Cooking Like A Southerner

Living in an area which has high in-migration from outside the region, you find signs that confirm the impact. It might be the rise in housing costs or congestion on local streets and highways. Bankrate says the median price of a home in the Asheville area is over 20% higher than the state as a whole.

I have found another indicator.

Our local community college, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, is now offering a continuing ed class entitled “Cooking Like a Southerner.” If that doesn’t say you’ve been invaded, I don’t know what does.

2 thoughts on “Cooking Like A Southerner”

  1. Could be worse. People could be invading and then living like they were still wherever they came from, refusing to assimilate. Now why does that sound so familiar?

  2. Hey, when things line up to Delocate from Left Coast Hell I’m gonna need all the help I can get acclimating.

    Not every transplant is an invader, some seek a better fit to our values because we know that Sodom and Gomorrah are beyond saving.

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