Outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder named as the biggest failure of his tenure – the lack of more gun control. Moreover, it “weighs heavily” on his mind.
“I think the inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind,” Holder said during an interview aired on CNN.
I can think of things that should weigh heavier on his mind like 300 dead Mexican nationals and 2 Federal law enforcement officer. And as Katie Pavlich reports, Project Gunwalker AKs were still being found at Arizona crime scenes as late as 2013.
Holder goes on to say:
“And the thought that we could not translate that horror into reasonable — I mean, really reasonable gun safety measures that were supported by the vast majority of the American people is for me something that I take personally as a failure,” he said, “and something that I think we as a society should take as a failure, a glaring failure, that I hope will ultimately be rectified.”
While Holder may look upon this as a failure, those of us who believe that 20,000 existing gun control laws is more than enough (and less would be better) would look upon it as one of the few accomplishments of his reign at DOJ. If Holder really wants to look at failures, he should look at how his tenure at Justice has politicized that department far and above anything that could have been dreamed up by Nixon’s Attorney General John Mitchell.
really reasonable gun safety measures that were supported by the vast majority of the American people
If a "vast majority" of The People supported it, the laws would have been passed.
Just because some antis spout off a line of BS doesn't mean it's true. Holder is an embarrassment to justice. Just another political hack….