Howard “Walt” Walter, RIP

LCdr Howard “Walt” Walter, USN (Retired), a longtime NRA Board member, passed away on Monday, March 10th, in Hendersonville, NC. He was 93.

He had been under home hospice care after some serious health setbacks as I noted on Facebook back in February. His obituary in BlueRidge Now details his early life, service as an aviator in the US Navy, his post Navy career, and his devotion to the shooting sports.

From his obituary, in part:

His passion for precision and discipline extended beyond his professional endeavors. This is evidenced by his active role as a National Board Member for the National Rifle Association (NRA) and as the Committee Chair for Competition Shooting, longtime Chair of the Highpower Committee and served on many other committees. Walt was a past President of the North Carolina Rifle and Pistol Association and remained on the board until his death.

Walt was an accomplished shooter, both as a member of the US Navy Shooting Team for which he was Officer-in-Charge, and as a civilian. Walt competed in Smallbore, Smallbore F-Class, High Power Rifle (all disciplines), F-Class High Power Rifle both Mid-Range and Long Range, and Conventional/Precision “Bullseye” Pistol. He was both distinguished and a member of the President’s Hundred….

Although Hamburg, NY, was their previous home, Walt and his wife, Dolores, made Flat Rock, NC their home in 1989. He was a lifelong champion of The 2nd Amendment. He was a proud and active member and executive officer of the Blackhawks Rifle Club. On Sundays he could be found at the Asheville Rifle and Pistol Club. He continued shooting up until fall of 2024. His indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to his family and country will be dearly missed.

I believe his death will move David Keene up on to the Board of Directors for the next month and a half until the end of the Meeting of Members. In the meantime, it means that 29 directors (plus the 76th director) will be elected in this election as opposed to the 28 previously announced.

One thought on “Howard “Walt” Walter, RIP”

  1. Yes, Keene is next. Does he even want it or take it? He didn’t run again.

    If any other seats open prior to the Members meeting or Keene refuses, then it’s Regina Roberts next and then Antonio Hernández-Almodóvar. If somehow more seats than that open, we’d once again be in a scenario where there aren’t enough “losers” to fill seats.

    It is telling that there used to be a bench of 8 to 9 candidates to fill temporary seats after each election and they’ve run out multiple times now because the cabal has held on to people who are at death’s door or who really don’t want to be there in order to keep power. Embarrassing.

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