Follow-Up On Be Smart’s Gun Show Visit

If there was any doubt that Be Smart for Kids is anything other than a front for the gun control industry, the post below from Moms Demand Action – NC will remove it.

They posted on Friday:

Volunteers had a Be SMART for Kids table at a gun show in Fletcher, NC on March 4 and 5. They gave out postcards and had great conversations!

Learn more about safe firearm storage at

Here are the photos that accompany it.

There is no mention of the Project Childsafe gun locks that they obtained under false pretenses. They can be seen in the bottom photo at the far left as well as on the right side of the table. Thanks to a note from Holly Sullivan of the Connecticut Civil Defense League, I found out that the box in which these locks are shipped specifically states that Everytown and Moms Demand Action are unauthorized groups.

Elsewhere, I find numerous mentions by Moms Demand Action of “our volunteers” manning Be Smart booths. Frankly, I think it is an effort reinforce the PR message that the Bloomberg groups are about “gun safety” as opposed to their real mission of gun control.

If Moms Demand Action, Be Smart for Kids, and Everytown were really serious about “gun safety” in the context of children, they would be partnering with actual gun safety efforts like the NRA’s Eddie Eagle, the NSSF’s Project Childsafe, and my friend Derek LeBlanc’s KIDS Safe Foundation. But that would force them to be serious about gun safety and not gun control.

9 thoughts on “Follow-Up On Be Smart’s Gun Show Visit”

  1. We need to be talking to the gun show organizers and let them know that these groups are operating under false pretenses.

    Some gun shows even give table space away to charitable organizations. If that’s the case here, I’d think the gun show organizers would be interested in knowing that this organization is just a front for a group that would love nothing more than to shut them down.

    1. That was the case here. The gun show organizer, MK Shows, was not pleased that they had gotten a table under false pretenses. They will not be back to any of his shows.

  2. I just sent the following message to some of the major gun show organizers that I know about:

    “An FYI for you to be aware of. A gun control group calling themselves “Be smart for kids” that is a subsidiary of Bloomberg’s “Mom’s Demand Action” has been presenting itself as a purely gun safety organization…even to the point of obtaining NSSF provided gun locks and giving them away under false pretenses…and getting booths at gun shows recently.

    I just wanted to bring your attention to it in case you are interested that an organization that would love nothing more than to shut you down might try to present itself as a friend to gun owners in order to get it’s nose in your tent.

    Here’s a blog that’s been posting on this subject with more information:

    I sent it to Showmasters, SGK, C&E and RK Shows. Those are the big ones around here anyway. I’ll let you know if I get any responses.

    1. I got a reply from RK Shows, they said they’d keep an eye out for them at their shows. I haven’t heard from any of the others yet.

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