Those Jokers In New Jersey

New Jersey judges have quite the sense of humor. On Monday, the judiciary system raised about 80 of their court fees. The money will be used to pay for bail reform, increase monies going to Legal Services of NJ, and an improved electronic filing system. They expect to raise $42 million in revenue from these increased fees annually.

Included in the increases are these:

Among the increases taking effect: Filing a lawsuit, an appeal or for divorce costs $50 more. Filing a small claim costs $35, up from $15. Permits to carry a handgun cost $50, rather than $20, and it now costs $50 to appeal a denial of a permit to buy a handgun.

The fee for getting a permit to carry a handgun might as well be $1 million given that it takes an act of God to get a New Jersey carry permit and even an act of God might not help. As Frank Fiamingo, President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, said:

What permits to carry a handgun? New Jersey does not issue permits to carry a handgun to law-abiding civilians. Unless you walk into the court with some thug holding a gun directly to your temple, you will be denied, and then denied upon appeal. The entire system is rigged to keep free people from exercising their natural human right to defend innocent life.

4 thoughts on “Those Jokers In New Jersey”

  1. Or you can be famous or a relative of a politician or just a NJ politician – otherwise you have no 2A rights in NJ.

  2. What do you want to bet that you don't get your $50 back if your denial to purchase is overturned (ie they screwed up your background check to begin with). Or maybe there's a $50 fee to file a motion to get your $50 appeal fee back.

  3. Everybody breezes by the "permit to purchase" laws in various states in the rush to demand "shall issue" carry permits.

    While there is a valid argument that the government has a compelling public safety interest in requiring vetted "shall issue" permits to carry outside the home or business, requiring a permit to even purchase a gun has no compelling public safety interest, and therefore cannot pass constitutional muster.

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