Another Monday, Another Legislative Alert For Illinois

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It’s another Monday and the anti-rights forces are still working hard in Illinois. Thus, we have to work harder if we want to preserve our rights. Illinois Carry has issued an alert with specific things to do. Do it if you live in Illinois.

As to witness slips, it is a way for those in Illinois to register their approval or opposition to bills. I noticed going over the gun control bills that passed the Illinois House last week that the gun prohibitionists were more successful in getting their people to answer than we were. It takes minimal effort so there is no reason that those who believe in protecting our god given rights should not make up overwhelming majorities.

From Illinois Carry:

Our previous alert asked for calls to your State Representative under the category #3 – Call Your State Senator!  This section should read

“Call your state Senator and urge him/her to oppose HB1465 Raising the Age to 21 to Possess Modern Sporting Firearms, HB1467 Bump Stock/Trigger Crank Ban, HB1468 “Assault Weapons” Ban.”
Our apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
Legislative Alert
Phone Calls & Witness Slips Needed!
If you are a gun owner IN ILLINOIS!!
now, there is a bill on the Governor’s desk that would put most of our
local firearm dealers out of business.  This anti-gun, anti-Second
Amendment bill is the worst we have seen in decades.  We hope the
Governor will do the right thing and veto this bill.  Please call him
and urge him to veto SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing. Gun Dealer Licensing.
Several more anti-Second Amendment bills passed the House and have been sent to the Senate – from banning possession of “assault weapons” by those under age 21, to bump stock and trigger crank bans, to a 72 hour wait requirement for so called “assault weapons”.   
Under the guise of ‘common sense gun laws’, the devil is in the
details. These bad bills reach far beyond their titles and will be used
to greatly expand unreasonable restrictions on our rights.
In this first part of our call for action we ask that you
#1 – Call Governor Rauner!
Please call the Governor’s office at 217-782-0244.
to the person you speak with that SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing targets
honest business men and women who are not the source of Chicago’s
violence. Politely impress upon him that the Illinois gun owners who
helped elect him to office expected his support in return, and that this
election season is the perfect opportunity to show that he does stand
with us.
#2 – Call Your State Representative!
Call your state representative and urge him/her to oppose HB1664 Dangerous Person Hotline.
#3 – Call Your State Senator!
Call your state Senator and urge him/her to oppose HB1465 Raising the Age to 21 to Possess Modern Sporting Firearms, HB1467 Bump Stock/Trigger Crank Ban, HB1468 “Assault Weapons” Ban.

Contact information for your legislators can be found here.
#4 – Call House Republican Leader Jim Durkin!
HB1469 Magazine & Body Armor Ban
prohibits all magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. We have an
opportunity to keep this bill stalled in the House, but we need your
help. Call Mr. Durkin in his Burr Ridge office at 
630-325-2028 and in his Springfield office at 217-782-0494.
to Mr. Durkin that as House Minority Leader, voters throughout the
entire State expect conservative leadership to respect the Constitution –
and we expect him to urge the Republican caucus to oppose HB1469.
#5 File Witness Slips Now!
Please file witness slips opposing several bills scheduled to be heard in House Committees this week.
Remember to log in to your account first, if you have one!
avoid having to complete each field manually, Log on to your ILGA
Dashboard (or Create a New Account if you have not already done so) then
return to this email and click on the links for each witness slip. If
you do not wish to create an account, simply click on each witness slip
link and complete the required fields manually:
IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter “NA” for the
Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially
representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION: Enter “Myself” unless representing an organization.
POSITION: Unless instructed otherwise for a particular bill leave the
description field at its default value “Original Bill”. Indicate your
position by selecting the “Proponent” or “Opponent” radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the “Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip
law requires that lost or stolen firearms be reported to authorities
with 72 hours. HB3390 discriminates against residents of higher crime
areas by revoking the FOID Card persons who have been the victim of a
theft more than 3 times
Attacking our First Amendment rights as much as our Second, this bills prohibits open display of paintball and air guns.
sign of clear disrespect for gun owners and the Constitution the
sponsor swore to uphold, this bill is a back up plan in the event
earlier bump stock bans fail.
Special Call to Action – Deerfield Residents
Village of Deerfield will consider amending its storage requirement to
ban the possession of defined firearms with the Village limits.
Deerfield residents are encouraged to attend the Board Meeting Monday, 3/5/2018, at 7:30 PM.

An Alert For Those In Illinois

Given that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives regulates all gun stores and other Federal firearms licensees, why would a state want to require them to have a state license as well? The answer is simple – to put them out of business.

That is the case in Illinois where the legislature passed bills that would require all stores selling guns – Mom & Pops, hardware stores, and the big box stores – to have a state license which costs $1,000 for 5 years. This adds a $200 cost to the annual $300 cost of a 01 FFL. The gun prohibitionists also know that the big box stores are more susceptible to PR blackmail – witness Dick’s, Kroger’s, and Walmart – than the Mom & Pop gun shops.

The Illinois State Rifle Association is asking Gov. Bruce Rauner (R-IL) to stand up and veto these bills.


It is time to call Governor Rauner!

Please politely call the office of Constituent Affairs at 217.782.0244 and ask the Governor to VETO
both Gun Dealer Licensing Bills: SB1657 and HB1273.

Please share this alert!  If you are not an ISRA member, please join NOW!

If you are a gun owner living in the Prairie State, you NEED to belong to ISRA. Since concealed carry passed, the number of members has dropped while the number of permits and gun owners has increased. Too many people rested on their laurels and bad guns bills got through as a result. You want the politicians, especially those in marginal districts, to look out and see all those members. You want them to weigh their actions carefully. You want them to realize that voting for gun control is a sure bet that they won’t be reelected which is the goal, stated or otherwise, of damn near every politician.

Gun Day Wednesday In Illinois

A number of gun related bills may be acted upon today in the Illinois General Assembly. Both Illinois Carry and the Illinois State Rifle Association have issued alerts. Speaker Mike Madigan has a number of “shell” bills which can, and probably will, be filled up with anti-gun legislation. It is time to call your state rep and state senator if you live in Illinois.

From ISRA:

Monday, these Mike Madigan shell bills
from last year were given new life, as Mike Madigan’s gun grabbing
minions fulfill their mission to be pawns in Madigan’s “Gun Day”
Wednesday, TODAY February 28 by giving each of the shell bills a
brand-new anti-gun amendment The bills are HB1465, HB1467, HB1468,HB1469
and HB1664, and they all passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on
a partisan 8 to 5 vote.

The bills are:
HB1465 – Shell bill turned into Semi-auto age restriction and ban – Michelle Mussman

HB1467 – Bans a Bump Stock and bans any firearm modifications – Marty Moylan

HB1468 – Sets a three day waiting period for purchase of a semi-auto rifle – Jonathan Carroll

– Magazine Ban – Also bans protective safety clothing, like meat
carvers’ gloves and steel-toe boots and body armor. – Dan Burke

And finally, commented on by ISRA Lobbyists and select Law
Enforcement insiders as the worst written legislation ever seen in
HB1664 – Establishes an anonymous tip line to bring SWAT teams to your home to scoop up you and your firearm.   Deb Conroy

Remember that all of these legislators are beholden to Madigan to
carry these bills, or they get no campaign “support” for the fall.  But
these representatives already hate that you have the freedom to own
firearms, so for them this is no stretch.  They want to take that
freedom away, they have been awaiting the opportunity.

Please call your Illinois State Representatives today, starting at
8:30 am and ask that they oppose all these bills.  Don’t stop there,
tell your neighbors and friends about this attack on our freedom, let
them know to make the calls as well.

Please use the link below to identify and get contact information for
your Illinois State Representative and Illinois State Senator, then
keep that information handy.  There are now floor fights on several
fronts in Springfield in attempts to take away your gun rights, you will
be asked to call your legislators several times this week.

From Illinois Carry:

Emergency Call to Action!
Witness Slips and Phone Calls Needed!
anti-gun bills were filed in the Illinois House today and are scheduled
to be heard in Committee on 2/28/2018.  Don’t delay!  File Witness
Slips opposing the amendment (HFA1) on all
four bills immediately!
Remember to log in to your account first, if you have one!

File Witness Slips Now!
avoid having to complete each field manually, Log on to your ILGA
Dashboard (or Create a New Account if you have not already done so) then
return to this email and click on
the links for each witness slip. If you do not wish to create an
account, simply click on each witness slip link and complete the
required fields manually:
IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter “NA” for the
Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially
representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION: Enter “Myself” unless representing an organization.
POSITION: Unless instructed otherwise for a particular bill leave the
description field at its default value “Original Bill”. Indicate your
position by selecting the “Proponent”
or “Opponent” radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the “Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip.
Make sure to also include these bills in your opposition phone calls to your

State Representatives. 


For Those In Illinois

It goes without saying that the gun prohibitionists in the Illinois General Assembly are trying to make hay out of the tragedy in Parkland, Florida. The Illinois State Rifle Association sent out an action alert yesterday saying that Wednesday, Feb. 28th, will be “gun day” in the legislature. If you live in Illinois, it is time to be calling your local representatives.

From ISRA:

Wednesday, February 28th, has been
deemed “GUN DAY” by the Illinois Legislature, and the cast of anti-2A
usual suspects will be amassing in the State Capitol of Springfield.
They are emboldened by the fever pitch of the recent tragedy in Florida
and feel the wind is at their back as they move, as always, to infringe
further upon the rights given to us by our Founding Forefathers. The
primary pieces of legislation that will be voted on will likely be
“assault weapons” restrictions, the gun dealer licensing bill and its
grossly inadequate trailer bill.

We at the Illinois State Rifle Association and Springfield Armory are
heartbroken and disturbed by the acts of violence in Florida, committed
by a mentally unstable individual that so many that knew, and reported,
to be a danger to our citizens.

It is only natural in times like these to want to do SOMETHING. It is
also in times like this that we must not act solely for the sake of
acting. Clear headed discussions, free of emotion and knee-jerk
reactions must be the order of the day. We must do something to protect
our children so that these horrible acts are stopped for good. We also
must do what is necessary to ensure the survival of our Second
Amendment, the Amendment that protects all others. The Amendment our
Founders trusted to
our Republic with the words “Shall Not be Infringed”. These rights were
fought for and earned with the blood of American Patriots at places like
Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, and Trenton.

Now is the time to act. With the specter of further
2A infringements looming tall over Springfield, Illinois in the coming
week, it is imperative that you contact your State Legislators and
demand that they uphold their Oath to protect the Constitution of our
beloved United States of America – and let them know you oppose any type
of “assault weapons” restrictions, the gun dealer licensing bill and
its grossly inadequate trailer bill. Freedom is not free. It
must be fought for against the forces who would happily give up our most
sacred rights and freedoms.

Please use the link below to identify and get contact information for
your Illinois State Representative and Illinois State Senator:

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
– William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

SHOT Show 2018 – More Firearms Companies Leaving Illinois

I ran into Todd Vandermyde on the floor of the SHOT Show. For those outside of Illinois, Todd used to be the NRA’s lobbyist for the Illinois General Assembly until late 2017 and has his finger on the pulse of all things gun-related in the Prairie State. He is now the lobbyist for the Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois.

Todd told me that both LMT (formerly Lewis Machine & Tool) and Armalite were in the process of leaving Illinois. LMT is based in Milan which is part of the Quad Cities section of Illinois and Iowa. They are planning to do like Les Baer and move across the Mississippi River into Iowa. Speaking with LMT at their booth, they said their move should be completed by about October 2018.

Armalite, now part of Strategic Armory Corp., now has less than 10 employees left in Illinois. For many years they had been in Geneseo which is only about 20 miles east of the Quad Cities (Moline, East Moline, Davenport, and Rock Island). Most of their operations are now in the Phoenix area of Arizona.

Just as Springfield, Massachusetts and the Hartford, Connecticut area have long had a large concentration of gun makers and are even called “Gun Valley”, so, too, the Quad Cities of Illinois. It is the home to the government’s Rock Island Arsenal and is still home to companies like Rock River Arms and Springfield Armory along with the ancillary parts and treating companies. Unfortunately, the politics in Illinois like that in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California are such that companies find that relocating is often their best option. Sadly, the ones most hurt by this are the workers and the local economies and not the politicians who live far away from these industrial centers.

That Shoulder Thing That Goes Up

Former Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) was asked many years ago by Tucker Carlson if she could define a barrel shroud which was mentioned in her assault weapons (sic) ban bill. She replied that it was that shoulder thing that goes up. We in the gun culture just shook our collective heads at her ignorance yet realized that even stupid stuff can be enacted into law.

State Sen. Antonio Munoz (D-Chicago) who is the Assistant Majority Leader in the Illinois Senate introduced an amendment to a bill (SB 556) that was intended to make technical corrections to Illinois criminal laws. Amendment 1 contains, in part, language intended to institute an assault weapons (sic) ban in the state of Illinois. One wonders if Sen. Munoz picked this bill because of its purpose or its number.

(14) Carries or possesses on or about his or her
person, in any vehicle, or concealed on or about his or her
person any semi-automatic assault weapon.
In this paragraph (14), “semi-automatic assault
weapon” means:

(A) any of the firearms or types, replicas, or
duplicates regardless of caliber, known as:

(i) Norinco, Mitchell, and Poly Technologies
Avtomat Kalashnikovs (all models);

(ii) Action Arms Israeli Military Industries
UZI and Galil;

(iii) Beretta AR-70 (SC-70);
(iv) Colt AR-15;
(v) Fabrique Nationale FN/FAL, FN/LAR, and

(vi) SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9, and M-12;
(vii) Steyr AUG;
(viii) INTRATEC TEC-9, TEC-DC9, and TEC-22; or
(ix) any shotgun which contains its ammunition
in a revolving cylinder, such as (but not limited
to) the Street Sweeper and Striker 12;

(B) a semi-automatic rifle or pump action rifle
that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and
has any of the following:

(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a pistol grip or thumbhole stock;
(iii) a shroud that is attached to, or
partially or completely encircles the barrel, and
that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with
the non-trigger hand without being burned;

(C) a semi-automatic pistol that has an ability to
accept a detachable magazine and has any of the

(i) a folding, telescoping, or thumbhole

(ii) a shroud that is attached to, or partially
or completely encircles the barrel, and that
permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the
non-trigger hand without being burned; an
ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol
outside of the pistol grip;

(iii) a manufactured weight of 50 ounces or
more when the pistol is unloaded; or

(iv) a semi-automatic version of an automatic

(D) a semi-automatic rifle or pistol with a fixed
magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10
rounds of ammunition;

(E) a semi-automatic shotgun that has any of the

(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a pistol grip or thumbhole stock;
(iii) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 5
rounds; or

(iv) an ability to accept a detachable

“Semi-automatic assault weapon” does not include:
(A) any firearm that:
(i) is manually prepared by bolt, pump, lever,
or slide action;

(ii) is an unserviceable firearm or has been
made permanently inoperable;

(iii) is an antique firearm; or
(iv) is a rifle with a fixed tubular magazine
located under the barrel that is only capable of
holding rounds of ammunition placed end to end; or
(B) any air rifle as defined in Section 24.8-0.1 of
this Code.

Illinois Carry has issued a call for witness slips to counter this amendment.

Call to Action
Slips Needed
Earlier this evening Amendment 1 to SB556 Criminal Law Tech was scheduled
to be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM.
If this bill becomes law, it will arbitrarily define and ban possession of
“assault weapons” throughout the State of Illinois.
Witness Slips Are Needed
Please take a moment tonight or early tomorrow morning
to show your opposition to this ban on the some of the most commonly owned,
modern firearms.
And, if you haven’t already
filed a witness slip against SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing, please see
the instructions in our IllinoisCarry Forum Alert.  File
these slips before tomorrow morning as well!
File Witness Slips Now!
To avoid
having to complete each field manually, 
Log on to
your ILGA Dashboard (or 
Create a New Account if you have not already done so) then return to
this email and click on the links for each witness slip. If you do not wish
to create an account, simply click on each witness slip link and complete
the required fields manually:
personal information. Enter “NA” for the Firm/Business or Agency
and Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.
“Myself” unless representing an organization.
instructed otherwise for a particular bill leave the description field at
its default value “Original Bill”. Indicate your position by
selecting the “Proponent” or “Opponent” radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the
“Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing manually, complete
the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip.

Witness slips can be tracked here.

UPDATE: The Illinois State Rifle Association has also released an alert on this requesting witness slips for both this bill and SB 1657. As I’ve said elsewhere, there is a lot wrong with Illinois politics but I do like the concept of witness slips. A trip to your state capitol during a work week is not doable for most people. Witness slips puts your opposition or approval to a bill in the public record.

From ISRA:

Action Alert – Summary – Two witness slips for Tuesday:

SENATE: File a witness slip now through Tuesday 10:30 am
(May 16) against SB556, as amended with Senate Floor Amendment 1
(SFA1).  The amendment turns this bill into a semi-auto ban, attempting
to ban your favorite rifles and pistols. 

Follow carefully any steps in BOLDFACE as they may differ slightly that you may usually see.

you look up this bill on the ILGA website, you have to view the text of
the amendment (links provided below) to see that the bill is being
converted from a shell bill (“makes a technical change…”) into a gun

HOUSE:  If you have not already done so, file Witness Slips NOW
Through Tuesday 11:00 am (May 16) against SB1657, Illinois Gun Dealer Licensing.

Last month you were also asked to submit a witness slip against this bill,
but that was when the bill was in the Senate.  This is for a HOUSE hearing.
So please submit a slip again, opposing this bill in the next hearing.

please call your Illinois State Representative and politely remind the
person that answers the phone that you are urging your representative
not to support Illinois Gun Dealer Licensing, SB1657. 

 SB556  Munoz – SFA1 – Semi-auto and magazine ban
is a ban of your favorite semi-auto firearms and magazines.  This is
done by amending an empty piece of legislation (“shell” bill) that has
already progressed in the Senate.  If you look up the bill, you have to
read the amendment (SFA1) to see its impact.
The status page of the bill will not show the new intent of the bill.  

Make your voice be heard by submitting
a witness slip against this bill in this committee hearing:

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing – 10:30 am on May 16, 2017
SB556  SFA1 Munoz – Semi-auto ban


is the Senate version of the legislation that would force your favorite
gun store to close under a mountain of new regulations.  This bill will
affect your ability to buy firearms or ammunition in Illinois.  Never
mind the weight of all the federal regulations that gun dealers and gun
owners must deal with, your retailer and you will have more Illinois
regulations and fees now too. 


The bill as amended passed out of the Senate on a 30-21 vote and
is now headed to a committee hearing in the Illinois House of
Representatives. Your continued action is needed against SB1657,
make your voice be heard by submitting
a witness slip against this bill in this committee hearing:

House: Judiciary Criminal Committee Hearing – 11:00 am on May 16, 2017 


How to create your witness slips:

If you have an account already at, go there and login now.
If you do not have an account, you are encouraged to do so, to make it easier to fill in witness slips in the future.

At this point, logged in or not, you click on this link to create your witness slip against SB556 SFA1:

If you are logged in, you get to skip to step III.
IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter “NA” for the
Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially
representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION: Enter “Myself” unless representing an organization.
III. POSITION: 1. Under description, Make sure that SFA1 is selected.  2. Indicate your position by selecting the “Opponent” radio button. 
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the “Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing without a login, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click “Create Slip.” 

At this point, logged in or not, you click on this link to create your witness slip against


If you are logged in, you get to skip to step III.
IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter “NA” for the
Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially
representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION: Enter “Myself” unless representing an organization.
III. POSITION: Indicate your position by selecting the “Opponent” radio button. 
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the “Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing without a login, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click “Create Slip.”

Afterwards, you can track witness slip activity for these bills/hearings:
SB556   click here 
SB1657 click here

Contact your State Representaive and politely tell him/her that you are a law-abiding gun owner and that you expect them to vote against SB1657 even if it is amended. To
verify who your State Resresentative is, use the lookup apps available
at the Illinois State Board of Elections website. (click here)
Even if you prefer email, also contact them at their Springfield and
district offices.  Email can be ignored, but phones must be answered. 
Remember, the person who answers the phone is usually a state employee
reporting to the legislator,  and is just doing their job.

Help Needed In Illinois To Defeat SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing

The gun banners in the state of Illinois are trying to add another level of bureaucracy to firearms dealers. SB 1657 would require anyone selling more than nine guns a year to be licensed as a dealer. Dealers are already federally regulated by the BATFE. Despite the many questionable things done by BATFE, they do have the experience to work with FFLs to do inspections. I sincerely doubt that anyone at the Illinois State Police or any of the local police and sheriffs’ departments could say the same thing.

Illinois Carry released this alert this afternoon. If you live in Illinois and care about your gun rights, I’d suggest jumping on it.

Call to
Slips & Phone Calls Needed
The time is here. It is now. We
stand at a crossroads in Illinois. To one side, the freedoms guaranteed in the
Constitution. To the other, the oppression in SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing, a bill
designed to close Illinois gun stores and, with them, foreclose our rights as
You know the reasons to oppose this
> Individuals transferring a
modest number of firearms must be licensed
> License fees are undefined and
unlimited – as high as $5,000 per year by some estimates
> Carve outs for “big box”
stores, making them exempt from this law, virtually guarantee the demise of
family owned gun stores
> Permission to operate a gun
store is required from the local Sheriff, meaning no gun stores in Cook County,
and none in other counties if their demographics change
> Contrary to Ezell v Chicago,
stores are not allowed within 500” of schools and day-care facilities
The list is long. Longer than
included here, but one thing is clear. Every page, every line, every word in
this bill is designed to eliminate existing gun stores and prevent new stores
from opening. And, in so doing, this bill is meant to strike a fatal blow to
the Second Amendment in Illinois.
You must make
a choice
Will you join thousands of other
Illinois gun owners and fight for your rights? Will you spread the word to
fellow gun owners, family, and friends? Will you file witness slips and make
phone calls opposing this bill?
Choose what is right. Choose action
Your State Representative!
Beginning tomorrow please call your
Illinois House Representatives to express your opposition to any form of state
licensing of gun dealers. Politely ask them to Vote No on SB1657, should
it come to a vote.
Contact information can be
found here.​
Witness Slips Needed!
In addition to phone calls, please
file witness slips opposing SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing. This bill is scheduled
to be heard in committee the morning of May 16.
File Witness Slips Now!
To avoid having
to complete each field manually, 
 to your ILGA Dashboard (or Create
a New Account
 if you have not already done so) then
return to this email and click on the links for each witness slip. If you do
not wish to create an account, simply click on each witness slip link and
complete the required fields manually:
personal information. Enter “NA” for the Firm/Business or Agency and
Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.
“Myself” unless representing an organization.
III. POSITION: Unless instructed
otherwise for a particular bill leave the description field at its default
value “Original Bill”. Indicate your position by selecting the
“Proponent” or “Opponent” radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the
“Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing manually, complete the
Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip.

Witness slips can be tracked here.

Let’s face it – the goal of this bill is to drive the mom and pop gun stores out of business. After that is done, they will go after the big boxes to make it undesirable for them to sell guns and they will fold like a deck of cards.

Making Amends?

The other controversy that seemed to hang over the NRA Annual Meeting was the report that the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association had gone neutral on an anti-gun bill in the Illinois General Assembly. The bill would add state oversight and licensing to gun dealers and manufacturers in addition to Federal oversight from BATFE. In exchange for going neutral on the bill, manufacturers were dropped from the bill which then passed the Illinois Senate. The vote there was 30-21 on the day before the Annual Meeting got started.

According to press releases sent out on Monday, there were unaware of what their lobbyist was doing. It got worse when it was reported that IFMA had made contributions to anti-gun politicians who used that money to defeat pro-gun candidates.

Both Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms evidently recognized the PR nightmare was getting worse and announced their resignations from IFMA. They obviously were determined not to be the next Smith & Wesson circa Year 2000.

Last night I received multiple emails from Springfield Armory asking people to contact their Illinois state representative to vote against SB 1657. I see this as an excellent move on Springfield Armory’s part. They are finally taking a pro-active stand. In case the link didn’t come through below, it is here.

Dear John,
The 2nd Amendment urgently needs your help in Illinois!
Illinois House of Representatives may consider Senate Bill 1657,
legislation that could put state gun dealers out of business, at any

It is imperative you share this with friends and family living in Illinois and strongly urge them to OPPOSE SB 1657!

 Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 1.32.37 PM?noresize.png?noresize
1657 would create onerous mandatory regulations, fees potentially in
the thousands of dollars and excessive amounts of red tape that would
almost assuredly force the closure of many firearm dealers, and prevent
prospective owners from opening new ones.  The federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) already licenses and
closely monitors all federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) and
strictly enforces any violation of federal law.
SB 1657 goes far beyond federal law and is designed to shut down as many FFLs as possible.
please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state
Representative and urge them to strongly oppose SB 1657!  Stay tuned to for further updates on this bill.

For Prairie Staters – Call For Witness Slips

Illinois Carry issued a call for witness slips in reaction to a bill that could outlaw lead-based ammunition for use in hunting in the state. They note that most non-lead alternatives are banned under state law. I presume this is because they are considered “armor piercing”.

While the state of Illinois and its General Assembly come under a lot of criticism for a number of factors, one thing that they do get right is witness slips. Not everyone can leave their job and travel to Springfield to testify in person on a bill. Witness slips allow citizens of the state to register his or her opinion on a bill before legislators. I don’t know whether witness slips are more or less effective than letters and emails to your own legislator but it is definitely a plus.

Call to Action
Witness Slips Needed
After taking last week off, our Call to Action this week asks your help with a number of bills. Some of these, taxes on firearms and bans on arbitrarily defined “assault weapons”, are included for obvious reasons. Others, though still obvious, have potential ramifications beyond the language of the bill alone. SB1985 Wildlife Cd Lead Ammunition Ban is one of these.
Introduced by Senator Don Harmon out of concern for the environment, it ignores that fact that most alternatives to lead ammunition are banned under Illinois law. The result? Whether one agrees with the Senator or not his bill, if it becomes law, will effectively end all handgun hunting in Illinois. Coupled with SB1722 Safe Neighborhoods Reform Tech, a bill seeking to drastically increase the penalties for the use of lead-alternative ammunition and other non-violent firearm offenses, an environmentally aware hunter could easily face a minimum 7 to 14 years in prison. We include only SB1985 in our current Action Alert, and will continue to monitor developments on SB1722.
Please help us keep Illinois on the right course by filing witness slips on the bills listed below.
Hearings will occur in a variety of committees as early as the morning ofMarch 7, 2017.
Don’t delay!
File Witness Slips Now!
To avoid having to complete each field manually, Log on to your ILGA Dashboard (or Create a New Account if you have not already done so) then return to this email and click on the links for each witness slip. If you do not wish to create an account, simply click on each witness slip link and complete the required fields manually:
I, IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter “NA” for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION: Enter “Myself” unless representing an organization.
III. POSITION: Unless instructed otherwise for a particular bill leave the description field at its default value “Original Bill”. Indicate your position by selecting the “Proponent” or “Opponent” radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the “Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip.


Witness slips can be tracked here:

For Illinois Residents – A Tax Alert

The power to tax is the power to destroy is an abridged quote from the great orator, lawyer, and politician Daniel Webster. Illinois politicians know this all too well and now are seeking to add a 5% tax to club membership dues. So if your local rifle and pistol club charges you $200 a year in dues, your actual cost will now be $210 with that extra $10 going to the State of Illinois.

Illinois Carry has issued an alert on SB009 which, due to an amendment, would impose this very tax. Senate Amendment 2 specifically includes gun clubs, hunting clubs, and fishing clubs by name as “amusements”.  I know that the Prairie State’s finances are none too solid but I think a tax on the right of association as it were is going too far.

From Illinois Carry:

Call to
Action – Oppose SB009 Revenue Various
(Tax on gun
clubs, ranges, and hunting clubs)
Your State Senators This Week!
In our first Call to Action of the
newly seated 100th General Assembly, we bring to your attention
Revenue Various
started as a simple question of creating new taxes, a question too easily
answered “yes” in this state.  It is now more than that.
 Much more. 
Senate Amendment 2 seeks to impose 5%
membership and service taxes:
> In addition to the amusement
tax on ranges already imposed by several municipalities
> In addition to the Cook County tax on firearms and ammunition
> In addition to the proposed fees covering the cost of serializing
ammunition under HB271
> In addition to the already costly training and license fees required to
carry a concealed firearm in Illinois
> In addition to the cost of hunting licenses
> In addition to current local, state and federal sales taxes on products
associated with membership and use of hunting and gun clubs, training, and
These new taxes were
not, of course, presented in a forthright way that would foster open debate.
 Instead, they were hidden in amendments to SB009 among a plethora of
other taxes, filed quickly and quietly on a bill positioned to move through the
Senate at a moment’s notice.
We must recognize that
the more the state taxes our ability to train, compete, and hunt the more it
discourages the very practices that foster safe firearm ownership.  The
more it encourages people to purchase products and services elsewhere.​
The truth will be SB009’s greatest obstacle.
 Spread some truth, and spread our rights.
Beginning Monday, 1/30/2017, please
contact your State Senators in their district offices. Politely explain that
SB009 is no longer as it seems. Let them know that while we can debate the
wisdom of burdening Illinois with additional taxes one thing is not debatable.
The State does not have proper authority to tax our Second Amendment rights.
Contact information for your State Senator can be found here.