The meme below posits an interesting question for which the anti-gun forces have no answer. I assume most of them will say that you will be protected by the government which any rational person knows is a fallacy.
While any weapon can be abused by those with evil intent, these same weapons can and are used by good people to protect themselves and their families on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about an AR-15, a baseball bat, or a knife. All can be used for defensive purposes.
There really is no difference between an offensive and defensive weapon. A shield is a barrier to deploy a sword behind.
If you still argue with leftists (I have given up) remind them that on of the main arguments they deployed against Reagan’s SDI programs was that it would enable a first strike by the US by preventing a second strike by the Soviets. Technically, they were correct although both opponents and supporters exaggerated the effectiveness.