The Second Amendment Foundation posted this response to the New Jersey Attorney General’s brief in Muller v. Maenza on their Facebook page.
NJ Attorney General Argues That The Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms Does Not Apply Outside the Home and
That the Public Needs to be Protected From Those Legally Carrying!
On March 16, the New Jersey Attorney General filed its final lower court response in the recently-filed lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s extreme and subjective handgun carry laws.
As in its previous papers, the Attorney General again trashed the Second Amendment, arguing that the right to bear arms does not apply outside the home, and that New Jersey’s carry laws are constitutional and necessary to protect the public from those who legally carry firearms.
The federal lawsuit, filed in November of last year by Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, the Second Amendment Foundation, and six individual plaintiffs, challenges New Jersey’s unconstitutional “justifiable need” standard for issuance of handgun carry permits – a nearly impossible standard to meet that has all but eliminated the right to self defense with a firearm in the Garden State.
“It is now crystal clear that the State of New Jersey has no intention of ever respecting the right to defend yourself with a firearm outside the home, and will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into compliance with the Heller and McDonald decisions,” said ANJRPC President Scott Bach. “With this lawsuit, we intend to do just that, even if we have to go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Bach.
SAF founder Alan Gottlieb added, “ With the help of our members and supporters we will fund this legal action all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court just like we did with McDonald vs. Chicago. This case will impact states all across the country.”
The case is now submitted for consideration by a U.S. District Court Judge, who could rule as early as September. Appeals are anticipated regardless of the decision.
SAF will keep you apprised of major case developments as they occur. Please watch for future alerts.
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