With only 20 days to go before all ballots must be received by the NRA’s tabulating firm, this last factoid from the Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Association is an interesting note. With 49 candidates on the ballot plus another two write-in candidates, I think this number may drop even with people voting the full slate of NRA 2.0 candidates.
Now that we know that a total of 30 candidates will be elected, it is critical to remember that your ballot can only contain 28 selections including the two write-ins. Any more than that and it will be trashed as invalid. The passing of Walt Walter and the pending resignation of Ken Blackwell are what have opened up the extra two slots on the board.

Falls Township made this observation about the implications of the post above.
Reformers can win! In previous elections, the difference between popular insider candidates and the ones who barely got elected was a huge.
In recent years, the races have narrowed dramatically. Members are spreading their votes out and not voting for insider candidates as frequently.