Endorsed By Tony Simon

I am honored to be endorsed for the NRA Board of Directors by my friend Tony Simon. He is one of the leaders in the 2A movement in New Jersey. His 2A4E Diversity Shoots bring new people into the fold and that is what is needed especially in a state like New Jersey.

I want to thank Tony for the endorsement!

Ballots have started to arrive in mailboxes around the country. I have heard from friends in Texas, Alabama, and New Jersey who have received their ballots. The Complementary Spouse and I are still waiting on our magazines with the attached ballots.

If you are a voting member of the NRA, vote! We cannot change the NRA from its old ways unless enough people who are eligible vote. In most years, the percentage of eligible voters is less than 5%. Even municipal elections for dogcatchers and coroners do better than that!

2 thoughts on “Endorsed By Tony Simon”

  1. I got mine yesterday and just filled it out. I’ll put it in the mail this afternoon on the way home from work. In my issue of America’s First Freedom, the ballot was between a page endorsing the old guard and a full page ad endorsing the reformers.

    I hope we win!

  2. My ballot arrived the other day and I filled it out last night. It will go in the mail this weekend. I’m also calling my friends who are voting members to encourage them to vote this time around.

    Also tearing out the ballot caused my whole magazine to fall apart so now I get to read it page by page. 😁

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