On the heels of S. 50 – Freedom to Carry NC passing out of the NC Senate Rules Committee came a press release issued early yesterday evening. It is from Everytown and their assorted groups announcing a rally in Raleigh to protest permitless concealed carry. The thought of the unwashed masses exercising their fundamental Constitutional rights to protect their families and themselves is anathema to them.
They plan to hold a “press conference” in Raleigh this afternoon at 2pm. In their release it asks the press to reach out to them if they want to speak with a volunteer or a “policy expert”.
They then say:
SB 50 is a dangerous bill that would allow the concealed carry of handguns for those as young as 18 without a permit, meaning no background check, safety training, or live-firing experience will be required.
This is followed up by spurious statistics proclaiming that blood will run in the streets. That, of course, is something that has not happened in the other 29 states that have adopted some form of permitless concealed carry.
The speakers will be the usual suspects including two state senators who didn’t even bother to appear in opposition before the Senate Rules Committee yesterday. The lead speaker is Gerald Givens, Jr. who from his website appears to have made gun control into a career. While I may thank him for his military service, I would also remind him of the oath he took to protect the Constitution.
I will give the gun prohibitionists this. Their reaction time is great. They must have an army of PR flacks just waiting for moments like this.