While I haven’t had a chance to read and digest it, Alan Gura has filed the appeal brief in Ezell et al v. Chicago with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. This is an appeal of Judge Virginia Kendall’s decision to deny the preliminary injunction against Chicago’s ban on gun ranges.
The brief which is 87 pages can be found here and the 139 page appendix which accompanies it is found here. I wanted to get this information out to a wider audience as soon as possible. Thanks are due to Gene Hoffman of CalGuns Foundation for putting it online.
Brian Doherty at Reason.com has written an excellent article on the Ezell case. It is a must read especially if you haven’t followed the case that closely. He lays it out exceedingly well. As he notes:
Second Amendment lawyer Alan Gura filed an appeal this week in the case of Ezell v. Chicago, challenging the city’s ban on gun ranges. It’s likely to be one of the first important appeals court decisions to define the new shape of Second Amendment jurisprudence.