A recent Tweet by David Hogg has gotten some notice. He accuses white suburban women and their voting habits as the reason more gun control has not been enacted.
Given that the Demanding Moms would not even exist if it were not for white suburban women, his claim is ludicrous. One really should not expect anything honest or profound coming from “Camera” Hogg.
If this was the only thing regarding “persons of pallor” and support/non-support for gun control, it could be passed off as just more crap coming out of Hogg’s mouth. Unfortunately, it is not. A post by journalist Emily Miller of “Emily Gets Her Gun” fame (#commission earned) listing posts she began and abandoned led to a CNN story out of Denver.
It was a “whites only” demonstration for more gun control in Colorado.
Hundreds of White women gathered at the Colorado Capitol Monday morning, with more expected to show up throughout the day, to use their “privilege” in a silent sit-in to demand Gov. Jared Polis ban guns and create a gun buyback program….
Here4TheKids, a movement created after a mass shooting in Nashville in March left six people dead, including three children, calls for primarily White women to peacefully sit-in until Polis, a Democrat, signs an executive order banning guns. It was founded by two women of color, Saira Rao, who is South Asian American, and Tina Strawn, who is Black. Both are mothers.
Strawn told CNN the movement calls for White women to be at the forefront of the sit-in because, “we know what happens when we show up with demands.”…
“So, it appealed to me very much that this was actually a time where we are asking Black folks and other marginalized and vulnerable communities to sit this one out and allow the White women and their privileged bodies, their privilege, and their power to show up. It’s time for them to show up,” Strawn added.
The thesis pushed by Strawn is that white women are less likely to be arrested, less likely to run afoul of police overreaction, etc. She goes on to add that blacks and other “marginalized” minorities have been “traumatized over and over and over again” both by police and by violence within their communities. Thus, white women should use their “white privilege” to bring attention to the issue of gun control.
The aim of the sit-in was to have Gov. Polis (D-CO) sign an executive order that any court in the land would find unconstitutional.
The executive order Here4TheKids has proposed for Polis to sign calls for the governor to “ban the use, loading, possession or carrying of all firearms in Colorado, including but not limited to firearms for personal protection, hunting, law enforcement or any otherwise lawful purpose” and create a statewide gun buyback program.
The organizers of Here4TheKids want more action because gun control laws have not stopped “the violence”. They say “because guns can cross state lines, you can print guns on 3D printers” that gun control is not working. Cody Wilson would agree with that last part as that has always been his argument about making gun control futile.
I look at my friends in the gun culture. They are white, black, Asian, Native American, and everything in between. They are male, female, and transexual. They are rich and poor. They are urban, suburban, and rural. In other words, they all are part of this melting pot that we call America. We make no demands that only whites can be for gun rights. Indeed, we argue against laws that were implemented to keep blacks and other minorities disarmed. Unfortunately, the enemies of freedom and our God-given right to self-protection have argued for these very laws.
Frankly, I find this interjection of race into the arguments for gun control to be repulsive. I thought we left that behind years ago along with anti-semitism. Obviously, not.