Weapon Of Mass Death

In the “it’s OK for us to have but it isn’t for you peasants” category comes this comment from Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck announcing his support for Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s HR 308 ban on standard capacity magazines.

“There is no reason that a peaceful society based on rule of law needs its citizenry armed with 30-round magazines,” Police Chief Charlie Beck said at a news conference, adding that the clips transform a gun “into a weapon of mass death rather than a home-protection-type device.”

Beck at his promotion to Police Chief

Beck made that comment yesterday in Los Angeles. There is no word if he also thinks “weapons of mass death” should be forbidden to his police officers but somehow I doubt it.

I also wonder what the response time of his police department is to home invasions. Frankly, from everything I’ve read or heard from experts, a home owner doesn’t need to be fumbling around making magazine changes during the high stress of a home invasion. It is just inviting even more disaster.

Probably everything you need to know about Chief Beck can be inferred from his comment above and the picture below. A man is known by the company he keeps.

Beck (center) at 2009 Brady event in LA