Deconstructing Hollywood Gun Handling

Trainer and former US Army Special Operations Sgt Major Pat McNamara examines and deconstructs gun handling in 13 movies in the video below. He owns and runs TMACS Inc. firearms training.

Among the movies he examines are John Wick: Chapter 2, Pulp Fiction, a couple of Bond movies, and Lethal Weapon. What I found most interesting about his examination of the gun handling in the movies was what you could actually learn about proper gun handling.

The video runs about 28 minutes and was produced by Business Insider magazine.

#MeToo Is So Yesterday In Pantheon Of Hollywood Virtue Signaling

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When it comes to virtue signaling no one does it better than the Hollywood stars. Unfortunately for women who have been sexually assaulted, Hollywood has the attention span of a gnat. In other words, what was hip at the Golden Globes is now passe’ and they have moved on to a new virtue signaling cause.

The new, hip virtue signal at tonight’s Oscars will be an orange pin from Everytown Mommies for Illegal Mayors.

According to the Hollywood Reporter:

Michael Bloomberg’s New York-based gun-control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety has created an anti-gun-violence pin for celebrities to wear to the Oscars on Sunday, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

Since the Parkland, Florida, high school massacre that left 17 dead last month, thousands of young people have called upon the organization to support their efforts to advocate for more stringent gun-control laws and other public-safety issues.

According to one Hollywood stylist, the pins have been sent to The Wall Group and other key Hollywood agencies to dole out prior to the red carpet.

The pins will likely display #NeverAgain, the rallying slogan for the movement. Everytown for Gun Safety has not yet responded to THR’s request for confirmation.

So while the stars continue to make movies with gratuitous violence – much of it with firearms – they will continue to virtue signal that they are against “gun violence” (sic).

It should also be noted, as Variety reports, that they will be protected by over 500 armed LAPD officers. As usual, Hollywood is not self-aware enough to recognize the hypocrisy in all of this.

UPDATE: My friend Brandon Combs of the Firearms Policy Coalition sent me a couple of links regarding the hypocrisy of Hollywood and California politicians.

Cuomo: Guns For Hollywood But Not New York Citizens

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is asking for “technical amendments” to the NY SAFE law that he rammed through the New York Assembly and Senate earlier this year. These technical amendments would allow film makers to use firearms for film and TV productions that are denied to ordinary New Yorkers.

“We spend a lot of money in the state bringing movie production here, post-production here, so obviously we would want to facilitate that,” said Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who wants to expand the film and TV tax credit.

He said movies and TV may use fake guns that wouldn’t be subject to the new law but the industry wants “certainty.” The revised law would allow them to use real weapons without real ammunition.

“There’s no reason not to make a change like that to give an industry comfort, especially when it’s an industry we want to do business in the state,” the governor said.

There is a Yiddish word for what Gov. Cuomo wants to do. That word is chutzpah.