As Maine Goes…

There is an old saying that says, “As Maine Goes, So Goes the Nation.” One could only help that they continue being a bellweather state when it comes to gun rights.

Today, Gov. Paul LePage (R-ME) signed LD 652 which makes Maine the latest constitutional carry state. While constitutional carry went into effect on July 1st in Kansas, New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) vetoed a similar constitutional carry bill on Monday. She had promised the Demanding Mommies she’d veto the law when it crossed her desk.

The text of the bill can be found here. It will go into effect 90 days after the legislature adjourns for the session.

The NRA-ILA just released a couple of news items on the bill’s signing. They can be found here and here.

4 thoughts on “As Maine Goes…”

  1. Compared to where we were a few short years ago (post-Newtown), where we barely fended off the anti's onslaught under a dem house and senate, Maine has made a remarkable recovery.. this bill was bipartisan, which is always good!

  2. Looks like the NRA's press release is inaccurate. They say "resident of Maine" which would make it limited Con Carry, but the text seems to say "a person." Can you confirm that either way DamDoc/John?

  3. Looks like the NRA's press release is inaccurate. They say "resident of Maine" which would make it limited Con Carry, but the text seems to say "a person." Can you confirm that either way DamDoc/John?

  4. My understanding is that it is anybody, resident or not, as long as thet are not prohibited to own a gun… but im not a lawyer!.. I have not heard anybody here say it was just for residents..

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