GRNC-PVF TweaksThe Blue Noses (Updated)


plural noun: blue-noses
  1. 1.
    a priggish or puritanical person.
    “the most restrictive, bluenose standards”
  2. 2.
    a person from Nova Scotia.

 Grass Roots North Carolina – Political Victory Fund is holding a fund-raising raffle to support its efforts to defeat anti-gun candidates in the November election. The winner gets a Palmetto State Armory M-4 configured AR-15, 1,000 rounds of high quality ammunition, AND a free portrait of Hillary Clinton. Tickets are $10 each, 3/$25, 7/$50 or 15/$100.

GRNC-PVF says of the Clinton portrait, “Of course, we won’t tell you what to do with the photo, but when we ran a picture of Hillary on the front of our newsletter, we heard it was very popular at the range.” They note that if Hillary is elected on November 8th, panic buying will go into full swing on November 9th.

As you can imagine, the blue noses in the media are wailing and gnashing their teeth over this raffle.

CBS News ran a short feature on the raffle.

As to NC Policy Watch, which bills itself as the “the progressive pulse” and who suggests North Carolina legislators should emulate the recent California “gunpocalypse”, they said:

In the name of all that is decent in our country, the terribly troubled souls behind this need to take it down immediately and apologize as well. What’s more, Donald Trump, Gov. Pat McCrory, Senator Richard Burr, Sen. Buck Newton and all other conservative politicians who have attempted to make gun ownership an issue in their campaigns should disavow the group ASAP.

In an update, WRAL-TV Raleigh ran GRNC President Paul Valone’s response as well as the response from the executive director of Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC.

Paul Valone, president of Grass Roots NC, tells WRAL News that ticket sales are coming in “briskly.” He said attention the group has received over the past 24 hours from writers for national media outlets who perceive the fundraiser as an implicit threat against Clinton is unwarranted.

“No reasonable person with a basic understanding of the English language could possible construe any sort of threat or encouragement from that basic message,” Valone said Thursday.

Meanwhile, Peter Ambler, executive director of Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC, which was formed by former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, said the raffle is ill-conceived.

“This dangerous stunt just further degrades the debate on gun safety that our country needs,” Ambler said in an email. “North Carolina voters and law-abiding gun owners everywhere deserve a lot better.”

If I didn’t know better I’d say Paul Valone has been reading Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. This raffle is right out of Rule No. 6 – “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” The hyperbole from the other side is right up there with the suggestion that Donald Trump wants Hillary Clinton assassinated because he suggested she go without armed protection like the average citizen.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some raffle tickets to buy.

UPDATE: It looks like this story is starting to go viral…as are ticket sales. According to Sean Sorrentino on Facebook, the GRNC server is in meltdown status from all the ticket orders.

The Demanding Mommies

Puffington Host

New York Post

(London) Daily Mail

Daily Beast

Talking Points Memo

Daily Kos (which calls GRNC a “Republican gun club” which they are not)

Sacramento Bee

News 1 Korea

International Business Times UK

NY Daily News

The Independent (UK)


Cue the outrage machine so GRNC-PVF can keep selling raffle tickets to defeat Deborah Ross, Roy Cooper, and Josh Stein.