Mayor Bloomberg and his Illegal Mayors are not happy. They want you to know that. That is why they have released this whining press release bemoaning the fact that the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed HR 822 today.
“Ten months after a disturbed man carried a concealed weapon to shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others, six fatally, the House voted today to gut state laws on who can carry concealed, loaded guns in public. This was an absolutely embarrassing display of putting special interests and fund raising ahead of public safety.
“A majority of the House ignored the advice of police, prosecutors, domestic violence experts, faith leaders and more than 600 mayors who made clear that this measure will put police and communities at greater risk. Many members also cast aside their usual respect for the authority of states to decide how to protect public safety in their communities.
“With unemployment over nine percent and Congress taking no action to create jobs, it is astonishing that catering to the Washington gun lobby is the top priority for House Republicans. The vast majority of actual gun-owning Americans oppose this bill: 82 percent of them want states, not Washington, to decide who can carry concealed, loaded guns in public.
“We applaud the Democratic leadership, particularly Chairman Conyers, for waging a principled fight against this bill, and offer thanks to Republican members who stood up for police and public safety, including Representatives Peter King, Michael Grimm, Bob Turner, Dan Lungren, Robert Dold and others.
“The debate now moves to the Senate, which had the sense to reject this measure in 2009. We urge them to do so again.”
In their call to states rights, Mayors Michael Bloomberg of New York and Thomas Menino of Boston remind me of a certain Alabama governor who famously said in his inaugural speech “and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” You just need to replace the word segregation with gun control and you have essentially the same argument that George Wallace made in 1963. Wallace repudiated his words late in his life saying they were one of his life’s biggest regrets. I doubt Bloomberg and Menino will ever repudiate their anti-gun rights bigotry.
It would be interesting to see how much crime is committed by persons using a gun, that is outside of their home state and/or region.
TotC: Do you mean that would still be a crime without some form of "national reciprocity"?
Ten months after a disturbed man carried a concealed weapon to shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords
So, did the nutcase who shot Gifford have a concealed carry permit? or did he illegally stuff a gun in his pocket regardless of the laws in order to go commit a felony? Had he been photo-id, fingerprinted and background checked or did he just ignore all that legalistic claptrap? If so that's the first I've heard of it…it's a totally bogus argument, and if he had had a permit to carry, the opposition would be jumping up and down saying the process is broken and people with permits are evil.
In fact someone with a concealed carry permit helped pin him down…among the other heroes who rushed the gunman as he was reloading.
So according to them the states should have the right to ignore the NFA and GCA? Do they really mean that?
The majority of the Senate approved of a more liberal measure – the measure failed because a supermajority was required to attach it to a must-pass-and-sign piece of legislation