Infographic – Suppressors And Hearing Protection

Brownells, Inc. has posted an excellent infographic on their Facebook page. It shows things like the decibel level of a gun shot, the average decibel reduction by use of a suppressor, and the impact on hearing of shooting with only a suppressor. Given the nonsensical approach taken by media like the New York Times editorial page and the lies from anti-gun groups like American for Responsible Solutions, this is instructive.

While wearing hearing protection such as ear muffs and ear plugs is essential, the combination of a suppressor plus muffs or ear plugs is even better.

This goes to illustrate when the Hearing Protection Act is not an effort to spur sales for the gun industry but an effort to both reduce noise pollution and to promote public health. While the passage of the Hearing Protection Act would spur sales that is merely incidental in my opinion. As I wrote earlier this year, can you imagine waiting 272 days for government approval to use a product that improves health and safety? Could you imagine the fine OSHA would levy a business if it waited that long?

Every Picture Tells A Story, Part VI

With the Show-Me State becoming the 11th state to adopt some form of constitutional carry, Rob Vance has updated the graphic we’ve been publishing since 2011. The latest graphic shifts Missouri from shall-issue concealed carry to constitutional concealed carry. They already had open carry.

Back in April, I said that I might have to update what I said a few years ago. To wit, that shall-issue is the new norm. I concluded that I might have to change this to constitutional carry is the new norm. I think that might be going a little far but one can always hope.

My fellow co-host of the Polite Society Podcast Rachel Malone is very active in Republican politics at the state level in Texas. She said in our last podcast that the Texas State Republican Executive Committee had adopted constitutional carry as one of their key legislative priorities in 2017. Imagine how the blue area would expand if the second largest state by both size and population adopted constitutional carry!

To illustrate how much things have changed since the original graphic was published, I am reposting the graphic. No issue (the red area) has gone to virtually nil and unrestricted (blue area) has grown exponentially.

Interesting Infographic On Trapping

If you’ve read this blog for any amount of time, you know I love a good infographic. I came across this one from BassProShops on trapping. I think trapping is one of those lost outdoor skills that could prove essential in a TEOTWAWKI situation.

The infographic below does a good job on outlining the types of traps available plus their pros and cons.

Interesting Map

Below is a map generated by the website The website polls visitors and seeks to match up potential voters with the candidates that most represent their views.

In this case, people were asked did they support more gun control. The results are interesting. With the exception of the San Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and the western suburbs of Boston, there was no strong push for more gun control. Amazingly given the attitudes of the local politicians, the people in the District of Columbia, Baltimore, and the DC metro counties were not strong proponents of gun control.

By contrast, there is the state of Wyoming. It is in deep purple. I never thought of purple as the color of freedom but in this case it is. More power to wonderful Wyoming, the Equality State.

H/T Rob Morse

Infographic: All Things AK

I stumbled across this infographic on AKs this morning. It shows the defining details of the various AKs and how to tell them apart.

When I thought about posting it here, I said why not. AKs are the most produced rifle in the world or it may just be a recognition that Vladimir Putin, the despot running Russia, is more effective on the world stage that Barack Obama, our wannabe despot.