Everytown for Gun Safety just sent out a press release giving voters a list of politicians not to vote for. Well, actually it was a list of Demanding Moms leaders and Everytown volunteers that they had endorsed.
John Feinblatt, president of Everytown, said, “We’re proud to endorse these Moms Demand Action volunteers and Everytown leaders who already have built a strong track record of fighting hard to keep their neighbors safe (sic) and are now making the leap from advocating for laws to writing them.” He confuses keeping neighbors safe with keeping them disarmed.
The full list of candidates endorsed today and the office they are running for is available below:
- Arkansas
- Kate Schaffer, Arkansas State House, District 10
- Denise Garner, Arkansas State House, District 20
- Nicole Clowney, Arkansas State House, District 21
- Denise Ennett, Arkansas State House, District 80
- California
- Sam Liccardo, US Representative, CA-16
- George Whitesides, US Representative, CA-27
- Marisol Rubio, California State Senate, District 09
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, California State Assembly, District 16
- Catherine Stefani, California State Assembly, District 19
- Pilar Schiavo, California State Assembly, District 40
- Darshana Patel, California State Assembly, District 76
- Linda Deos, Davis City Council, District 2
- Jett Black-Maertz, Santa Barbara City Council, District 1
- Florida
- Gay Valimont, US Representative, FL-01
- Gay Valimont, US Representative, FL-01
- Georgia
- Lucy McBath, US Representative, GA-06
- Lucy McBath, US Representative, GA-06
- Illinois
- Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, Illinois State House, District 17
- Marti Deuter, Illinois State House, District 45
- Jackie Williamson, Illinois State House, District 47
- Maura Hirschauer, Illinois State House, District 49
- Nabeela Syed, Illinois State House, District 51
- Maria Peterson, Illinois State House, District 52
- Mary Beth Canty, Illinois State House, District 54
- Tracy Katz Muhl, Illinois State House, District 57
- Bob Morgan, Illinois State House, District 58
- Joyce Mason, Illinois State House, District 61
- Laura Dias, Illinois State House, District 62
- Heidi Henry, Illinois State House, District 75
- Anne Stava-Murray, Illinois State House, District 81
- Valerie Simutis, Local School Council Member Chicago Public Schools
- Sara Knizhnik, Lake County Board, District 18
- Jennifer Merritt, Sangamon County Board, District 25
- Iowa
- Christina Bohannan, US Representative, IA-01
- Michigan
- Emily Busch, US Representative, MI-10
- Emily Busch, US Representative, MI-10
- Mississippi
- Shirley Meeks, Sunflower County Election Commissioner, District 5
- Shirley Meeks, Sunflower County Election Commissioner, District 5
- North Carolina
- Natasha Marcus, Insurance Commissioner
- Claire Kempner, North Carolina State House, District 09
- Allison Dahle, North Carolina State House, District 11
- Maria Cervania, North Carolina State House, District 41
- Beth Helfrich, North Carolina State House, District 98
- Ohio
- Allison Russo, Ohio State House, District 07
- Crystal Lett, Ohio State House, District 11
- Jessica Miranda, Ohio State House, District 28
- Erika White, Ohio State House, District 41
- Rachael Morocco, Ohio State House, District 60
- Mark Gooch, Ohio State House, District 77
- Oregon
- Maxine Dexter, US Representative, OR-03
- Maxine Dexter, US Representative, OR-03
- Texas
- Rhonda Hart, US Representative, TX-14
- Suleman Lalani, Texas State House, District 76
- Denise Wilkerson, Texas State House, District 94
- Chase West, Texas State House, District 132
- Virginia
- Missy Cotter Smasal, US Representative, VA-02
Looking over this list I see the anti-gun mayor of San Jose Sam Liccardo is being pushed. He is the one who wants every gun owner to be required to carry liability insurance.
With regard to North Carolina, State Senator Natasha Marcus is trying to be the Commissioner of Insurance. Her only experience on insurance issues is from serving on a Senate committee. Her campaign website speaks more about her dedication to stuff like clean energy, gun control, and abortion than it does to issues concerning the insurance industry and insurance consumers. I have written about her in the past especially with regard to her historical ignorance about the use of gun control to keep blacks disarmed.
I know looks should not matter but when I look at the official picture of Rep. Allison Dahle (D-Wake), I say WTF! I know she says she worked on Broadway as a stage manager but that picture does reinforce her image as a wild-eyed gun controller. She does want all the usual laws: AWB, magazine bans, universal background checks, etc.

I will have to give Everytown this. They are working hard to get their gun control activists elected at all levels. Their “Demand a Seat” program trains their activists on how to run for office and work on campaigns. Unfortunately, they are often successful. We on the pro-rights side have not done a good job in grooming future candidates. While we do support those who support us when they do run for office, finding good potential candidates is not something we have done that I am aware of. That needs to change!
On the NRA ballot, should we vote for or against the proposal to amend the bylaws?
For. While it is in my opinion closing the barn doors after the horses have escaped, it will be needed going forward.
Thanks. I picked the four candidates you recommended and only three others. The leadership needs to change.