Brownells And SAF Celebrate 2A Day

The Second Amendment Foundation is the beneficiary of Brownell’s 2A Day. 4% of sales – not just profits – will go to SAF, GOA, and Iowa Firearms Coalition.

Celebrate 2A Week w/ $25 Off $250+ Orders – Use Code: FREEDOM
Brownells’ 2A Day is all about celebrating our Second Amendment rights—and what better way to do that than with an epic giveaway? One lucky winner will take home a Smith & Wesson Model 19 Classic, plus ammo, gear, and a $500 Brownells gift card to stock up on whatever else they need.

What’s in the Prize Package? Smith & Wesson Model 19 Classic – A legendary revolver, reborn
1,450 Rounds of Ammo – Federal .357 Magnum, CCI Blazer 9mm, and Remington .223 NATO
Hornady RAPiD Safe – Secure your firearms with RFID access
Magpul Santini Eyewear & DAKA Gear – Tactical storage and polarized protection
$500 Brownells Gift Card – Because there’s always something else to add to the kitDon’t miss your shot—enter now for a chance to win!

Enter The Giveaway

The event runs until February 23rd.

Learning From The Gun Prohibitionists

Lee Williams aka The Gun Writer has a post up today about a new anti-gun group called “Legislators for Safer Communities.” It is about gun prohibitionist legislators in 43 states coming together to form a coalition to work for gun control. What struck me about this story was not yet another astroturf gun control organization being formed. Rather that it was being supported by all the major gun prohibitionist groups.

From their press release:

Legislators for Safer Communities will serve as a hub for collaboration, partnership, shared resources, strategy, research, and peer networking. The coalition will work in partnership with Brady, Community Justice, Everytown, GIFFORDS, and March For Our Lives.

You have Brady, you have Everytown (and presumably their subgroups), and you have the Cult of Personality known as Giffords. While they take different approaches, they are all on the same page in fighting firearms rights, promoting the monopoly of violence by the state, and seeking more control over our lives.

Unfortunately, too many in the pro-rights community don’t play well together whether through philosophical differences or mere jealousy. One need not look too hard to find examples of that.

Here in North Carolina, a bill to allow permitless concealed carry which came from Grass Roots North Carolina and Gun Owners of America was killed when the NRA objected to it due to a provision that required a class on the use of deadly force. The bill was certainly not perfect and that provision was a requirement from House Speaker Tim Moore to move the bill. The thinking by its backers was that moving the bill was more important than the objectionable provision which might well be removed later.

The actual question was whether the NRA objected to the bill because of the provision or because it had not originated with them. This mindset has driven me up the wall for years. Unlike the Second Amendment Foundation and the Firearms Policy Coalition, I rarely see the NRA join with other groups as co-plaintiffs in cases. This needs to change! Resources are finite and are even more so now that the NRA has spent almost $200 million on Bill Brewer’s legal “services”.

If I am elected to the NRA Board of Directors, I plan to be a voice for working with other groups. It should not matter if the group is NRA affiliated or not. Coalitions need to be formed with groups like GRNC, Virginia Citizens Defense League, AzCDL, Commonwealth 2A, and the list goes on. The NRA should work with these groups on the state and local level just as much as they do with their affiliates so that NRA-ILA can do more within the halls of Congress with the resources they have. Sad to say but the non-NRA state affiliates are often more effective and more resolute in their push for gun rights.

Litigation needs to be coordinated where possible with SAF, FPC, NSSF, and the various foundations like the Mountain States Legal Foundation. You see it somewhat on amicus briefs but it needs to go beyond that. I remember reading about then NRA President Charles Cotton complaining about all the 2A cases brought by other plaintiffs after the NRA’s win in Bruen. The complaint should not have been that these groups were bringing cases based upon the Bruen decision but rather that the NRA had failed to follow up on its own win. Smaller organizations like SAF and FPC are always nimbler and inertia is always a problem with a larger, more bureaucratic, organization like the NRA. The smart thing would have been to give support to the nimbler organizations by either being co-plaintiffs or even funders of their efforts instead of just whining about it.

Everyone and every organization wants to get the credit for a win. That is understandable. However, is it more important to get the credit or get the win for firearm rights and freedom?

I know where I stand.

SCOTUS Grants Cert In VanDerStok Case

The US Supreme Court granted certiorari in Garland v. VanDerStok today. It was one of two cases granted certiorari in the Order List released this morning. The case was a challenge to the ATF’s “frames and receivers” rule published in 2022. The Second Amendment Foundation as an intervenor had won the case in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Justice Department appealed their loss to the Supreme Court.

As Lauren Hill of SAF noted to me in an email this morning, this will mark the second time SAF will argue a case in the Supreme Court following their win the McDonald v. City of Chicago.

There were only two amicus briefs filed in this case before it was granted certiorari. Both were in favor of the Supreme Court taking the case. One was filed by a number of anti-gun attorney generals. Sadly, this included Josh Stein, AG of North Carolina, who is the Democrat nominee for governor. The other amicus brief was by a coalition of the gun prohibitionist groups including Everytown, Brady, Giffords, and March for Our Lives. I anticipate that there will be a slew of amicus briefs filed on both sides now that cert has been granted.

ATF Posts Rule On “Engaged In The Business” Today

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has posted their rule (Document Citation 89 FR 28968) defining what they contend is “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms. The rule was posted in the Federal Register early this morning and will become effective on May 20, 2024. They assert this redefinition was forced upon them by the change in wording of a dealer put into the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. While both Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) contend this was not their intention, they were stupid enough to believe Chris Murphy and the rest of the gun prohibitionist Democrats.

Bill Sacks of the Second Amendment Foundation breaks down the new rule and provides an explanation of it. I should note the full PDF post of the ruling goes for 126 pages.

I have not read all 126 pages of the ruling. However, I did see that they had received 258,000 comments in favor of the rule with only 99,000 opposing it. That said, 98% of those in favor of the rule submitted boilerplate wording from one of the gun control corporate entities. By contrast, only 81% of the comments opposing the new rule were boilerplate meaning that those opposed to the rule were much more likely to submit a pertinent comment. It does bother me that the prohibitionists were able to generate 2 1/2 times more comments in favor of the rule than we did in opposition. Of course the numbers could have been reversed and the Department of Justice would still have ruled as they did. It is obvious reading the responses that we don’t count in this administration.

I fully anticipate organizations such as SAF, FPC, and GOA will file suit against this rule in the days to come. Now that Joseph Greenlee is the Director of Litigation for the NRA-ILA there is some hope that they will also file suit.

I did hear a suggestion today that we should overwhelm the ATF by having everyone pony up the $2-300 required for a 01 FFL and submit their application. You may remember that prior to the Clinton Administration raising the cost there were approximately 300,000 FFLs in the US. Today the number is between 50,000 and 80,000. It is an interesting approach but one I don’t think I’ll take.

Interesting Partnership For SAF

The Second Amendment Foundation and Chris Cox’s Capital 6 Advisors announced they will be working together on several projects. The announcement was made yesterday on the SAF website.

From the release:

“We’re bringing Cap6 aboard in an advisory capacity on a number of different projects,” said SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “SAF has been the nation’s leading force in the Second Amendment litigation world. As we look towards the future, I am humbled and excited to have another major influence in the Second Amendment sphere, along with his talented team, available as a resource to help me implement my ideas and shape SAF’s trajectory for the next 50 years.

“We are excited to work with Adam Kraut and the team at SAF,” said Cap6 President Chris Cox. “The Second Amendment faces unprecedented attacks and America’s law-abiding gun owners deserve real and transparent leadership. I’m proud to deploy my decades of experience advancing the cause of freedom alongside a team I respect and trust. SAF’s best days are ahead of it and law-abiding gun owners everywhere depend on it.”

I think this will be a fruitful partnership. Chris Cox brings his Washington based contacts and his 25 years with NRA-ILA to the table while the SAF brings their superior 2A litigation experience. The mix of the political strategy with the legal strategy should prove to be a winning combination. It is time to take pro-2A lawfare to the anti’s just as they have been trying to do to us lately.

Brownells’ Second Annual 2A Day

Wednesday, February 22nd, George Washington’s actual birthday, will be the Second Annual 2A Day sponsored by Brownells. As part of the celebration they will be donating $22,222 to the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, and the Iowa Firearms Coalition. Interestingly, a large gun rights organization for whom the CEO of Brownells once served as President is not on that list. Just saying.

More on 2A Day from Brownells below:

Brownells Invites Americans to Celebrate Second Annual 2A Day, 2-22-23

 GRINNELL, Iowa (February 13, 2023) — Brownells invites freedom loving people all across the United States to celebrate, advocate and join in the rights and liberties guaranteed under the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights during the second annual 2A Day on 2-22-23

Smith & Wesson is the co-presenting sponsor for 2A Day 2023. Other sponsors include CCI, Federal, Fiocchi, Henry Repeating Arms, SIG Sauer, Remington and Winchester. 

2A Day offers three ways for participants to engage with their uniquely American Second Amendment rights.


Brownells is partnering with ranges –both in Iowa and across the country – to host 2A Day range sessions, with free range time and limited free ammo for celebrants.

To find a participating range nearby, visit the Brownells 2A Day web page. Those interested should contact the range of their choice to ensure they have a time and lane in which to shoot.

Brownells encourages 2A Day supporters unable to attend a participating range to shoot at a range near them, or to work on building a gun at home. All are encouraged to post photos and short videos of their own 2A Day celebrations on social media with the hashtag #2ADay.

Brownells employees will have a chance to shoot on 2A Day at the Iowa range location.


Brownells encourages all gun owners to advocate for the 2nd Amendment by contacting their state and federal lawmakers and urging them to support gun rights. The Brownells 2A Day web page will include links showing how to find and contact legislators, and how to communicate effectively with them.


On 2A Day, Brownells encourages Second Amendment supporters to join both a national and a state-level organization promoting gun rights.

The 2A Day page will link to both the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America as national organizations.

For state-level organizations, the 2A Day page will link directly to the Iowa Firearms Coalition, and also offer a clickable map of the United States with a link to an organization in each state.

In the spirit of joining, Brownells will donate $22,222 to the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and the Iowa Firearms Coalition.

To learn more, visit the Brownells 2A Day page.

Henry Repeating Arms Steps Up

Henry Repeating Arms, makers of some of the nicest lever action carbines, rifles, and shotguns on the market today, has stepped up its support for Second Amendment groups. As part of their “Guns for Great Causes” charitable campaign they presented checks totaling $75,000 to the Second Amendment Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, and Gun Owners of America at the recent SHOT Show.

Henry VP Dan Clayton-Luce presents check to SAF
Henry VP Dan Clayton-Luce presents check to GOA
Henry VP Dan Clayton-Luce presents check to FPC

The founder and CEO of Henry Repeating Arms had this to say regarding the donations:

“Henry Repeating Arms will never back down when it comes to supporting the individuals and organizations that work tirelessly to fight back against the political degradation of law-abiding Americans’ right to keep and bear arms,” said Anthony Imperato, CEO and Founder of Henry Repeating Arms. “Just like our Constitution, these organizations belong to and for the people. They have our backs, and we will always have theirs.”

I never had shot a Henry before Range Day. I got to shoot one of their side-gate loading lever actions in .360 Buckhammer. I was impressed with how smooth it was to throw the lever-action on that carbine. It was like cutting through butter. It was much smoother than a Rossi I shot later that morning.

I think it is instructive where Henry Repeating Arms put their money in the fight for the Second Amendment. While all three are national groups, they aren’t that other national group. I think the industry as a whole is wising up and putting their contributions where it will do the most good for gun rights.

SAF Response To Pistol Brace Rule

The Second Amendment Foundation has an existing case filed in 2021 that currently challenges how the BATFE and DOJ went about the now-released pistol brace rule. They are joined in the lawsuit by Rainier Arms plus two individuals. Interestingly, the lawsuit was filed in the Northern District of Texas which means the precedent set by Cargill v. Garland applies. The lawsuit contends BATFE and the DOJ violated the Administrative Procedures Act as well as the Second Amendment.

From the SAF release sent out today:

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today accused the Biden administration of “once again trying to trample the rights of gun owners” by allowing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to adopt a “final rule” on arm braces for modern semiautomatic pistols.

While the definition of a rifle in federal law should be clear, noted attorney Chad Flores, who is representing SAF in a federal lawsuit filed two years ago that was stayed by the court in anticipation of this new rule, it is clear the Biden administration’s new definition of a rifle ignores tradition. SAF sued ATF and the U.S. Attorney General in 2021 in a case known as SAF et. al. v. BATFE, et. al.

SAF is joined in that case by Rainier Arms, LLC and two private citizens, Samuel Walley and William Green. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division.

According to Flores’ analysis of the 291-page Final Rule, the definition of a “rifle” now turns on a bewildering six-factor test. This new definition can be controlled not by the firearm’s objective characteristics, but instead by what ATF agents in D.C. think of a manufacturer’s marketing materials or the firearm’s “likely use.”  The new rule itself is forced to admit its dramatic result: Under this new definitional regime, “a majority of the existing firearms equipped with a ‘stabilizing brace’ are likely to be classified as ‘rifles.’”  

“The Biden administration’s new rifle definition overrides the true wish of Congress, to upend the reasonable expectations of stabilizing brace users and makers nationwide,” Flores said.

SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb noted the foundation’s 2021 lawsuit raised critical points about what has now been adopted by ATF.  

“When we started this process,” Gottlieb said, “we anticipated where the agency’s efforts would lead. With our co-plaintiffs, we will continue to challenge this new arm brace rule.”

Adam Kraut Joins SAF As Executive Director

I have known Adam Kraut for a few years now. I supported him in his runs for the NRA Board of Directors even though Marion Hammer considered him “the enemy within”. I think one of the smartest moves he made in the past was opting not to fill out a term on the NRA Board of Directors in lieu of becoming the FPC’s Director of Legal Strategy which later became the VP for Programs. He left the Firearms Policy Coalition in August to be a sole practitioner.

On Monday, it was announced that Adam would be the new Executive Director of the Second Amendment Foundation. He will be doing that full time.

From the announcement:

Kraut brings almost a decade of experience in the Second Amendment realm as a litigator and educator. Throughout his career, Kraut has represented individuals, companies, and institutional plaintiffs in state and federal litigation and regulatory matters.

In addition to his legal background, Kraut draws management experience from his time in the non-profit world, where he was responsible for overseeing the programmatic functions of a liberty-based non-profit, which concentrated on Second Amendment issues. He also managed a federal firearms licensee. Kraut comes with a variety of media experience, having written for publications such as Recoil magazine, Recoil Web, and other online publications, writing and hosting a YouTube series, hosting and appearing as guest on multiple podcasts, and appearing on television.

Alan Gottlieb, SAF’s founder and Executive VP, had this to say on the appointment:

“We’re delighted to have Adam coming aboard at a time when our legal activities are greatly expanding,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “He brings a wealth of experience to the position, at a critical time when we are challenging an array of restrictive gun control laws that clearly have restrained peaceable, law-abiding citizens while accomplishing nothing in the effort to reduce violent crime.

“Adam has been a SAF Life Member since 2013,” Gottlieb added. “He has a keen understanding of our mission, our history and our effort to win firearms freedom, one lawsuit at a time. We are proud to bring him aboard to fill an important role as we ramp up our fight to restore and expand the Second Amendment as the cornerstone of our Constitution.”

In accepting the position, Adam acknowledged the legacy of the Second Amendment Foundation and said he looked forward to continuing developing more cases to bring to the Supreme Court “to ensure the right to keep and bear arms is restored to its original meaning.”

I think this is a great selection. While not said out loud, I think Alan Gottlieb is looking to build a succession plan for SAF. Contrast that with Wayne LaPierre and the NRA where any thoughts of a succession plan are quickly stomped out. Healthy organizations look to succession; unhealthy organizations actively resist it.

Gun Rights Policy Conference 2022

The 37th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference will be held in Irving, Texas from September 30th to October 2nd. Due to the pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 GRPCs had to be held virtually. This year the conference returns to its regular in-person format. Starting with a reception on Friday night, the meat of the conference will be the presentations on Saturday and Sunday by speakers covering everything from legal issues to gun politics in the states to international issues.

GRPC is sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

I have been an invited speaker for the past few years. As to my topic, I’m not sure what will be this year. However, I have spoken on the use of new media to build support for the Second Amendment while last year I spoke about the history of armed neutrality as represented by Swiss and Swedish firearms.

If you can only do one day, make it Saturday. You don’t need to worry about lunch as box lunches are provided free of charge. Moreover, you will go home with a library of books on the fight for gun rights. If you cannot make it, it will be streamed live on the Second Amendment Foundation’s Facebook and YouTube pages as well as on the OpsLens app.

One thing that needs to be emphasized over and over is that this is a great chance to meet fellow activists in the fight for the Second Amendment from around the country. Oh, and by the way, it is free!