International Gin & Tonic Day

October 19th is International Gin and Tonic Day. It was created by Jayne Withers in honor of her grandmother Mary Edith Keyburn. Mrs. Keyburn lived to the ripe old age of 95 and enjoyed her gin and tonics. Indeed, her family smuggled a gin and tonic into the hospital in water bottle and served it to her in a tea cup. She sounds like she was my kind of older woman!

I plan to honor this day (and Mrs. Keyburn) with a gin and tonic made from one of the craft gins that I brought back from my two trips to South Africa this year mated with a tonic from Franklin and Sons. The British Empire will be well represented with a UK tonic and a South African gin. As an aside, distilling craft gins in South Africa is quite the industry with small distilleries scattered across the country.

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