Overreach In Pitt County, NC

Grass Roots North Carolina has issued an alert about the actions of the Pitt County (NC) County Commissioners. The commissioners have passed a firearms ordinance that makes discharge of a firearm between certain hours a misdemeanor. In the meantime, they are also considering a change to their zoning ordinances that make the discharge ordinance a moving target. I guess one should not be surprised that this is coming from a county named after a British prime minister.

From the GRNC Alert:


“In Pitt County’s desperate attempt to “do something” about their imported criminal problem, they can’t seem to accurately define exactly what needs to be prohibited… In their repeated rewrites, they can’t even conform regulations to what the state already has in statute.

It’s hard for them to make up definitions. “Propellants” are used in modern cartridges, not “explosives”. But it’s not our job to help them accurately rewrite their infringements.PITT CO.’s Latest firearm ordinance Discharging A Firearm at Night, criminalize “firearm” discharges at night between the hours of 9:30 PM until 6:30 AM as a Class 3 misdemeanor and a fine of not more than $500 and/or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days.At most, this should be a civil infraction or covered by a noise ordinance. This is a ham-fisted clumsily attempt to address noise complaints with overreaching criminal consequences.

The ordinance is also a moving target dependent upon fluid “zoning” regulations and definitions changeable under Pitt County Zoning Ordinance 12.  It’s just bad rulemaking open to interpretation and changeable via whim.  Emotionally charged language criminalizes and over penalizes what should at most be infractions of law.

Further more, this likely conflicts with the NC General assembly’s latest rulemaking on “downzoning” and has criminal implications.  How can this possibly be enforced without complicated interpretations of zoning law. And why should any consequences be determined or adjudicated through a “zoning” board of appeals. 

GRNC is of course against unlawful,  irresponsible and dangerous behavior that results in firearms rounds crossing into or across another person’s property or public areas. However, the Discharging a Firearm Across Property Lines ordinance is unnecessarily full of emotionally charged language with examples such as “parks”, “childcare facility”, “Schools”,  “medical facility”, “park” or “recreational area”.  Are other areas, locations not named, or not included not significant?  These areas need to be removed, and legally defensible language used. 

GRNC urges every citizen to oppose these unnecessary infringements and write Pitt county commissioners: “GRNC strongly urges you to oppose the proposed ordinance. If the commission insists on passing this ill conceived ordinance into law, at least reduce the penalty for discharge of a firearm at night to a civil infraction.”

 CALL & EMAIL PITT CO. COMMISSIONERSIf you previously called, please do it again!   Using the contact information and copy-and-paste message below, you can make your outrage heard to these meddling bureaucrats.

ATTEND THE FEB 24th MEETING: The Pitt Co. Commission plans to vote on the ordinance on FEB 24th. We must again pack this meeting with angry gun rights voters.  The meeting will be held at 6:00 PM at the Mark Owens, Jr. Auditorium,  Pitt County Agricultural Center 403 Government Circle Greenville,  NC 27834, Commissioners’ Auditorium, Greenville, NC 27834. A GRNC representative will be at the meeting.  

PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO GRNC: Help us fight gun control while we promote Second Amendment principles. Please CLICK HERE to contribute. Bear in mind that GRNC is an all-volunteer organization, so you can be sure your donations are put to the best possible use. Any amount helps, and any amount is appreciated.

CONTACT INFO   Copy & paste list: (Note: The copy and paste list does not include Commissioner Lauren White, who opposes the ordinance.

To express your thanks for her opposition, you may email her at her e-mail address listed below):  rochelle@rochellebrown.netann.floydhuggins@pittcountync.govbenji.holloman@pittcountync.govking2006mac@yahoo.comChris.Nunnally@gmail.com; pittcounty.commissionerd2@gmail.com mark.smith@pittcountyncmac1958@centurylink.net

Phone numbers (all numbers 252 area code)
: Rochelle Brown  702-1987 Ann Floyd Huggins 252-757-1444 Benji Holloman 714-6311 Melvin C. McLawhorn 327-6559 Christopher Nunnally 917-7374 Mary Perkins-Williams 751-6686 Mark C. Smith 916-5171 Mac Manning 341-0001

Lauren already opposes the ordinances: So please give her your appreciation Lauren White, 341-5522,  laurenashley318@yahoo.com

Suggested Subject: “Oppose PITT CO. Shooting Ordinances”  

Dear Commissioner,   PITT CO.’s Latest firearm ordinances criminalize “firearm” discharges at night between the hours of 9:30 PM until 6:30 AM as a Class 3 misdemeanor and a fine of not more than $500 and/or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days. At most this should be a civil infraction or covered by a noise ordinance. This is a ham-fisted clumsily attempt to address noise complaints and an imported criminal problem.

The ordinance is also a moving target dependent upon fluid “zoning” regulations and definitions changeable under Pitt County Zoning Ordinance 12.  It’s just bad rulemaking open to interpretation and changeable via whim. 

Furthermore, this likely conflicts with the NC General assembly’s latest rulemaking on “downzoning” and has criminal implications.  How can this possibly be enforced without complicated interpretations of zoning law. And why should any firearms consequences be determined or adjudicated through a “zoning board of appeals. 

GRNC and everyone, are of course against unlawful, irresponsible and dangerous behavior that results in firearms rounds crossing into or across another person’s property or public areas. However, the Discharging a Firearm Across Property Lines ordinance is unnecessarily full of emotionally charged language and locations with examples such as “parks”, “childcare facility”, “Schools”, “medical facility”, “park” or “recreational area”.  Are other areas or locations not named not included or not significant?  These areas need to be removed, and legally defensible language applied.

I and GRNC strongly urges you to oppose the proposed ordinance. If the commission insists on passing these ill conceived ordinances into law, at least reduce the penalty for discharge of a firearm at night to a civil infraction.   Respectfully,