Snark Of The Day

Instead of calling this the Quote of the Day, it really is snark so I’ll call it the Snark of the Day. It comes courtesy of a Tweet by Iowahawk. It combines both of the scandals du jour of the Obama Administration.

The EPA is reviewing my $1 billion bid to make solar machine guns for Mexican drug lords.

I Can’t Believe It Took Them This Long

The Violence Policy Center has finally released a Tweet castigating Glock and the Second Amendment Foundation over Glock’s significant donation to SAF. The donation was announced on Thursday, August 11th. As I said at the time, I wonder what snide comment the VPC will make about it. Now we know.

Gunmaker Glock helps fund SAF’s efforts to overturn gun laws to, of course, sell more guns.

Frankly, I’m surprised that that it took them this long to respond. I expected it the same day. I guess they are not only ineffectual but inept as well. Good!

H/T Kurt

I Blame Soy Milk For This

The Outdoor Pressroom has a story today about decorating for the eco-conscious vegan man.

… we see items like this “green recycled cardboard” deer head, promoted as “taxidermy without the guilt.” Made for the “modern, eco-conscious vegetarian man” who wants to “use interior design to demonstrate his masculine, yet environmentally sensitive, attributes.”

The story has a link to the website which has a whole story about an Israeli company named Crembo making the cardboard deer head mounts.

Karen Chernick, the author of the Green Prophet article, writes:

In centuries past, mounted deer (or other animal) heads were considered a type of trophy – an item that illustrated the skills and capabilities of the hunter who killed the deer. If a man had a deer head on his wall, you would assume that he was virile, manly, capable of taking care of his little woman and kids, and probably a few other things as well. But what is the modern, eco-conscious vegetarian man to do when he too wants to use interior design to demonstrate his masculine, yet environmentally sensitive, attributes? Play on the classic mounted deer head and hang a “green” cardboard version.

Demonstrating masculine attributes by displaying a cardboard deer head? I’d call it faux deer for faux men.

As I said in the title, I blame all those estrogens in soy milk.

H/T Bitter

Part II – Not A Sport

According to the study on the importation of shotguns just released by ATF, they don’t consider this event a sport and so many of the shotguns used here would not meet the sporting test of the GCA of 1968.

Compare this with Part I and think about which requires more athleticism. A bonus feature is that the competitor is using a Saiga shotgun. You know, one of those evil, no sporting purpose, shotguns.

Cry Me A River

Colbert King, in an op-ed in today’s Washington Post, laments that the expected increase in the number of conservatives and Republicans in Congress after mid-term elections doesn’t bode well for the District of Columbia’s autonomy. Pardon me if I am not sympathetic especially when he writes:

What’s more, a new Congress, under Republican influence, is likely to give the District more of what it doesn’t want.

Expect, for example, a renewed effort to weaken D.C. gun laws and restrict the D.C. Council’s regulation of firearms. Gun-rights forces tried to do that this year when they attached pro-gun language that ultimately derailed voting rights legislation. The Nov. 2 elections, if all goes as predicted, will only strengthen their hands.

I guess we should be happy that the District has been run by foolish politicians or we never would have gotten the Heller decision. Mayor Adrian Fenty’s intransigence led to DC’s appeal of the Court of Appeals win for Dick Heller. This, in turn, led to the Supreme Court acknowledging, finally and concretely, that the Second Amendment is an individual right.

So to assuage Mr. King’s sorrow, I send him this nice rendition of “Cry Me A River” sung by Susan Boyle.

Wonderfully Delightful Snark From Tam

Tam skewers Obama on his constant need to bash Bush for the economy.

It’s all your stick now, baby, and quit whining, because you asked for the job. Now you have to do it. Maybe if you’d actually stuck around and finished a job after you got elected rather than immediately getting bored and starting to campaign for your next gig, you’d know that. Right now the gig it looks like you’re stumping for is “ex-president”.

Damn! I wish I could write snark that well.