A Round-Up Of More Media Day Videos

From Down Range Firearms Training as they try the Caracal.

From Firearms Guide on the new Gen 4 Glock 21 in .45 ACP.

From GunWebsites on the new Springfield XDs45 Compact which is a single stack .45 ACP.

And another on the same XDs45 from Two Brothers Adventures which gives some more info on the pistol.

And finally, Colt’s Bulldog Gatling Gun courtesy of NRA News.

UDPATE: One more to add. Caleb of Gun Nuts Media trys out the Springfield XDs45. I think this may be one of the hits of this year’s SHOT Show.

2012 SHOT Show Media Day

NSSF just posted this short overview of the 2012 SHOT Show Media Day.

I attended the 1996 SHOT Show in Dallas. While I found it fantastic at the time, it was just a fraction of the current SHOT Show. One of these years, I’m going to do like JayG and get out to SHOT. One of these years…

And then I can do like Jay and post a picture like this on Facebook.

In Case You Missed It This Weekend

There were a lot of great blog posts over the weekend in the gun blogosphere. However, there are two that I really want to point as worthy of a careful read.

The first is by Barron Barnett at The Minuteman. It is an open letter to Joan Peterson, gun prohibitionist and Brady Campaign board member, who took great exception to the video that he and Joe Huffman produced. Barron points out the hypocrisy of her views, the attacks made on gun rights activists by the prohibitionists, and how we care about all victims of violence – not the select few.

The second post is an examination of Mitt Romney’s record in Massachusetts by Bitter at Shall Not Be Questioned. During the time that Romney was Governor of Massachusetts, Bitter was a resident of the commonwealth and was active with the Gun Owners Action League. She points out she is not a fan of Romney – nor am I for that matter – but felt the need to clarify his record on firearms from that time because we would be doing “our constituency a disservice if we aren’t honest about Mitt’s record on gun rights.” It turns out he did a number of things that actually helped gun owners.

As I said in the intro, both of these posts are worthy of your time and should be read. The former because it points out where the other side is coming from and the latter because we don’t always get the candidate and probably nominee for President we might wish to have.

Historical Quote Of The Week

After reading and reviewing the new book Proclaiming Liberty, I approached Philip Mulivor about doing a Historical Quote of the Week from quotes within the book. He, like I, thought it was an excellent idea.

So herewith is the first of a new weekly feature.

Both [oligarch and tyrant] mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.

Aristotle. Aristotles’ Politics. Trans. Benjamin Jowett. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1916. 218. Print.

I went with Aristotle as the first because of his influence on both political thought throughout time and on the Founding Fathers.

Proclaiming Liberty is available through Amazon.com.

Proclaiming Liberty – A Review

Philip Mulivor recently sent me a copy of his book Proclaiming Liberty: What patriots and heroes really said about the right to keep and bear arms for review. It is a book of quotes on the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms by everyone from the Founding Fathers to modern-day bloggers such as Dave Hardy and Marko Kloos. While the quotations are primarily from the pro-rights side, Mulivor does include some quotes from the opposition.

Why a book of quotations?

Mulivor offers three reasons. First, the Internet is rife with either inaccurate or phony gun rights quotations. Because of this, it is important for our side of the debate to have accurate quotes that are properly attributed and sourced. Mulivor notes that his biggest job wasn’t assembling a set of quotes but rather verifying their word-for-word accuracy and vetting their original sources. All of the quotes are fully cited.

Second, the author wants to provide the reader a gateway to “to classic works that promise a genuine understanding of the Second Amendment.” He provides an extensive bibliography at the end of the book.

Finally, and in my opinion the most important, the author  wants to better equip pro-rights people when we engage in debate with the gun prohibitionists.

Quotations are the haiku of political discourse, carrying a disproportionate amount of power for their size. That alone qualifies them as important, if not critical, elements of our gun rights conversation. Their efficacy is especially apparent today, when sound bites designed for arrested attention spans play a key role in shaping public opinion. One can indeed experience the sensation of pulling the pin on a grenade when preparing to quote a Founding Father. 

Proclaiming Liberty is a useful little book and I recommend it highly. You can find it on Amazon.com or through the author’s website www.gunquotebook.com. It retails for $12.95 and is eligible for free Super Saver shipping on Amazon.

In my emails with the author, he reports that Kindle and Nook versions will be available very soon. I think having these quotations available on your Kindle or Nook equipped smart phone would be very useful when discussing gun rights with those occupying the middle ground in the gun rights debate. By this, I mean those who might be coming out of Gun Culture v.1.0 who are not strongly pro-gun rights but are not gun prohibitionists either.

To comply with the nanny-staters at the FTC, the author sent me a copy of this book for review purposes.

Congratulations To Kenn On Five Years Of Podcasting

Rev. Kenn Blanchard, the Black Man with a Gun, and my brother from another mother, is celebrating five years of podcasting. His Urban Shooter/Black Man with a Gun podcast was one of the first ones that I started listening to on my old iPod Nano and I’m still listening.

I’ve shot with Kenn, I’ve talked with Kenn, I’ve ridden with Kenn, and I’ve eaten with Kenn and he is one of the finest individuals that grace the face of this Earth. We are extremely lucky to have him on our side in the gun rights debate.

You can find his podcast on iTunes or at his podcast website. Make sure to check out his blog and website at www.kennblanchard.com.

NSSF Statement on Court’s Backing of Multiple Sales Reporting

Larry Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation released this statement today regarding U.S. District Court Judge Rosemary Collyer’s decision to allow the ATF to continue requiring multiple sales reporting for certain semi-automatic rifles in the Southwest.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is, of course, disappointed by today’s ruling. We respectfully disagree with the court’s reasoning which places our industry on a “slippery slope.” Today’s ruling will allow ATF to demand whatever information it wants from any law-abiding retailer anywhere in the country for any reason ATF wants simply by sending a letter demanding information. While we understand ATF’s motivation is to try to curtail violence in Mexico, Congress simply has not granted ATF regulatory carte blanche. NSSF looks forward to having the Court of Appeals review the district court’s flawed decision.

Our industry abhors the criminal misuse of firearms, whether on the streets of El Paso, Texas, or in Juarez, Mexico. Notwithstanding our forthcoming appeal, NSSF is continuing to encourage all retailers — not just those along the border — to cooperate with law enforcement and report any suspicious activity to the ATF. Members of the firearms industry take great pride in their longstanding cooperative relationship with ATF. Retailers have long been considered by ATF to be a vital source of information for law enforcement in combating illegal firearms trafficking.

I think the key word in this is “appeal”. They are not going to just give up and let things lie as they are which is good. I think you will also a bigger push for Sen. Jon Tester’s S. 570 which would prohibit DOJ from doing this. It currently has 33 sponsors including a number of Democrats. However, it seems to be languishing in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Gun Control Activists Fire Squib Loads

I’m sure Joan Peterson will accuse the NRA-ILA of being big meanies for their take-down of the gun prohibitionists Josh Horwitz and Josh Sugarmann. And I’m equally sure that whomever wrote this for the ILA had a damn good time doing it!

The NRA-ILA took issue with CSGV’s Josh Horwitz and his contention that gun sales are not booming. They point out that reporters could do just exactly what the NRA and NSSF do: go to the ATF’s website for their reports.

They then look at  Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center and his work. Given his “scholarship”, they suggest he might be able to con the Joyce Foundation out of another $100 grand “for his tiny operation.”

Friday, January 13, 2012

On Monday, Josh Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence—previously known as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns— penned an item for the very left-leaning Huffington Post website, deriding media reporters for writing articles that say gun sales are booming.

According to Horwitz, the reporters are wrong because their claims are based upon the FBI’s monthly counts of National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks. As Horwitz points out, not all firearm-related NICS checks are for firearm acquisitions, and the number of checks does not reflect the number of firearms acquired in conjunction with the checks. Among other things, he also points out that some NICS checks are for acquisitions of second-hand firearms.

Yet NICS checks, over 99 percent of which are related to firearm acquisitions or carry permits, have risen from 11 million in 2007, to nearly 13 million in 2008, to over 14 million in 2009 and 2010, and to 16.4 million in 2011, almost guaranteeing that sales of new firearms have been increasing during that time frame.

However, Horwitz is wrong to conclude that new gun sales have not been rising, merely because NICS check tallies do not specifically address the question of whether new gun sales are increasing and, if so, by how much.

There’s a much better indicator of new gun sales that Horwitz ignored: U.S. firearm manufacturers’ production data and firearm importation statistics, both reported by the BATFE. Horwitz accuses NRA and the National Shooting Sports Foundation of not providing reporters hard data, but reporters can get the BATFE’s data the same way the NRA and the NSSF do—by visiting the BATFE’s website.

The BATFE’s data show that the number of firearms made in the U.S.A. and not exported, plus the number of firearms imported, increased from 5.1 million in 2005, to 5.7 million in 2006, 6.5 million in 2007, 6.9 million in 2008, and almost 9 million in 2009. Figures for 2010 and 2011 have not been released, but based on the trend in NICS checks, it’s likely that they will follow a similar pattern.

Also this week, the Violence Policy Center’s Josh Sugarmann—a former employee of the NCBH himself—had an item on the Huffington Post website, claiming to have conducted a “study” of homicides in California. To be precise, the “study” consisted of cutting and pasting data available from the California Department of Justice. If that’s a “study,” then anyone with a computer and 15 or 20 minutes to spare can be a “scholar!”

In Sugarmann’s case, however, it may have been 15 or 20 minutes well spent. His “study” concludes that the California data surely warrant further study of “the identification of the make, model, and caliber of weapons most preferred by this age group as well as analyses identifying the sources of the weapons” and an “expansion of comprehensive violence intervention and prevention strategies that include a focus on the psychological well-being of witnesses and survivors of gun violence.” Those are just the sort of things Sugarmann might convince the Joyce Foundation to donate another $100,000 or so for his tiny operation to whip together, since the Congress recently banned the National Institutes of Health from using taxpayer dollars for such a frivolous and politically motivated end.

Meanwhile, Fox News ran an article concerning data that undercut the concerns of both anti-gun activists. Bearing in mind that the number of privately owned firearms in America is at an all-time high and apparently, increasing at a record pace, the article says that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that “For the first time in 45 years, homicide has fallen off the list of the nation’s top 15 causes of death,” down to 16th place on the list. So much for their assumption that more guns bring more crime.

Why Couldn’t He Have Done This Earlier

When I saw this video of Gov. Rick Perry shooting at the Palmetto State Armory range in Ridgeland, South Carolina, I thought to myself, “Why did he have to participate in all those stupid ‘debates’ when he should have just been doing this?”

Rick Perry is the Fred Thompson of this election cycle. He’s the guy you thought had tons of potential, a mostly good record, some decent ideas, and would be almost unbeatable – and then flamed out quickly.

I guess now, when you know in your heart of hearts that you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting the nomination, you might as well do stuff you enjoy while campaigning. Not to mention having lunch at Five Guys which I think is one of the best burger places around.