Beware Of Trolls

Someone by the name of Seth Haan has been promoting the old guard or cabal ticket on a number of firearms forums. These include ArfCom, the 24 Hour Campfire Forum, and the Smith & Wesson Forum. He is usually a new member of the forum and no one seems to know who he is nor does he answer questions regarding his identity. His posts usually start off by reposting something NRA President Bob Barr wrote that appeared on

Seth or whoever he really is has been openly mocked as a troll on all of these forums. The usual response is “any list the has Bob Barr on it will never get my vote.” Many then go on to ask who Jeff Knox or Tim Knight has endorsed. Other responses to Seth will also suggest going to and voting for the reform slate.

It is one thing to be a troll supporting the cabal. However, it is another thing when that transforms into a diatribe about Jeff Knox who he characterizes as “a bitter old man.” The diatribe is below:

Jeff Knox frequently starts his attack on his fellow Board members with “This is not some sort of personal vendetta.” and launches on an attack full of ridiculous claims . Of course it is a personal vendetta. He’s been on a crusade to get revenge against NRA and certain board members ever since he and others were not elected to the NRA Board by the voters over 25 years ago.

Most of what Jeff Knox says is distorted, inaccurate, innuendo, speculative and in some cases even ridiculous. This is why the voters gave him and his cronies the boot in the late 90’s.

He claims that NRA has been a failure for the past 20 years. Where is the evidence? NRA spent over $60 million to help get Donald Trump elected in 2016 and now we have a pro-Second Amendment majority in the Supreme Court. Was that a failure? NRA helped elect numerous successful pro-gun candidates in federal, state and local elections over the past 20 years. NRA helped pass numerous pro-gun laws. Where is the failure?

Knox is acting like a democrat propagandist. He blames board members for nonexistant “failures over the past 20 years”. Its all just gaslighting, bloviating, fear mongering.

One of Knox’s more ridiculous statements was his suggestion that the NRA should have fired its attorneys right in the middle of the New York court case! Yes, during the actual negotiations to conclude the case against NRA, Jeff Knox supported firing NRA’s attorneys! What was his reason? To save NRA money in legal fees!!!

And what would have happened to the NRA if it had actually fired its attorneys? It would have had to hire new attorneys at a great cost to the NRA to have new attorneys come up to speed. Unless maybe Jeff was figuring that NRA should have gone into court nekkid as a jaybird, before God and everybody, without any attorney at all?

And now Jeff Knox has the temerity to post his ridiculous attack on board members who opposed firing NRA’s attorneys during the actual court proceedings. He actually expects you to not see through this nonsense.

Jeff Knox is just a bitter old man, desperately seeking revenge for events that happened a quarter century ago.

I’m going to be blunt. Seth Haan or whoever the troll really is can go fuck himself. Jeff has been a friend for many years. He has stood like an Old Testament prophet while being despised and scorned for telling the truth year after year. In 2019, he accurately foretold what would happen if the Board circled the wagons, defended Wayne, and tried to muddle through.

Jeff was absolutely correct that Bill Brewer should have been fired long ago. After Judge Cohen took dissolution off the table, it was time to seek a settlement. I sincerely doubt that any settlement reached at that stage would look much different that what was contained in the Final Order. The difference is the NRA would have saved much of the $200 million spent on Brewer and his colleagues. This is money that could have gone towards rebuilding the Training Department to educate all the new Covid-era gun owners. This is money that could have gone into 2A litigation. The list goes on.

I have gotten off topic a bit. My intent was to warn you about a nasty troll pushing the cabal. However, when this troll attacked Jeff, I could not let that pass without a response.

I’ve Been Busy!

For a guy who doesn’t like the sound of his own voice on a recording, I’ve been busy. By my count, I’ve done five radio shows or podcasts in the last few weeks. They all were talking about my run for the NRA Board of Directors as well as the rest of the reform slate found at

The first was a segment of Eye on the Target Radio with Rob and Amanda. In this case, it was just with Amanda. We recorded this before she left for the SHOT Show.

Next up in order of recording was with Weer’d Beard of the Assorted Calibers Podcast. Weerd and I go way back in the gun blogosphere. I think I first met Weerd in 2011 at the NRA Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh. His Weer’d World blog has been around even longer than mine. My interview about my run for the Board is found in Episode 330. We also did another short segment that appears on Episode 331 on the impact of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina. Cleanup is underway and full rebuilding will take years.

The next day attorney Alex Ooley and I recorded Episode 166 of his Forge of Freedom Podcast. We discussed a range of things including the upcoming Board election, the divide between the old guard and the reformers, the impact of the New York trial, and the need for transparency at the NRA.

The penultimate podcast I appeared on was The Firearm Trainers Podcast with Rob Beckman. Again, we discussed both my candidacy and the full reform slate of candidates. Rob always ask the question of all his guests on what you have changed your mind about or would have done differently. You’ll have to listen to the podcast to get my answer.

The final podcast was an interview with John Crump on his John Crump Live podcast. I will note that we had some audio difficulty as John’s regular producer was not available and we recorded the episode somewhat off the cuff. The first portion of the hour dealt with the NRA, its problems, and my run for the Board. The second portion had us discussing everything from hunting in Africa to a lawsuit in North Carolina against the sheriff of Mecklenburg County.

I want to thank all the hosts for having me as a guest and allowing me to discuss my candidacy for the NRA Board of Directors. Their efforts to get the word out should go a long way to helping us elect a “New NRA”.

It Is Time To Vote

If you are a voting member of the NRA you should have received your ballot by now. If not, see my post on how to report a missing ballot and how to request it be replaced. Given the USPS, you still may want to give it a few more days.

In the meantime, here is a reminder.

Vote and encourage your friends who are voting members to vote. I can’t count how many people I’ve spoken with who are Life Members who have never voted.

The Complementary Spouse and I filled out our ballots today and they will be in tomorrow’s mail. Remember the deadline for receipt is April 6th. I thought it was the postmark date but the ballot specifically says receipt.

Mailing A Free Magazine Saves NRA Members Over $100,000

If you are a voting member of the NRA and get your magazine in the mail, you know that the February issue contained your official ballot to vote for the Board of Directors. However, if you normally subscribe to a digital edition on one of the official NRA magazines, you may have expected to receive your ballot by First Class Mail.

Not this year!

All voting members who subscribe to a digital version of the official NRA magazines will receive or have already received a paper copy of the February magazine. Don’t toss it aside as just another magazine that came in the mail as it contains your official ballot to vote for the Board of Directors!

NRA Publications staff did an analysis on the cost of sending ballots given the rise in USPS First Class postage. The cost of sending a 1 ounce letter has gone from 68 cents in February 2024 to the current 73 cents. This was a 7.3% increase from 2024. NRA staff found that by switching to mailing the ballot in a complimentary printed copy of the magazine that they would save over $100,000.

Kudos to the Publications staff for doing this analysis and saving members this significant amount of money. It is my hope that all other departments within the NRA are adopting this budget conscious approach to expenses. The more they save, the sooner the organization will be back on a sound financial footing.

To reiterate: all official ballots this year will come in a paper copy of the official NRA magazine regardless of how your normally subscribe to the magazine.

Endorsed By Tony Simon

I am honored to be endorsed for the NRA Board of Directors by my friend Tony Simon. He is one of the leaders in the 2A movement in New Jersey. His 2A4E Diversity Shoots bring new people into the fold and that is what is needed especially in a state like New Jersey.

I want to thank Tony for the endorsement!

Ballots have started to arrive in mailboxes around the country. I have heard from friends in Texas, Alabama, and New Jersey who have received their ballots. The Complementary Spouse and I are still waiting on our magazines with the attached ballots.

If you are a voting member of the NRA, vote! We cannot change the NRA from its old ways unless enough people who are eligible vote. In most years, the percentage of eligible voters is less than 5%. Even municipal elections for dogcatchers and coroners do better than that!

What To Do If You Don’t Receive Your NRA Ballot

Ballots for the 2025 NRA Board of Directors election should be arriving this week in the official journals (Am Hunter, Am Rifleman, Shooting Illustrated, and America’s First Freedom). For those who take the magazine in digital format, you should be receiving your ballot in the mail.

However, what should you do if neither the magazine or the ballot arrives? I asked NRA Secretary John Frazer this question and here is his answer.

Any issues involving damaged or potentially lost ballots should be reported to the regular Membership phone number at 1-800-672-3888. One of the staff there will take a full report so that we can assess each situation individually.

As you correctly note, especially early in the process, people should wait a couple of weeks before reporting their ballots as lost. The mail does get backed up from time to time. If the current run of weather continues, we can probably expect more delays.

The one thing to remember is that you can only vote for 28 candidates. This includes the two write-in candidates – Charles Brown and Paul Babaz. Any votes over that amount will spoil your ballot and cause it to not be counted.

We are encouraging voting members to vote the entire slate found at The rationale has changed from bullet voting as has been urged in the past. The new rationale of voting a full ticket of 28 reformers is to close any opportunity for one of the old guard aka Friends of Wayne aka the cabal to slip back into office. If your conscience doesn’t allow you to vote for any one particular candidate on the reform slate, I might suggest Mark Shuell as an alternative candidate. I have spoken with Mark and his heart seems in the right place. He is not part of the cabal’s list of endorsed candidates.

Greg Buchel Of Big Horn Armory Gets It!

Greg Buchel is the president and owner of Big Horn Armory. His company makes some of the most interesting pistol caliber lever actions on the market. Want something in .500 S&W, you got it. Maybe something a little smaller such as .454 Casull but with a 16″ octagonal barrel and fancy wood? He’s got you covered.

Thus, I think it notable that he just sent out a letter to all his customers endorsing the Elect A New NRA slate of candidates. Greg is Benefactor Life Member who got tired like so many of us of supporting Wayne’s excesses and he wants those who supported that former status quo gone.

Here is his letter:

More Info on Candidates and Issues


Greg Buchel
Big Horn Armory, Inc.

I want to thank Greg for taking this step. I doubt he will the only one within the firearms and shooting industry to say this but it takes fortitude to step up and put your company’s name behind it.

You should be getting your ballot in the mail this week with your magazine. If you subscribe digitally, it will be coming in the mail.

Happy 21st Year To MBTV On The Radio

If Michael Bane’s MBTV On the Radio podcast, formerly Downrange Radio, were a human, it could now buy both booze and a pistol. It has now turned 21. Congratulations to Michael and Marshall Holloway for keeping it going for so long.

All voting NRA members need to listen to his January 7th episode. Michael gives an unequivocal endorsement to the reform candidates running for the Board of Directors.

I want to thank Michael from the bottom of my heart for his personal endorsement of my candidacy. I was not only mentioned but was the first person mentioned. As Michael said, we do go back quite a ways and are good friends.

Listen to Michael and vote. If you’re an eligible NRA voter and you’ve blown off voting in the past like the majority of eligible voters, now is the time to change your ways and vote.

Stuck In No Man’s Land

Being stuck in “no man’s land” or betwixt and between can be a hard place to be. I bring this up because I stumbled across an oddity concerning the candidates for the 2025 NRA Board of Directors.

WW1 battlefield – No Man’s Land

On one side, you have the avowed and acknowledged reformers who can be found at ElectANewNRA.Com. There are 28 of us on that list including two – Paul Babaz and Charles Brown – who are running as write-in candidates.

On the other side are those endorsed by the cabal. We know who they are thanks to an ad that they plan to run. You can see that ad below with commentary disputing some of the claims.

If you include the two write-in candidates, you have a total of 51 people running for the Board in this cycle. 28 of these candidates are from the reform slate and 16 endorsed by the cabal as seen above. Obviously, 28 plus 16 does not add up to 51.

What you have are seven candidates left out in “no man’s land”. They are Steve Dulan, Greer Johnson, Lucretia Hughes Klucken, Kim Rhode, Gene Roach, Lane Ruhland, and Mark Shuell. All but Kim Rhode are on the ballot due to being nominated by the Nominating Committee.

Steve Dulan, Greer Johnson, and Kim Rhode currently are on the Board of Directors with Johnson and Rhode assuming their spots due to vacancies on the Board. Interestingly, both Dulan and Rhode voted to keep the Special Litigation Committee at the September meeting of the Board of Directors which should have endeared them to the cabal.

Of the seven, I have only spoken with Mark Shuell. He seems reform minded and has been active in the Facebook group Members Take Back the NRA. Thus, I can see why the cabal has distanced themselves from him. Additionally, he has been endorsed by Jeff Knox which is pretty much the kiss of death when it comes to the cabal.

It would be interesting to know the dynamics of the cabal’s decision to leave these seven out in the cold. As I said, I can understand Mark Shuell but not the rest. You have two that voted to keep the Special Litigation Committee (Dulan and Rhode), you have a close associate of former NRA President Carolyn Meadows (Johnson), and you have one that was on the NRA’s witness list for the NY trial (Klucken). I can’t speak to Roach or Ruhland other than to say they were nominated by the Nominating Committee.

As always, if new information comes to light, I will report on it here.


I was nominated to run for the NRA Board by the Nomination Committee (shocker!) as well as by a petition of the members. You have seen my comments on that earlier.

I exposed a lot of the wrong doing, malfeasance, and just plain stupidity on the part of many board members and staff here on my blog. You have read the posts on the NRA’s problems since 2019. Now, I intend to be part of the solution as an active board member.

I could use your help to get the message out, please share this post and let folks know that you know me.

Share with others that my bio, and the bio’s of all the slate of change agents ( 28 in all) are on the website

Voting starts when you receive your February NRA magazine (sometime around Jan 15 or so) and is open to Life Members and others who have maintained their membership consistently for 5 years or more. In other words, open to all voting members. Perhaps this will be the year that more than 5% of the eligible voters actually vote. We can hope!

Those of us pushing to reform the NRA need your involvement. Thanks for helping us save the NRA and re-establishing it as a effective voice for our Second Amendment rights.

I would like to also point out that I have finally established a Substack page. I will be using it to aid my board campaign as well as that of others running for the Board.