Willes Lee got left out in the cold by the Nominating Committee. I don’t think that would be a surprise to anyone who has read my blog or seen his criticisms of the cabal on social media. If there is anything the cabal hates more than a reformer it is one of their own who awakened to the dangers they posed to the organization and thus to the Second Amendment. Willes became dead to them when he resigned from the Special Litigation Committee and they took their retribution.
I will admit that it still pisses me off that he called me a hater back in 2019 when I said there were problems within the NRA and it needed fixing. Being of Irish extraction, I can hold a grudge with the best of them. That said, I really do think Willes could bring something to the Board with his knowledge of how the cabal thinks and his knowledge of the inner workings of the NRA. He reached out to me with regard to the Special Litigation Committee to correct my erroneous belief (and that of others) that the members were chosen by position and not by name. He didn’t have to do it but he did it.
Given all of this, Willes has my support as a petition candidate for the Board. Both the Complementary Spouse and I have signed his petition and returned it. Besides, his cryptic needling of the cabal is quite entertaining!
You can return Willes’ petition either to him directly at 5527 3rd Street South, Arlington VA 22204. Alternatively, you can return it along with other petitions to Rocky Marshall. That address is Frontier Truck Gear, Attn Rocky Marshall, PO Box 277, Center Point, TX 78010. Regardless of which address you send it, the petition should be sent so that it arrives by September 30th.
As with all of these petition candidates, if you can get more voting members to sign it, so much the better. A voting member is a) a Life Member of whatever level or b) an Annual Member with five years of continuous membership without a break.
Time is of the essence. We have about two weeks to go in which to secure the necessary signatures to get Willes and the others on the ballot. The goal is to have a reform candidate for every slot just like the cabal has loaded the ballot with those who support the status quo.
Once again, you do not know the extent of Willis Lee’s involvement in the corruption at the NRA because if you did you would have a totally different view.
You would be prudent to consider “You don’t know what you don’t know!”