Lawsuit Filed Challenging Multi-Rifle Reporting Requirement

J&G Sales of Prescott, AZ has joined the NRA in filing suit against the illegal requirement that FFL’s in the Southwest border states must report multiple sales of certain semi-automatic rifles to the ATF. J&G is also one of the gun dealers that was told during Operation Fast and Furious to allow sales to go through to obvious straw purchasers.

Here is their statement on the lawsuit.

BATFE lawsuit info – Monday August 01, 2011
As many of you may have heard, the BATFE has sent a demand letter to all the licensed firearms dealers in the four border states of Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Texas. This letter requires these dealers to report to the BATFE the names and addresses and serial numbers of all purchases of more than one semi-automatic rifle, with a detachable magazine, over 22 caliber, within a 5 business day period.

The BATF and Department of Justice has made this demand with no Congressional authorization and therefore, J and G Sales has filed suit in the Washington DC federal court challenging the legitimacy of this new regulation. We are being assisted in this law suit by the NRA as well. We hope the outcome of our challenge will be a reversal of this unconstitutional regulation for all border state FFL dealers. We appreciate our customers and your support of the 2nd amendment and will keep you all updated as this case progresses.

This new regulation goes into effect for all purchases that occur on or after August 14th, 2011. The BATFE has issued a new form 3310.12 that FFL dealers have to fill out and return to the BATFE starting on this date and going forward until this is hopefully reversed.

I’ll update this as soon as I get and read a copy of the suit.