Enough To Cause Wailing and Gnashing Of Teeth … By The Anti Gunners

Let’s face it, the gun prohibitionists are a humorless lot who turn their patrician noses up at what the rest of us find funny. Imagine their consternation over a series of ads being aired by PRK Arms of Fresno, CA that spoof puppy adoption and male enhancement ads. You can hear the ads here or here. From the transcript at HotAir.com:

“They’ve been mistreated and misunderstood for generations,” the ad begins. “Abusive owners have done severe damage and given these beautiful creatures a bad reputation.”

“You can make a difference by giving a gun a loving home,” the ad says. “These guns want nothing more than to adore and protect you. So, please, have a heart. … PRK Arms has the kinds of guns that need a loving home more than anything else — like AK-47s, Glocks and the biggest selection of AR-15s in Fresno.”

And from this TV report, it sounds like the ads are working. Sales have never been better according to the store’s owner.

You just knew that any gun store called PRK Arms as in People’s Republic of Kalifornia had to have a sense of humor. Given the gun laws in California, a sense of humor – and a donation to the CalGuns Foundation – may be the only thing that lets you deal with it.

H/T Firearm Blog and HotAir

Quote Of The Day

The quote of the day comes from Tam regarding the authors of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank, a pair of career tax leeches on the cursus dishonorum, neither of whom has soiled their patrician hands with an honest day’s work in their life, are going to bring sense to financial markets and look out for the well-being of the little guy? Yeah, right.

And I think she is unfortunately correct that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will eventually have its own SWAT team. It just won’t have a director if Obama continues to nominate hyper-partisan types and the Senate maintains a backbone.

A Different Type Of Preparedness Tip

This tip comes from the podcast Zen Tiki Lounge which deals with all things Tiki.

If you live in an area that is subject to natural disasters such as earthquakes, make sure your home bar has one or two bottles of booze that come in plastic bottles. That way, even if all the other bottles fall off the shelf and break, you will still have something with which to drown your sorrows and get you through the cleanup.

Remember even if you live along the East Coast, you can have earthquakes as we saw earlier this year.

I think I’ll stop by the ABC store this morning! There is nothing like being prepared.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Rep. Issa On Hannity Discussing Holder’s Testimony

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) was on Hannity last night to discuss Attorney General Eric Holder’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. One of the things he said was this is not going away until they get the truth from Eric Holder. You know, I believe Issa when he says that. No matter how much Holder and the Obama Administration stonewalls, this isn’t going away and it isn’t going to get any better for them.

Tom Gresham on last Sunday’s GunTalk Radio show reiterated his prediction that Holder will be gone by the summer so as not to be an issue in the fall Presidential campaign. He well could be right.

Fox Legal Analyst On Holder’s Testimony

Fox News Legal Analyst Peter Johnson finds it a bit incredulous that on one hand Attorney General Eric Holder is “a hands-on” leader aware of what is going on in his department but yet has never discussed Operation Fast and Furious with the President. Johnson also discusses lying, perjury, and misstatements to Congress.

I tend to agree. I think it strains belief that Holder and Obama have not discussed this operation especially since two U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed with weapons from it.

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

Bloomberg Willing To Give Holder A Pass

While he usually has no problem whatsoever in criticizing anything related to firearms, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is refusing to criticize Attorney General Eric Holder over Operation Fast and Furious. Unlike even ardent gun prohibitionist Jackie Hilly of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence who says the Administration needs to take responsibility, Bloomberg won’t even go that far.

According to CBS New York:

Bloomberg seems clearly willing to give Holder a pass.

“I’ve never been into looking at the past and trying to blame people for the past,” the mayor said.

What a damn wimp not to mention a hypocrite. Bloomberg has no problem blaming gun shows in Arizona and other states for crime in New York City. However, in one of the few cases with a clear trail of evidence of illegal purchases by straw buyers, he won’t say anything negative about the operation or those who ran it. He is just plain, flat out, pathetic.

Raleigh – Just Like Any Other North Carolina City But Better

The City of Raleigh wants to be treated differently than any other city in the state when it comes to following the state law that now allows concealed carry in municipal and county parks. While they have passed an ordinance that puts them in conformance with state law on this issue, the City Council in its arrogance has instructed the City Attorney to work to get them exempted from it.

The Raleigh City Council today adopted an ordinance that members hope will be short lived. The vote brings the City Code into compliance with North Carolina State Enabling Laws.

The newly adopted State law that went into effect Dec. 1, allows the carrying of concealed weapons essentially everywhere, with the exceptions of some City-owned parks and recreational facilities. The City Council has asked the City Attorney’s Office to pursue an exemption for Raleigh during the General Assembly’s short session.“While the City Council will comply with the new law, the Council members unanimously believe it is bad policy and are seeking to change the law at the first opportunity,” said City Attorney Thomas McCormick.

It states:

“It shall be unlawful for any person to openly carry or possess on or about his person any deadly weapon including but not limited to any: bowie knife, dirk, dagger, sling-shot, loaded cane, metal knuckles, razor, stun gun, pistol, revolver, gun, rifle, or nightstick at any meeting, assemblage, or parade on any property, street, alley or other public way, park or greenway. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or carry a legally permitted concealed handgun on or at any City-owned playground, athletic field, swimming pool, or athletic facility as defined in G.S. 14-415.23”

While the City of Raleigh played it fairly straight on their ordinance unlike the City of Winston-Salem, it is the height of arrogance to expect that they will be exempted from a law that applies to every other city and county in the state of North Carolina. I fully expect the North Carolina General Assembly to tell Raleigh they can just forget it. Or since Wake County has seen such a large in-migration of people from certain Northeastern states, to fuhgeddaboudit.

H/T Jonathan

Free Guns But Not Courtesy Of ATF Gunwalkers

Aaron Spuler of The Weapon Blog has his monthly list of contests up where you can win free guns and other cool stuff.

Looking over the list I see a Glock 19, a Sig, a couple of Diamondbacks, and a couple of Single Action Armys that should appeal to the cowboy in all of us. In terms of rifles, it is mostly hunting stuff like a Ruger 77 Hawkeye and a Savage Trophy Hunter XP.

Be sure to thank Aaron for this service he provides every month. These contests have better odds than the lottery and cost you nothing to enter.