Behind My Sporadic Blogging

You may have noticed that my blogging has been a little less frequent and a bit sporadic lately.

Blame it on ObamaCare.

In the budget tightening that is going on throughout the healthcare world due to ObamaCare, the hospital at which the Complementary Spouse works cut her position. Or in the parlance used by her department’s director, they will not be funding her position in the new fiscal year that starts October 1st. Of course,

This means she has until the end of September to find a new position within the hospital or she is out after 25 years with the same organization.

Thanks, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and every other fucking idiot who voted to pass this abomination of a “tax” as Chief Justice Roberts has decreed it to be. Your efforts will not go unappreciated.

As you can imagine, the Complementary Spouse is grieving. She is grieving not only the loss of her nursing position but the negative impact on the patients and their outcomes as a result. She needs my support and attention during this trying time. Fortunately, we live frugally and are big savers so the financial impact will be minimal for the immediate future.

I wasn’t sure if I should share this or how much to share but decided to go ahead with it. I guess I just wanted you to know that I wasn’t getting tired of the blog or of you but that the Complementary Spouse needs me and my attention a bit more than you until the dust settles.

7 thoughts on “Behind My Sporadic Blogging”

  1. Welcome to Obamacare indeed. We have a family friend that is a surgeon. She retired after she got and read that abomination. Hopefully she will be able to find a position. 25 years is a long time for them to just throw her out.

  2. I too am a nurse who got screwed by the system….In my case, I underwent surgery at the Catholic hospital I worked at as an RN. The surgery was botched by the hospital's doctor and I was in a septic coma for three weeks. I spent another month as a patient and then was sent home to finish recovering. As I was getting ready to return home, I was told that I was fired – "because I could no longer do the work". My health insurance went away a month later, for the next four years! It's not just the govt, those money- seeking corporations will screw you if it profits them. They are trying to become a "magnet hospital"….I can't wait to have a conversation with the certifying inspection team when they come by. Be careful of those smooth-talking', values-spouting Catholic non-profits! Matt P, RN

  3. I have worked in a Texas hospital for 20+ years. The hospital was gung-ho FOR obamacare. Last week we were told there would be layoffs. If you want surgery, bring your cash, because obamacare/medicare/medicaid will not pay enough to cover our costs.

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