Which To Attend? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

My Mom got an email today from the Brady Campaign. I guess at this point I should mention that she passed away almost six years ago, but I digress.

The Brady Campaign is having their very own Brady National Summit in Washington, DC in June. The announcement and details are below:

The Brady National Summit will take place June 9-10, 2014, at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center, with a cocktail reception on the evening of June 8. This year’s theme is “Bring It Home!”

The summit will feature experts, thought leaders, key advocates from across the country, and fellow Americans who have been personally impacted by gun violence. Participants will hone the skills needed to effectively engage friends, neighbors, media and elected officials in our national conversation about gun violence, and learn about what they can do in their community to help reduce gun violence.

The summit will close with a powerful day of citizen lobbying, as we join together to spread our message throughout the halls of Congress!

Join us for three days of education, inspiration & empowerment on reducing gun violence in our country.

The cost to attend this soiree is a mere $50. And more importantly, it will feature thought leaders! I guess these are the people who tell the thought police how to prosecute thoughtcrime.

And speaking of thoughtcrime, my alternative to the Brady National Summit is the NRA Annual Meeting which is free, is not in DC, and not full of Debby Downers.

Which to attend? Such a hard decision. Or not.

Screw it! I’m going to ignore the thought leaders and chance the thought police to indulge in thoughtcrime in Indy and I going to have a helluva time doing it.