Gun Geekiness

At the recent NRA Annual Meeting, I got a chance to visit the Blaser USA booth. In addition to Blaser and Mauser rifles, they had the Sauer 100 which was their entry-level rifle.

What really caught my eye about the Sauer 100 was the safety. As you can see in the picture below, it is a 3-position safety. All the way back locks both the trigger and the bolt, the middle notch locks the trigger, and all the way forward means the rifle is ready to fire.

This replicates the Mauser 96/98 “flag” safety in a more compact and convenient format. You can see the three positions of the Mauser 98 safety in the picture below.

I know this sounds like gun geekiness but it just appealed to me.

2 thoughts on “Gun Geekiness”

  1. Definitely with you on that safety layout. It's always been my favorite and feels more natural to me than most.

  2. Really amazing gun for anyone who loves to have guns. Thanks for the post, this is a real killer. Really awesome for me actually, you people can take help from the MA Gun License to get proper guns and licensing to have the guns of your own choice.

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