NRA In Danger posted “The Cabal Chronicles” yesterday. It presents a fictional newsletter from a cabal dedicated to the destruction of the NRA. It details the efforts made over the years to infiltrate the Board of Directors, siphon money and members from the NRA, and to set it up so that it self-destructs.
This supposed fictional newsletter is as close a description of what has actually happened to the NRA over the last 20 years as could be imagined. I think a publisher presented this as a book would have rejected it as it was just too far-fetched to be believed. However, this supposed fictional newsletter is as close a description of what has actually happened to the NRA over the last 20 years as could be imagined.
From “The Cabal Chronicles” about Indy in 2019:
On the eve of NRA’s annual meeting, some of the CEO’s scandals became public. For a day, though, our plan was in grave danger. The president, first VP, and some directors asked the CEO to step down, which of course would have ruined everything. NRA would have stood out as the nonprofit that discovered its CEO was corrupt, and immediately took action.
Fortunately, our obedient directors and the new chief vendor convinced the CEO to refuse the idea, and instead drafted a letter from the CEO to the board, portraying the CEO as bravely resisting extortionate demands. (We had many a laugh at that one. “Next, we write the letter for Al Capone!”)
Luckily for us, the majority of the board fell in line behind our sheep dogs and endorsed the CEO. So obedient were they that, before we were through, they’d purged their president and the first vice president for daring to challenge the corrupt CEO. The presidency fell to a lady whom we could easily control by making sure she chose our tools as her advisors. Led by them, she stripped any dissenting directors of their committee assignments, effectively making them powerless.
Moving on to 2020 and the pandemic. The Annual Meeting scheduled to happen in Nashville was canceled. However, the bylaws stipulated a meeting must be held so it was rescheduled to happen over Labor Day Weekend in Springfield, Missouri. Then that meeting got canceled and moved to a fancy resort in Tucson, Arizona. While not stated in the story, I think it must have been because too many rank and file members would have headed to Springfield if only to visit the Bass Pro mothership and the NRA Sporting Arms Museum before the meeting.
The Chronicles continue about the 2020 meeting in Tucson which I did attend in reality and did present a resolution in reality.
The regular meeting of the members was canceled “due to Covid.” Then the meeting was reset and held in Tucson, AZ, where due to the small venue and Covid spacing, only a few hundred members could be allowed in. An online site was established for registration, and directors were tipped off in advance to fill it with themselves, their family, and their guests. As a result, registration of ordinary members closed within hours. A couple of dozen got in.
VP Cotton assured the friendly audience that the NY lawsuit was a sham and would surely be defeated. The directors in the audience led the rest in giving LaPierre a standing ovation. Some members did present resolutions which might have hindered our plans for destruction, but the directors present asked that they be referred to board committees, which of course discarded them.
The rest of The Cabal Chronicles continues and concludes with the members striking back by nominating 14 petition candidates. As my readers know, I am one of those 14 petition candidates. I am also one of the two “double nominated” candidates meaning I was nominated by both the Nominating Committee and by petition.
An interesting side note on being nominated by the Nominating Committee. An affidavit regarding the work of the Nominating Committee was filed by Charlie Beers with whom I’ve had friendly conversations. It states as the last item, “In fact, the Committee nominated multiple candidates who have been critical of NRA leadership, notably John Richardson, a longtime NRA member who runs a blog entitled No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money that frequently broadcasts such criticisms.” I’m not sure if that makes me famous or infamous but I’ll take it as I will be permanently in the New York trial records.
Presenting the last few years as fictional newsletter from a fictional cabal was a brilliant move. Read the entire post in NRA In Danger. It will be well worth your time.
Just a very short comment to thank you for keeping us informed about all things NRA related. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Since news of the wasteful spending and willful entrenchment of the cabal coupled with their love affair with Brewer and Co first became public, I have long thought our enemies were in charge. After all, what would our enemies do differently to cripple our once proud organization?