Marty Daniel Endorses ElectANewNRA

Marty Daniel of Daniel Defense just endorsed the ElectANewNRA slate of candidates in a video message. I had heard many in the firearms industry were coming around to the reform side. That said, this is huge and I very grateful for the support from Marty.

You can view the whole 1:30 video below:

6 thoughts on “Marty Daniel Endorses ElectANewNRA”

  1. How come the NRA isn’t camped out i New Mexico fighting the democrat majority with their commie agenda laws being proposed?

    1. One could ask the same about here in WA… we’re in a time of rebuilding. Wayne’s mismanagement was the peacetime military before Pearl Harbor, we need to rebuild into a war footing–and learn to embrace our soldiers of common cause at SAF, FPC, GOA as ALLIES rather than squabble as rivals like how the ABDA fleet was destroyed in the Dutch East Indies.

      1. This is one of the reasons I’m running for the board. We might have had permitless concealed carry in North Carolina as of 2023 if the NRA had not objected to a bill they didn’t sponsor.

        On the plus side, now that Joe Greenlee is heading up litigation for NRA-ILA I’m seeing the NRA joining in both lawsuits and amicus briefs with other organizations.

        Whether or not Ben Franklin actually said it, I think the quote attributed to him is accurate. “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

        1. Indeed, sir. And even then it took the colonies a while to perform a Cranio-Rectal Extraction and start focusing on the common problem… and then the lesson was un-learned as soon as Cornwallis’s ship was back over the horizon.

          Sorry, you give a professional military-history nerd the slightest cracked-door opening and this is what we do… LOL

    2. NRA’s State Director for New Mexico, Nick Tuccio was there the last two weeks, will be there this week, and Dan Reid, NRA’s Managing Director of State and Local Affairs was there before that.

      Our grassroots field coordinator Clay Kimberling has been active in this fight as well motivating our members to get engaged.

      There is a political reality we are facing based on votes in both NM and CO when fighting these bills. That’s not to say we aren’t giving it everything we have, but I encourage you to contact your law makers if you haven’t yet.

      NRA-ILA’s litigation director, Joe Greenlee is behind a keyboard as we speak working on potential litigation. When things like this happen it’s a break glass in case of emergency approach. We are working together with SAF, FPC, NSSF and others.

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