Transparency? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Transparency

One of the key pledges of the reform candidates is transparency. It is one of our core values. The members of the NRA have been kept in the dark for much too long.

A friend mentioned something dealing with the NRA’s 2023 Form 990 to me and I decided to investigate a little further. Part VI of the form asks about an organization’s governance, management, and disclosure. All organizations are required to answer all the questions in Part VI though Federal law doesn’t mandate any particular form of management structures, operational policies, or disclosure practices. That said, the IRS does consider the answers to these questions as being helpful in ensuring tax compliance.

There are two questions in particular dealing with transparency as evidenced by disclosure and documentation. They are Part VI, Lines 8a and 8b.

From the IRS Form 990 Instructions:

Answer “Yes” on lines 8a and 8b if the organization contemporaneously documented by any means permitted by state law every meeting held and written action taken during the organization’s tax year by its governing body and committees with authority to act on behalf of the governing body (which ordinarily don’t include advisory boards). Documentation permitted by state law can include approved minutes, email, or similar writings that explain the action taken, when it was taken, and who made the decision. For this purpose, contemporaneous means by the later of (1) the next meeting of the governing body or committee (such as approving the minutes of the prior meeting), or (2) 60 days after the date of the meeting or written action. If the answer to either line 8a or 8b is “No,” explain on Schedule O (Form 990) the organization’s practices or policies, if any, regarding documentation of meetings and written actions of its governing body and committees with authority to act on its behalf. If the organization had no committees, answer “No” to line 8b.

As you can see in the screen shot below, the NRA answered Yes to 8a and No to 8b. This means that the NRA kept contemporaneous minutes of their Board meetings (8a) but the committees of the Board did not (8b). The committees authorized to act on behalf of the full board include the Executive Committee, the Audit Committee, and the Special Litigation Committee.

Let’s go to a screen shot of the relevant portion of Schedule O to see the explanation of why the NRA answered No on Part VI, Line 8b.

We see that the Executive Committee kept documentation in the form of approved minutes. That’s good.

We also see that the Audit Committee kept documentation of their actions in the form of both approved minutes and written reports. That’s good as well.

And then there is the Special Litigation Committee which meets “informally”.

Informally? You are meeting to discuss litigation that originally called for the dissolution of the NRA and you are only meeting “informally”? WTF!

Whose idea was it to meet “informally” and what was the rationale behind it? Was the purpose to keep the rest of the Board and the members of the NRA in the dark? Mind you, the discussions on the litigation between the members of the SLC and the attorneys from Brewer, Attorneys and Counselors, would have been privileged and not ordinarily discoverable by the NY Attorney General’s Office.

I have been told by one board member when he questioned this that the SLC always met in executive session and thus didn’t keep minutes. So is executive session normally considered “informal”? While I am not a lawyer or an expert on NY Not for Profit Law, I really don’t think so.

Then there is the whole business of approving almost $200 million in invoices for legal fees and only documenting it by email. While a valid method per the IRS, the amount of money expended would seem to demand much more documentation and in a more formal manner. This is especially true as this has drained the coffers of the NRA. Moreover, who received these emails and were they made available to the Board as a whole?

The whole rationale for even having a Special Litigation Committee was that both Wayne LaPierre and John Frazer were named defendants in the NY trial. In a normal litigation, they would have been the two most involved as CEO/EVP and General Counsel. This leads me to ask whether either of them met with the SLC and the attorneys to discuss the litigation and its strategies. Did Wayne get special briefings on the litigation from Bill Brewer and his associates? I can’t imagine Wayne would just go along his merry way staying in the dark about the trial other than what concerned him directly without asking questions of Brewer. Remember, Wayne was in charge of keeping the NRA in existence so as to further his own lavish lifestyle.

This whole lack of transparency with regard to the decisions of the SLC just stinks. Documentation of almost $200 million in legal billings merely by email also reeks. While the SLC will probably be officially disbanded at the NRA Board of Directors’ winter meeting in Dallas, this is an issue that demands answers. At the very least, an audit – preferably a forensic audit – of the billings by Brewer, Attorneys and Counselors, is called for.

Stuck In No Man’s Land

Being stuck in “no man’s land” or betwixt and between can be a hard place to be. I bring this up because I stumbled across an oddity concerning the candidates for the 2025 NRA Board of Directors.

WW1 battlefield – No Man’s Land

On one side, you have the avowed and acknowledged reformers who can be found at ElectANewNRA.Com. There are 28 of us on that list including two – Paul Babaz and Charles Brown – who are running as write-in candidates.

On the other side are those endorsed by the cabal. We know who they are thanks to an ad that they plan to run. You can see that ad below with commentary disputing some of the claims.

If you include the two write-in candidates, you have a total of 51 people running for the Board in this cycle. 28 of these candidates are from the reform slate and 16 endorsed by the cabal as seen above. Obviously, 28 plus 16 does not add up to 51.

What you have are seven candidates left out in “no man’s land”. They are Steve Dulan, Greer Johnson, Lucretia Hughes Klucken, Kim Rhode, Gene Roach, Lane Ruhland, and Mark Shuell. All but Kim Rhode are on the ballot due to being nominated by the Nominating Committee.

Steve Dulan, Greer Johnson, and Kim Rhode currently are on the Board of Directors with Johnson and Rhode assuming their spots due to vacancies on the Board. Interestingly, both Dulan and Rhode voted to keep the Special Litigation Committee at the September meeting of the Board of Directors which should have endeared them to the cabal.

Of the seven, I have only spoken with Mark Shuell. He seems reform minded and has been active in the Facebook group Members Take Back the NRA. Thus, I can see why the cabal has distanced themselves from him. Additionally, he has been endorsed by Jeff Knox which is pretty much the kiss of death when it comes to the cabal.

It would be interesting to know the dynamics of the cabal’s decision to leave these seven out in the cold. As I said, I can understand Mark Shuell but not the rest. You have two that voted to keep the Special Litigation Committee (Dulan and Rhode), you have a close associate of former NRA President Carolyn Meadows (Johnson), and you have one that was on the NRA’s witness list for the NY trial (Klucken). I can’t speak to Roach or Ruhland other than to say they were nominated by the Nominating Committee.

As always, if new information comes to light, I will report on it here.


I was nominated to run for the NRA Board by the Nomination Committee (shocker!) as well as by a petition of the members. You have seen my comments on that earlier.

I exposed a lot of the wrong doing, malfeasance, and just plain stupidity on the part of many board members and staff here on my blog. You have read the posts on the NRA’s problems since 2019. Now, I intend to be part of the solution as an active board member.

I could use your help to get the message out, please share this post and let folks know that you know me.

Share with others that my bio, and the bio’s of all the slate of change agents ( 28 in all) are on the website

Voting starts when you receive your February NRA magazine (sometime around Jan 15 or so) and is open to Life Members and others who have maintained their membership consistently for 5 years or more. In other words, open to all voting members. Perhaps this will be the year that more than 5% of the eligible voters actually vote. We can hope!

Those of us pushing to reform the NRA need your involvement. Thanks for helping us save the NRA and re-establishing it as a effective voice for our Second Amendment rights.

I would like to also point out that I have finally established a Substack page. I will be using it to aid my board campaign as well as that of others running for the Board.

The New Dallas Safari Club CEO

I apologize for being a little late with this. The Dallas Safari Club has announced that Rob McCanna will be their new CEO. He replaces Corey Mason who resigned to become the COO and VP for Conservation with the Wild Sheep Foundation.

Prior to accepting the position as CEO of the Dallas Safari Club and the DSC Foundation, McCanna was the President and CEO of Walther Arms, Inc. He had held prior upper-level management positions including as President of Orca Coolers and Senior VP for Global Sales and Marketing of Remington Outdoor Company.

From the DSC release:

“Our search team that led the process of Rob’s hire unanimously agreed that Rob is not only the right person for the job, but we feel with his industry experience and proven success as an executive-level leader, combined with his commitment to excellence, this represents a blockbuster hire,” said DSC President Ray Mulholland. “I could not be more excited.”

McCanna will also serve as the CEO for DSC Foundation. Russell Stacy, president of DSCF, expressed his excitement about the recent hire.

“These are exciting times for our foundation as we welcome Rob,” Stacy said. “His ability to foster valuable relationships within our industry, combined with his strong leadership skills and unwavering commitment to the purpose of DSC Foundation, will undoubtedly drive us to greater achievements and a brighter future.”

McCanna is coming on-board in time for the DSC Convention to be held in Atlanta on January 9-12. The organization has also grown its chapter numbers to 23. Having an experienced manager in position as the organization is going through a growth stage would seem essential to me.

McCanna, according to his LinkedIn profile, is a 1993 graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

I hope to meet and interview McCanna at the DSC Convention. I will be there both as a volunteer and as media.

Cooking Like A Southerner

Living in an area which has high in-migration from outside the region, you find signs that confirm the impact. It might be the rise in housing costs or congestion on local streets and highways. Bankrate says the median price of a home in the Asheville area is over 20% higher than the state as a whole.

I have found another indicator.

Our local community college, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, is now offering a continuing ed class entitled “Cooking Like a Southerner.” If that doesn’t say you’ve been invaded, I don’t know what does.

The Pursuit & Prestige Gala

As some may know, I am on the Board of Directors of the Dallas Safari Club – Carolina Foundation. It is the DSC chapter covering North Carolina and the Upstate and Piedmont of South Carolina. We are a 501(c)3 charity dedicated to conservation, education, and advocacy. We got started in late 2023 and have been working, bit by bit, to get up and going. It is not easy starting a new organization from essentially scratch though we have had lots of help.

We are finally at the point where we will have our first fundraising banquet. It will be March 1, 2025 at Childress Vineyards in Lexington, North Carolina. Founded by NASCAR legend, former NRA 1st VP, and current Chair of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Richard Childress, the winery features 30 different wines made from grapes grown on 70 acres of vineyards. The vineyard is part of the Yadkin Valley American Viticultural Area. The winery features a very nice event center for corporate and private events which is where the gala will be held.

The event will feature both live and silent auctions. These auctions will be accessible for online bidding by those unable to attend in person. A link to that will go in February. I know we will have many firearms, donated hunts, and other fine items up for bid or raffle. Indeed, I just secured a donation of a 10-day cow Cape buffalo hunt in the North-West Province of South Africa from Bos en Dal Safaris.

If you are interested in attending, ticket sales have begun and will continue until February 15th. Either go to our website or use the QR code in the image above. Likewise, if you are interested in donating an item for the auction or raffle – and it need not be firearm or hunting related – please contact us at

Claw Back Of Wayne’s Legal Expenses

NRA Director Dennis Fusaro sent me this about a week ago. It is a resolution that will be presented at the NRA Board of Directors’ meeting in January to be held in Texas. Dennis is urging a claw back of some of the legal expenses that the NRA paid on behalf of Wayne LaPierre in the New York trial.

It is my understanding from Dennis that a newer copy of the resolution has been submitted with more signatures attached. I am posting this copy with his permission.

You will note that the resolution specifies that Brewer Attorneys and Counselors cannot be used in this effort. I like that!

I think Dennis has a point. While it might be hard to argue that 100% of the legal fees expended on behalf of Wayne should be clawed back, the jury’s finding does negate any expectation that the NRA (and its members!) are responsible for the whole amount.

It will be interesting to see where the Board goes with this.

Round The Fire Podcast, Episode 68

I was a guest on Jono McHugh’s Round the Fire with Kingsview Safaris podcast talking about my trip in June to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. I had been listening to Jono’s podcast for a few years and when I got serious about setting up a hunt in Africa I contacted him. Unbeknownst to me, he and his family had migrated to west Texas after winning a H1B visa lottery based upon his expertise in wildlife and rangeland management. He talks about this adventure in Episode 38.

To make a long story short, Jono introduced me to Juan and Lauren Stander of LJ Hunting Safaris. Jono and Juan had been partnered up in PH (professional hunter) school. It was a fortuitous introduction as my brother-in-law Larry and I had a great time and a great experience. As I say in the podcast, Juan and Lauren made us feel like family.

You can find the episode on Apple Podcasts here and on Spotify here.

If you are thinking about taking a trip to Africa to hunt or just want to learn more about it, I would urge you to listen to Jono’s podcast. He discusses how to find a good outfitter, working with a PH, and the aftermath of the hunt including taxidermy and shipping plus everything in between.

Deconstructing Hollywood Gun Handling

Trainer and former US Army Special Operations Sgt Major Pat McNamara examines and deconstructs gun handling in 13 movies in the video below. He owns and runs TMACS Inc. firearms training.

Among the movies he examines are John Wick: Chapter 2, Pulp Fiction, a couple of Bond movies, and Lethal Weapon. What I found most interesting about his examination of the gun handling in the movies was what you could actually learn about proper gun handling.

The video runs about 28 minutes and was produced by Business Insider magazine.

Who Should Be Trump’s Pick To Head ATF?

One of the major nominations not yet released by President Trump is who will head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. I think it goes without debate that current head Steve Dettelbach will be replaced.

Two names that have been suggested are Brandon Herrera, aka The AK Guy, and Blake Masters.

Herrera would love to see the ATF abolished and there has been a vocal campaign to have him nominated for the position. He has indicated he’d accept the position if offered. He ran as a pro-gun candidate in the GOP primary against incumbent US Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) and lost by a mere 400 votes in a run-off.

A second person who has been suggested is Blake Master of Arizona. A protégé of venture capitalist Peter Thiel, Masters is a lawyer and venture capitalist. He lost the Arizona US Senate race in 2022 to Mark Kelly and was defeated in a GOP primary for Congress this year. Like Herrera, he has touted his 2A credentials.

I have a modest proposal for an alternative that meets all the criteria: law enforcement experience, knows guns, is comfortable testifying before Congress, and is a real 2A activist.

Dianna Muller!

Law enforcement experience? Di served 22 years with the Tulsa Police Department including units dealing with drugs and gangs. She has the street cred to be respected by ATF special agents. Moreover, I have no doubt she can outshoot almost every one of them.

Knows guns? Professional shooter, two-time national 3-gun champion, hunter, and the list goes on and on. While not a gunsmith, she could hold her own with the ATF’s Technical Branch.

Testified before Congress? Dianna has testified multiple times before Congress and is famous for saying she would “not comply” with any AWB.

2A activist? She founded The DC Project which has now become Women for Gun Rights. I was at the SHOT Show in 2015 and attended her rollout of the idea. It was smart then and it is smart today. She recognized that having women from all 50 states go to Congress and lobby for gun rights was an effective way of delivering the message. Their motto of Educate, Not Legislate is an effective message and their teal t-shirts really stand out.

2020 Turn SHOT Teal
DC Project Photo

I haven’t run this by Di and I have no idea if she would even consider it. I know I’d be running the other way but Di has always impressed me as a someone who is willing to step up when needed. I do know if Dianna isn’t interested or willing someone else from Women for Gun Rights like Holly Sullivan who also heads the Connecticut Citizens Defense League would make a great alternative.