Battle For Permitless Concealed Carry In NC Starts Again

Grass Roots North Carolina is restarting the battle for permitless concealed carry in North Carolina again. It starts with a petition to the Republican leaders of the North Carolina House and Senate calling on them to start committee hearings and floor votes to bring this legislation forward. No bills have been filed as of yet as the House and Senate do not convene until January 29th.

People can also sign this petition electronically and it is actually much easier to do it that way. GRNC’s goal is a minimum of 1,000 petitions to present to the GOP leaders of the General Assembly. As I write this, they are 25% of the way to their goal.

You may remember that HR 189 – Freedom to Carry NC Act – had passed its first two readings in the NC House back in 2023 and was headed to a third and final reading when the bill got pulled. As I said at the time, you had your choice on who to blame for the bill being pulled. It could have been then-Speaker Tim Moore who insisted on a training component regarding the use of deadly force, it could have been Sen. President Pro-Tem Phil Berger who had said enough gun bills had been passed, or it could have been the NRA who objected to the bill at the last moment due to the training component.

Frankly, the NRA should never have objected to the bill even with the training component and that is one of the reasons I am running for the NRA Board of Directors. I am determined to see NRA-ILA “play nice” with other 2A organizations even on bills that didn’t originate with them. Objecting to the bill was a NRA v1.0 move and one that NRA 2.0 will hopefully never do.

2 thoughts on “Battle For Permitless Concealed Carry In NC Starts Again”

  1. We ran into this with motorcycle helmets in Washington state some years ago. ABATE of Washington had a bill that would have allowed adult riders to choose whether or not to wear a helmet if they had medical coverage. The plan, which appeared to have a decent chance of passing, was to then wait a year or two and then start pushing for the “equal rights for everyone”. A small group of die-hard no-compromisers left ABATE, formed their own group, and lobbied the legislature hard to kill the bill. They provided cover for those who were perhaps on the fence and the bill died. We’ve never come closer and twenty years later we still have a mandatory helmet law.

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