Rhonda Ezell, the lead plaintiff in Ezell v. Chicago, was a guest on Fox Chicago Sunday along with attorney David Sigale. The thing that impressed me the most about her interview was the quiet conviction and dignity she brings to the issue especially in the face of the questions from political reporter Mike Flannery. You could tell she was nervous being on television but she never lost her composure. She was asked questions about the lawsuit as well as about concealed carry in Illinois.
Flannery gave the impression that the Ezell lawsuit along with McDonald and all the other Second Amendment lawsuits were being funded by the “gun industry”. While the Second Amendment Foundation supported both lawsuits, they are not the “gun industry”. I just wish David Sigale had challenged Flannery on that but overall I think he did well.
FOX Chicago Sunday: Rhonda Ezell on Gun Rights: MyFoxCHICAGO.com
H/T Colleen Lawson