom Tillis’ Raleigh district office
Where:   Terry Sanford Federal Building, 310 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC 27601
When:    Friday, June 24, 2022  -10 AM to 1 PM
Why:      To stop federal gun control
How:      Only by you showing up! Please RSVP!

At present, each of Senator Tillis’ district offices are using “COVID protocols” as an excuse to limit in-person interactions with staff. Therefore, we will ask them to send a staffer out for a redress of grievances as guaranteed by the First Amendment. We will also ask demonstrators to use cell phones to call into the office to deliver the message that we will not compromise on gun confiscation orders.

Help GRNC succeed      

Please RSVP: Please confirm by email to that you will attend by sending your name, city you are coming from, number of people you are bringing, and whether you are willing to carpool with others.      

Please bring others: We need a good turnout, so please bring family, friends, and like-minded acquaintances.      

Please dress for the press: Do not give the leftist media ammunition to depict us in an unflattering light. Please avoid clothing or signage with inflammatory language or slogans. We will have signage available for protestors, but if you chose to make your own signs, please stick to the theme that WE WILL NOT COMPROMISE ON GUN CONTROL.      

Weapons are prohibited: Note that the demonstration location is in front a federal office building, so dangerous weapons of any kind, whether carried openly or concealed, are prohibited under state and federal law.       

Please continue contacting senators: As you make plans to attend next Friday’s Raleigh demonstration, continue to regularly email and call U.S. Senators and remind them you will not accept further infringements on the rights of ALL lawful citizens to keep and bear arms and that you will not “compromise” on this issue.

Location & parking

Senate Judiciary Committee Ties On Dettelbach

The Senate Judiciary Committee held their business meeting this morning to consider a handful of nominations. Included in the list was that of Steven Dettelbach to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The vote of his nomination was an 11-11 tie.

Given that all the Democrats who “support the Second Amendment but…” are in line to vote for him along with at least one or two RINOs, I think he will be confirmed. While not as obviously bad as David Chipman, he does have an anti-gun history and will do his damnedest to screw over gun owners through regulation.

GOA released this Tweet on his nomination. While it may be a bit futile, it still might alert the Republicans who are capitulating on gun control that it is not that smart of a move after all.

Happy National Bourbon Day

June 14th is not only the birthday of the US Army and Flag Day, it is also National Bourbon Day. I don’t know who came up with it but I certainly approve of a day to celebrate America’s native spirit.

Lest you think that bourbon can only come from Kentucky, it can come from any state. I have had very good bourbons from Texas, Virginia, and Indiana among other states. Despite being a lifelong Tar Heel, what I’ve had from North Carolina was sadly not quite in the same league.

In my own celebration this afternoon (after 5pm), I had a Boulevardier. I made mine from Four Roses Small Batch, Dolin Rouge vermouth, and Campari. I didn’t have any fancy ice nor did I put a twist of orange peel in it but it was still good.

From Bon Appetit

Deals With The Devil

Every news source this afternoon is all excited that “a bipartisan deal has been reached on gun reform” or something like that. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) reportedly has been pushing for some “compromise” so that guns as an issue are negated for the mid-term elections. The problem with that is that gun control supporters are still going to vote for the Democrats and many pro-rights supporters might just say screw you and not vote.

When you make a deal with the devil, the devil is in the details. Of course, other than about nine bullet points, there are no hardcore, defined, written in stone details.

To even get the release on the “deal”, I had to go to Sen. Chris Murphy’s (D-CT) website. My own Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) who were both negotiators on the “deal” were so proud of their own actions that they aren’t going public with the details.

Support for State Crisis Intervention Orders

Money goes to states and tribes to set up their own system of gun confiscation orders aka red flag laws. Supposedly, consistent with state and Federal due process. Right.

Investment in Children and Family Mental Health Services

I’ll give them a pass on this one. They say: “National expansion of community behavioral health center model; major investments to increase access to mental health and suicide prevention programs; and other support services available in the community, including crisis and trauma intervention and recovery.”

Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence
This would expand the Lautenberg Act prohibitions to convictions for domestic abuse and restraining orders involving current and ex romantic partners. Thus, a vengeful ex-boyfriend (or girlfriend) could get a restraining order against you which would prevent you from protecting yourself from their wrath. Think Carol Bowne in New Jersey who was stabbed to death while waiting for a pistol permit with which to protect herself.

Funding for School-Based Mental Health and Supportive Services

I don’t have many issues with this. The release says: Invests in programs to expand mental health and supportive services in schools, including: early identification and intervention programs and school based mental health and wrap-around services.

Funding for School Safety Resources

It says it will invest in programs that increase school safety in K-12 schools including providing training to school personnel and students. I doubt they mean programs like the FASTER Programs in Ohio and Colorado. At the very least, they should have “Stop the Bleed” training as well as blow-out kits for every teacher.

Clarification of Definition of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer

This one will definitely be the devil in the details. Will it be based upon how many firearms you sell in a year such as dispersing an estate or will it be based upon intent as the current law does? Current law says that if the intent is to engage in it as a business, you need a FFL.

Telehealth Investments

The release says, “Invests in programs that increase access to mental and behavioral health services for youth and families in crisis via telehealth.” That is fine but I wonder if this will just become another government boondoggle.

Under 21 Enhanced Review Process

For those under age 21, there will be an “investigative period” with checks of juvenile and mental health records. As Stephen Gutowski notes, this could mean a non-instant background check process for those under age 21. They also say they will check with local law enforcement and state databases.

Penalties for Straw Purchasing

Is this going to be like doubly illegal? It is already against the law to engage in a straw purchase. As it is, US Attorneys and Federal law enforcement rarely bring cases to trial involving straw purchases. I think they believe the optics of going after the girlfriends and “intimate partners” of gang members have too many racial overtones.

Charles Blow, a columnist for the New York Times, had an op-ed a couple of Sundays ago calling for more gun control as well as attacking the gun culture. He said he did agree with the Republicans on one thing.

But I am on the same page as they are on one point. They see the passage of gun safety laws as a slippery slope that could lead to more sweeping laws and even, one day, national gun registries, insurance requirements and bans. I see the same and I actively hope for it.

While I vehemently disagree with Blow, at least he is honest about it unlike most politicians on either side of the aisle. It is a slippery slope and must be fought tooth and nail.