The State of New Mexico has stopped honoring carry permits from 13 other states in the last two weeks according to a report on I don’t see much good that will come of this especially for the residents of the Land of Enchantment.
Notice: New Mexico has stopped honoring 13 other states Permit/Licenses in the last Couple weeks. Many of those states will stop honoring a New Mexico Permit/License. If you are a New Mexico Permit holder advises you to call ahead to make sure your New Mexico Permit is honored. Below is the list of states that New Mexico DPS is reporting they will honor.
North Carolina
North Dakota
Gary Slider, co-owner of, posted a longer message on the SIGForum regarding the move by the State of New Mexico Department of Public Safety. It had been reposted on the NC Gun Owners forum.
New Mexico has dropped Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas & West Virginia from the list of states they honored.
New Mexico will now only honor 5 states which are Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota & Oklahoma.
Of the states they dropped.
Colorado, Delaware, Louisiana, Ohio and West Virginia will drop New Mexico for sure as these states require Signed Agreements or the other state must honor them before they will honor that state.Arkansas and Texas will most likely drop New Mexico but I am not 100% positive on that but 99% sure they will from what both states have done in the past.
Kansas will continue to honor New Mexico as they list states they will honor based on a states law being similar to theirs without the other state honoring them.
Michigan & Tennessee honor all other states and will continue to honor New Mexico.
William Hubbard is the new man in charge of the NMPDS Concealed Carry Unit. He is the one making these decisions. From what I understand he is the one who is appointed by law to make the decisions. This major change by one person is most likely making huge waves in New Mexico. We will never learn just how big of waves but I believe there is a tsunami brewing.
Every state that boarders (sic) New Mexico except for Oklahoma which only has the Tip of its Panhandle touching New Mexico are now not welcome in New Mexico if they carry a firearm. All those citizens were welcome in the not to distant past. Also Colorado and most likely Texas will drop New Mexico and then citizens of New Mexico will not be welcome in those states if they want to carry their defensive firearm. That will cause a lot of calls, emails and letters to start flowing to politicians and an election is coming up. Those Politicians don’t want any waves right now that they don’t need. So it will be very interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks. I am hoping for the best. I also what to say I don’t know anymore about the Why’s of this any more than you do.
I am updating all the States pages at to reflect this change in who New Mexico Honors and who will honor them. It is a lot of work and hoping to get it all up late this evening. I have just returned from a weekend away. The Create a Map Application is the tough job. To make a state blue showing it honors another state is simple. To change it to show it doesn’t honor it any longer requires Steve to completely rebuild a new map for each state. That change will not happen for awhile and I will put that info on the Notice Page for the Create a Map Application.
NMDPS Concealed Carry Unit
6301 Indian School Rd NE Ste. 310
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 841-8053
UPDATE: Gary Slider, co-owner of, reports that New Mexico has reinstated 14 of the states dropped. I appreciate his updating us on the reinstatements.
Here is what he says in the comments below:
New Mexico has reposted on their website most of the states they dropped and will honor them. There was a lot of pressure put on people to honor the states again. You can view what they are saying at their website at: we continue our audit and make changes accordingly, this page will be updated to reflect the most current information. This information is current as of May 1, 2012
New Mexico currently recognizes concealed carry permits from or has reciprocal agreements with the following states: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.
Gary Slider
What the hell? Texas and Michigan have some of the stricter requirements of all states.
I am writing them a letter explaining that my trips to Albuquerque will stop. Everyone should let them know this will impact their visitors and money received from travelers.
Any idea WHY this is happening?
Bizarre. Do we have any idea why these changes were made? My first guess would be that someone decided that other states' training requirements were inadequate. I hope we find out soon.
The biggest issue is citizenship. Most of the states were dropped because they issue permits to resident aliens. NM only issues permits to U.S. Citizens. They require a birth certificate or naturalization papers to get a permit.
Most states will issue permits to green card, ie. legal immigrants.
@BigPhilip: It would explain why NM is getting sued by SAF over that very issue. Frankly, given the way courts have treated alienage in the past, NM will end up paying. Fed. courts in KY, SD, MA, and NE have all ruled against states who denied the gun rights of permanent legal residents.
Check out NM own website,
Here are the six areas that disqualifies reciprocity.
1 Permits issued locally rather than by the state;
2 No fingerprint-based background check;
3 Permits issued to persons under 21 years of age;
4 Permits issued to resident aliens;
5 No classroom (static) training required;
6 No live-fire (dynamic) training required.
Ohio probably fails on point 1 and definitely fails on point 4. Yet we had an agreement signed 12/1/2011. The same problems existed then, so what has changed?
New Mexico has reposted on their website most of the states they dropped and will honor them. There was a lot of pressure put on people to honor the states again. You can view what they are saying at their website at:
As we continue our audit and make changes accordingly, this page will be updated to reflect the most current information. This information is current as of May 1, 2012
New Mexico currently recognizes concealed carry permits from or has reciprocal agreements with the following states: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.
Gary Slider
@Gary: Thanks for updating everyone on the situation in New Mexico. I have updated my post and pushed it to the top of the page.
As a user of, I want to thank you personally for the great service you provide through your website. I have used it many times.
Now if we could only do something about that glaring empty spot in the middle of America called Illinois….
This is GREAT news!
Two points,
1. If your state is on the list, you are safe to carry in NM.
2. If you are a NM resident with a NM permit you need to be careful. Many of the states that were dropped may have suspended their reciprocity agreement automatically with NM. Thus a new agreement may be needed.
Go to the Ohio Attorney General's website and you will notice that New Mexico was dropped since Monday.
What next?
1. If your state is on the list, you are safe to carry in NM.
That turns out to not necessarily be the case; from the referenced NM web page:
[…] For those states that have had reciprocity agreements with New Mexico, but do not now have a similar law to ours, NM DPS will contact those states to clarify which permit holders from that state are not allowed to carry a concealed weapon in New Mexico. This will not affect the vast majority of permit holders in states with current reciprocity agreements.
For example, if New Mexico currently has a reciprocity agreement with a particular state that allows individuals under age 21, non-citizens, and/or individuals convicted of violent crimes to obtain a concealed carry permit, then NM DPS will work to adjust the reciprocity agreement to clarify to that state’s permit holders that they can carry a concealed weapon in New Mexico so long as they are a U.S. Citizen, over 21 years of age, and not convicted of disqualifying violent crimes.
So you could have a perfectly valid permit in your state, which has "reciprocity" with NM, and as a member of a non-vast minority still be illegal in NM. Addressing your point #2, I wonder how many states will refuse to play ball given the danger this poses to some of their permit holders?
This is ridiculous and unconstitutional because the "full faith and credit" clause REQUIRES states to honor ALL permits because they are public acts. I love how liars lie about the national reciprocity bill and say it's against states rights. Is the constitution even taught anymore in our government "schools?"
They dropped Florida as well. Here's the excerpt from FL list of reciprocity states…
"March 26, 2012: NEW MEXICO removed because New Mexico authorities terminated the agreement."
Sorry, here's the link…
Ok i need a all around reliable machine gun. I would like a gun because the world is going to shit and would like to feel a little bit more secure. I would like full auto, reliable, lightweight, well built gun. Money and getting the gun is not a problem for certain reasons. I was looking at a some but not knowing a whole lot about them which i need to know which is the best.
That will cause a lot of calls, emails and letters to start flowing to politicians and an election is coming up. Those Politicians don’t want any waves right now that they don’t need. So it will be very interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks. I am hoping for the best. I also what to say I don’t know anymore about the Why’s of this any more than you do.