Letter On Electioneering

A letter went out today to the Board of Directors signed by Bob Barr, Bill Bachenberg, Mark Vaughan, and Doug Hamlin concerning statements that cross the line when it comes to campaigning for the Board. I don’t know what precipitated this letter nor do I know if it is aimed at any one in particular. It could just be a general warning letter to Board members to “keep it clean”.

That said, it could be aimed at the reform slate for daring to call the old guard or Wayne’s enablers the “cabal” and urging voters not to vote for them. Conversely, it could be aimed at the troll named “Seth Haan” who I called out for his attack on Jeff Knox.

I will say that I’ve tried to be objective in my push for the reform slate which includes me. Likewise, it is my considered opinion that there are some running to keep their Board seats whose past behavior makes them unworthy of your vote and I stand by that.

It is time to replace what has long been a passive Board with an activist Board that will work to reform, rebuild, and rejuvenate the NRA. That can only come from electing the slate of reformers found at ElectANewNRA.com. I might add Mark Shuell to the list as he has been endorsed by Jeff Knox.

If you are a voting member and have not yet voted, I would encourage you to do so ASAP. If you have been disgusted by the grifting of the past and just turned your back on the NRA, I say to come back and help make a positive change. Voting participation in the past has been atrocious and that has worked to the cabal’s advantage. Now is the time to change that!

Below is a copy of the letter sent to the Board:

One thought on “Letter On Electioneering”

  1. The banning of policy statements by candidates and depending on resume entries is a recipe for a passive board. I hope the Reform slate, will modify this policy if they are elected.

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