The quote of the day comes from Miguel Gonzalez of Gun Free Zone blog fame. It was in response to a post on Facebook noting that Kroger grocery stores were removing gun magazines that have “assault weapons” (sic) in the stories.
Miguel’s comment from Facebook is brutal but spot on:
Standard version:
Good German businessmen who pride themselves in the righteousness of the Reich, should not have these unclean Zionist publications for sale in their places of business. Removal is a must alongside anything else related to it.
Palatable version:
Good American businessmen who pride themselves in the righteousness of “Do It For The Children”, should not have these unclean gun publications for sale in their places of business. Removal is a must alongside anything else related to it.
I approve this message 🙂
We need to figure out how to remove Krogers from the list of places where people can use food stamps. That will get their attention.