It seems the powers that be within the NRA are politicking the NRA Board in advance of their meeting tomorrow afternoon. Since it will be the first Board meeting after the Meeting of Members, new officers will be elected and trustees for the NRA Foundation and the NRA Special Contribution Fund will be selected.
I was sent anonymously a copy of the Nominating Committee report that was slipped under the door of every director in Charlotte a short while ago.
Three things stand out. First, they are attempting to influence the Board’s vote on the election of officers and trustees in advance of the actual meeting. Second, in doing so, they violated the confidentiality of their own executive session. Finally, making Willes Lee as a trustee of the NRA Foundation given his service on the Special Litigation Committee will be a red flag to not only the Attorney General of New York but to the Attorney General of the District of Columbia who is suing the NRA Foundation. Attorney General Racine’s lawsuit alleges the Foundation put the interests of the NRA ahead of its own.
I seem to remember an absurd comment by North Carolina’s own board member Walt Walter that leaking stuff from an executive session should be punished by death. Hmmm.