Someone by the name of Seth Haan has been promoting the old guard or cabal ticket on a number of firearms forums. These include ArfCom, the 24 Hour Campfire Forum, and the Smith & Wesson Forum. He is usually a new member of the forum and no one seems to know who he is nor does he answer questions regarding his identity. His posts usually start off by reposting something NRA President Bob Barr wrote that appeared on
Seth or whoever he really is has been openly mocked as a troll on all of these forums. The usual response is “any list the has Bob Barr on it will never get my vote.” Many then go on to ask who Jeff Knox or Tim Knight has endorsed. Other responses to Seth will also suggest going to and voting for the reform slate.
It is one thing to be a troll supporting the cabal. However, it is another thing when that transforms into a diatribe about Jeff Knox who he characterizes as “a bitter old man.” The diatribe is below:
Jeff Knox frequently starts his attack on his fellow Board members with “This is not some sort of personal vendetta.” and launches on an attack full of ridiculous claims . Of course it is a personal vendetta. He’s been on a crusade to get revenge against NRA and certain board members ever since he and others were not elected to the NRA Board by the voters over 25 years ago.
Most of what Jeff Knox says is distorted, inaccurate, innuendo, speculative and in some cases even ridiculous. This is why the voters gave him and his cronies the boot in the late 90’s.
He claims that NRA has been a failure for the past 20 years. Where is the evidence? NRA spent over $60 million to help get Donald Trump elected in 2016 and now we have a pro-Second Amendment majority in the Supreme Court. Was that a failure? NRA helped elect numerous successful pro-gun candidates in federal, state and local elections over the past 20 years. NRA helped pass numerous pro-gun laws. Where is the failure?
Knox is acting like a democrat propagandist. He blames board members for nonexistant “failures over the past 20 years”. Its all just gaslighting, bloviating, fear mongering.
One of Knox’s more ridiculous statements was his suggestion that the NRA should have fired its attorneys right in the middle of the New York court case! Yes, during the actual negotiations to conclude the case against NRA, Jeff Knox supported firing NRA’s attorneys! What was his reason? To save NRA money in legal fees!!!
And what would have happened to the NRA if it had actually fired its attorneys? It would have had to hire new attorneys at a great cost to the NRA to have new attorneys come up to speed. Unless maybe Jeff was figuring that NRA should have gone into court nekkid as a jaybird, before God and everybody, without any attorney at all?
And now Jeff Knox has the temerity to post his ridiculous attack on board members who opposed firing NRA’s attorneys during the actual court proceedings. He actually expects you to not see through this nonsense.
Jeff Knox is just a bitter old man, desperately seeking revenge for events that happened a quarter century ago.
I’m going to be blunt. Seth Haan or whoever the troll really is can go fuck himself. Jeff has been a friend for many years. He has stood like an Old Testament prophet while being despised and scorned for telling the truth year after year. In 2019, he accurately foretold what would happen if the Board circled the wagons, defended Wayne, and tried to muddle through.
Jeff was absolutely correct that Bill Brewer should have been fired long ago. After Judge Cohen took dissolution off the table, it was time to seek a settlement. I sincerely doubt that any settlement reached at that stage would look much different that what was contained in the Final Order. The difference is the NRA would have saved much of the $200 million spent on Brewer and his colleagues. This is money that could have gone towards rebuilding the Training Department to educate all the new Covid-era gun owners. This is money that could have gone into 2A litigation. The list goes on.
I have gotten off topic a bit. My intent was to warn you about a nasty troll pushing the cabal. However, when this troll attacked Jeff, I could not let that pass without a response.