On the heels of S. 50 – Freedom to Carry NC passing out of the NC Senate Rules Committee came a press release issued early yesterday evening. It is from Everytown and their assorted groups announcing a rally in Raleigh to protest permitless concealed carry. The thought of the unwashed masses exercising their fundamental Constitutional rights to protect their families and themselves is anathema to them.
They plan to hold a “press conference” in Raleigh this afternoon at 2pm. In their release it asks the press to reach out to them if they want to speak with a volunteer or a “policy expert”.
They then say:
SB 50 is a dangerous bill that would allow the concealed carry of handguns for those as young as 18 without a permit, meaning no background check, safety training, or live-firing experience will be required.
This is followed up by spurious statistics proclaiming that blood will run in the streets. That, of course, is something that has not happened in the other 29 states that have adopted some form of permitless concealed carry.
The speakers will be the usual suspects including two state senators who didn’t even bother to appear in opposition before the Senate Rules Committee yesterday. The lead speaker is Gerald Givens, Jr. who from his website appears to have made gun control into a career. While I may thank him for his military service, I would also remind him of the oath he took to protect the Constitution.
I will give the gun prohibitionists this. Their reaction time is great. They must have an army of PR flacks just waiting for moments like this.
Do you want permitless carry in North Carolina? Do you live in the Piedmont or within an hour or two of Raleigh? Do you have some free time on Tuesday morning?
If the General Assembly passed H5/S50 – and overrides the anticipated veto by Gov. Josh Stein (D-NC) – North Carolina will become the 30th state with permitless concealed carry. It would mean another 11 million people would have Constitutional or permitless carry.
Here are the details from GRNC:
We need YOUR help, this Tuesday, to present the Constitutional Carry Petition …
Other than newborn babies, interesting and important things tend to lack a lot of prior notice, and it turns out this Tuesday’s (3/11) pivotal event in our state’s capital is no exception. NC Representative Keith Kidwell, sponsor of HB5 (“NC Constitutional Carry Act”), is getting together with NC’s House Speaker, Destin Hall, this Tuesday for a joint press conference. What exactly makes this presser so important? It turns out that GRNC leaders and supporters (like you) will also be there to present the thousands of ‘Constitutional Carry’ petitions that North Carolinians have signed.
We Need You There We’re asking you to set aside some time and meet us in Raleigh this Tuesday morning. The “and supporters (like you)” part is only true, and only effective, if you’re actually there, and the more gun rights supporters the better to make the greatest possible impact, so please bring along everyone you can.
The precise time and precise room number is currently unknown, but it will almost surely be before lunch, and in the General Assembly Legislative Building. If there is any chance at all that you can meet us there, it would go a long way in finally bringing constitutional carry to our state. More details are below, with the understanding that updates with precise information will be passed along as soon as they are available. If you can set aside the time, and plan to be at the legislature on Tuesday morning, that’ll do the trick to get things going…
ATTEND THIS TUESDAY’S PRESSER IN RALEIGH: Precise time and room number are to be determined, but please plan to be at the General Assembly Legislative Building, Tuesday morning (3/11/2025), by 8:30 AM (or as soon as you can be there). Meet at “Printed Bills,” and there will be a GRNC representative there to fill you in on details as soon as they are available. See below for directions. Please dress for the press, business casual or nicer clothing is requested.
PLEASE RSVP: If you can make it, please email us at DirectorOfDevelopment@GRNC.org and let us know how many will attend. The more, the merrier. If we have your contact information, this will also help us keep you apprised of details.
PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO GRNC: Help us fight gun control while we promote Second Amendment principles. Please CLICK HERE to contribute. Bear in mind that GRNC is an all-volunteer organization, so you can be sure your donations are put to the best possible use. Any amount helps, and any amount is appreciated. EVENT DETAILSWHEN: Tuesday, 3/11/2025 at 8:30 AM (or as soon as you can be there)
WHERE: NC General Assembly – Legislative Building 16 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27601
Meet in front of the “Printed Bills” office (1300 Courtyard)
WHY: To make an impact and help GRNC move the ball on Constitutional Carry in our State
Parking Map: Building Map:
UPDATE: The exact time and place has been announced in a GRNC press release sent out at 2:30pm today. Moreover, Speaker Destin Hall will receive the petitions in person for which GRNC President offered his thanks.
On Tuesday, March 11, at 1:50 PM EDT at Speaker Destin Hall’s office, Legislative Building Rm. 2304, 16 W. Jones St., Raleigh, NC. GRNC will present 5,000 petition signatures to NC House Speaker Destin Hall, who has agreed to receive them in person in what we regard as significant progress in moving the bill.
And then just as a separate question — as you’re watching the Solyndra and Fast and Furious controversies play out, I’m wondering if it gives you any pause about any of the decision-making going on in your administration — some of the emails that Democrats puts out indicating that people at the Office of Management and Budget were concerned about the Department of Energy; some of the emails going on with the Attorney General saying he didn’t know about the details of Fast and Furious. Are you worried at all about how this is — how your administration is running? THE PRESIDENT: Well, first on the issue of prosecutions on Wall Street, one of the biggest problems about the collapse of Lehmans and the subsequent financial crisis and the whole subprime lending fiasco is that a lot of that stuff wasn’t necessarily illegal, it was just immoral or inappropriate or reckless. That’s exactly why we needed to pass Dodd-Frank, to prohibit some of these practices.
The financial sector is very creative and they are always looking for ways to make money. That’s their job. And if there are loopholes and rules that can be bent and arbitrage to be had, they will take advantage of it. So without commenting on particular prosecutions — obviously that’s not my job; that’s the Attorney General’s job — I think part of people’s frustrations, part of my frustration, was a lot of practices that should not have been allowed weren’t necessarily against the law, but they had a huge destructive impact. And that’s why it was important for us to put in place financial rules that protect the American people from reckless decision-making and irresponsible behavior.
Now, with respect to Solyndra and Fast and Furious, I think I’ve been very clear that I have complete confidence in Attorney General Holder in how he handles his office. He has been very aggressive in going after gun running and cash transactions that are going to these transnational drug cartels in Mexico. There has been a lot of cooperation between the United States and Mexico on this front. He’s indicated that he was not aware of what was happening in Fast and Furious; certainly I was not. And I think both he and I would have been very unhappy if somebody had suggested that guns were allowed to pass through that could have been prevented by the United States of America.
He has assigned an Inspector General to look into how exactly this happened, and I have complete confidence in him and I’ve got complete confidence in the process to figure out who, in fact, was responsible for that decision and how it got made.
He may as well have said he didn’t know about no steenkin’ gun walking for how believeable his response to Jake Tapper’s question really is.