Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler Would Approve!

In a Soldier Systems article highlighting US Navy Uniform updates, I noticed this:

b. Tiara. The tiara is reinstated as an optional Navy uniform component for all female Sailors (E-1 through O-10) when wearing Dinner Dress Blue and White Jacket Uniforms. Note: the tiara will be available for personal purchase as a special order item via Navy Exchange Online Customer Service with a lead time of approximately four weeks.

As a long time watcher of the TV show Big Bang Theory, I knew the character Amy Farrah Fowler played by Mayim Bialik loved tiaras. That got me to wondering just what the Navy tiara looked like. Would officers have one with diamonds while enlisted Sailors have to make due CZs set in silver?

From a web forum devoted to militaria, I found this:

They also had one displayed on a mannikin head:

The Hampton Roads Naval Museum had this illustration done in 1967 showing a female Lt. JG wearing a tiara while wearing her Dinner Dress Blue jacket.

It seems the tiara was abandoned in 2016 when new uniform regulations were adopted. The Navy also abandoned the traditional hat called the bucket cover worn by female Sailors (officers and enlisted) at the same time. It, too, is now going to be authorized as an optional head covering for female Sailors.

I find it interesting that these changes are coming as the Navy now has a female Chief of Naval Operations. As Admiral Franchetti was commissioned in 1985, she may have wanted to bring back some of the headgear she wore earlier in her career. I think it might have been hard for a male admiral to bring back these items without running the risk of being labeled sexist.

GRNC-PVF Candidate Recommendation Updates

The Grass Roots North Carolina – Political Victory Fund has released some updates. These are just in time for the start of Early, One-Stop Voting which began yesterday. The updates include additional races, some corrections, and surveys that were received after the January 20th cut-off date.


Late surveys, additional races, and errata


NC Commissioner of Insurance (R): GRNC-PVF recommends ROBERT BRAWLEY (votes: 100%, survey: 81%) over Andrew Marcus (survey: 100%, ****) due to Brawley’s 100% voting record in the NC House. Mike Causey failed to return the survey (survey: NR, GRNC 0-star). The important factor in this primary is electing a candidate who can beat Democrat Natasha Marcus (votes: 0%, GRNC 0-star) in the General Election. Natasha (not Andrew) Marcus is a Bloomberg gun control shill whose political career needs to be stopped in its tracks.

NC Court of Appeals Seat 15 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends HUNTER MURPHY over Chris Freeman.



District 03 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends MICHAEL SPECIALE (voting record: 100%, survey: 100%). In addition to a 100% recent voting record in the NC House, Speciale has a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation and standing up to leadership for gun rights. He will be a leader for your rights in the NC Senate. Opponent Bob Brinson was reportedly encouraged to run by Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, who recently refused to give constitutional carry a floor vote, saying: “We have passed a substantial bill dealing with some concerns about the Second Amendment. We have done away with the pistol purchase permit which was the number one goal for many of the guns rights groups for a long period of time. I just don’t know if there is a need for us to delve into additional issues dealing with guns.” [Information about Speciale’s opponent added.]

District 45 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends MARK HOLLO (survey: 99%, voting record: 100%, ****). Opponent Nancy Meek (survey 100%, ****) is reportedly pro-gun, but Hollo has both a perfect voting record while in the NC House, and a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation. [“Hollo” was initially misspelled.]


District 59 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends ALLEN CHAPPELL (survey: 91%, ****) over Alan Branson (survey: 80%, ***). [Previously, “Chappell” had been misspelled.]

District 69 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends DEAN ARP (survey: 100%, votes: 100%, ****) over Clint Cannaday (survey: 88%, ***). [District was erroneously listed as 67.]


Below are surveys received after the January 20 deadline. In our continuing effort to give all candidates a fair chance, some may have already been included in candidate recommendations if they were received in time. Remember in November candidate recommendations are being adjusted accordingly. However, GRNC-PVF candidate recommendations cannot be changed for late surveys.

This message supporting the above-mentioned candidates was paid for by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

NRA Trial – It Is Now In The Hands Of The Jury

The trial began on January 8th with the attorneys for the New York Attorney General’s Office making their case against the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, Woody Phillips, and John Frazer for breaches of the Estates Powers & Trust Law, breaches of fiduciary duties under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, related party transactions, violation of New York’s whistleblower law, and false filings. Josh Powell had earlier entered into a plea agreement in which he pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $100,000 in restitution. The state’s case was concluded on February 5th and then the attorneys for the NRA and the individual defendants began to make their cases for acquittal. Finally, today both sides gave their closing arguments and the jury will begin deliberation tomorrow.

In the interim, Wayne LaPierre’s reign over the NRA ended on January 31st. He announced his resignation on January 5th. One thing I did notice almost immediately after LaPierre’s announcement is that the attorneys from Brewer, Attorneys and Counselors, went from “keeping Wayne out of jail” to saying it was “all Wayne’s fault”. They have argued that Wayne, Woody, and company kept the NRA Board of Directors in the dark and, as such, the NRA can’t be held responsible for their actions.

The New York Attorney General’s Office’s Second Amended Complaint listed 15 causes of action against the NRA and the individual defendants. At the conclusion of the state’s case, attorneys for the NRA asking for a directed verdict saying, in effect, the Attorney General’s Office had not proved their case. Likewise, attorneys for the individual defendants argued that they were not liable under some of the causes of action. This past Monday, February 13th, Judge Cohen ruled on these motions. He rejected the NRA’s argument that the 1st Cause of Action – Breach of the Estates Powers & Trustees Law be dismissed over “vagueness”. He dismiss similar causes of action (6, 7, and 8) against the individual defendants holding that they could not be classified as “trustees” under the EPTL. With the exception of the related party transaction involving LaPierre which he dismissed today, all the other charges against the individual defendants remain.

One thing that has been often overlooked is that the victims in this case are those of us that are members of the NRA. Beyond paying for the private planes, suits, and trips for LaPierre, it has been our dues and contributions that have been used to pay the legal bills for both the NRA and the individual defendants. While I can’t speak for Woody Phillips, I am sure that both LaPierre and Frazer will submit bills to the NRA for their legal expenses to be reimbursed under the Directors and Officers insurance policy. This would be over and above what is being spent with Brewer, Attorneys and Counselors where it takes approximately the dues from 22 annual members to pay for one hour of legal representation.

I will cover the closing arguments in a separate post in order to keep this post from being too long.

More Thoughts On NRA EVP Search Committee

Since my post yesterday on Marion Hammer’s letter to the NRA-EVP search committee, I’ve received a copy of Charles Cotton’s announcement of the search committee and have spoken with others including a former board member.

Two hours before Marion Hammer’s email went out, NRA Secretary and General Counsel John Frazer sent this to the entire Board of Directors:

Dear Fellow NRA Board Members:

At the request of several NRA board members, during our last board meeting in January, I noted that we would soon form a search committee to assist with the recruiting and placement of a new EVP and CEO of the National Rifle Association of America.

In accordance with NRA Bylaws, I am pleased to announce the creation of this select committee, the EVP Search Committee. This Committee is charged with determining the process and timing of the selection of appropriate candidates to present to the Nominating Committee and, ultimately, the full Board of Directors.

The members of the EVP Search Committee are:

Congressman Bob Barr – Chairman
Professor David Coy
Carol Frampton, Esq.
Curtis Jenkins, Esq.
Sheriff Jay Printz
Barbara Rumpel
Chief Blaine Wade

Please join me in expressing our gratitude to our fellow Board Members for their dedication to the NRA and their willingness to serve in this important role.


Charles L. Cotton
NRA President

Two things stand out in Cotton’s letter. First, this committee will control the process and timing of the selection of candidates for the permanent CEO and Executive VP position. Second, any person or persons selected will go to the Nominating Committee before being presented to the Board of Directors. In other words, while officially the Board selects the EVP, the Nominating Committee will select the actual candidate and present the Board with a fait accompli.

This committee is a selection of people that will represent the interests of what I call the Old Guard or my friend calls “the cabal”. You have David Coy who failed in his fiduciary duties as a member of the Audit Committee. We might not have a trial in New York if he and others had done their job properly. You have Jay Printz who, at least through last September, was a stout defender of Wayne LaPierre. You have Barbara Rumpel whose primary connection to the Second Amendment seems to be as a “Friend of Susan”. None of these people are change agents.

Reevaluating Marion’s email to this committee barely two hours after it was announced, it is evident that she is telling them that NRA staff such as Interim EVP Andrew Arulanadam and CFO Sonya Rowling are non-starters as candidates for the permanent EVP position. When she says, “reach out to Board members for information and advice”, she means listen to her and the Old Guard or Cabal on what constitutes an acceptable candidate. Her call to be “transparent” with the Board doesn’t really mean transparency for all but rather the committee should report each and every move to her and the Old Guard before they actually make it.

Going back to Marion’s original call for a search committee, in retrospect she was not calling out Charles Cotton but rather telling him what she and the Old Guard wanted. She wanted a search committee comprised of Board members responsive to the Old Guard. She was providing cover for Cotton to seemingly be responsive to the call for a search committee while keeping it under his and the Old Guard’s tight grip.

Contrast this with what was suggested by Buz Mills. He called for a search committee of Board members with business experience selected from the floor by the BOD. This group would then use the services of an outside executive search agency to recruit, evaluate, and screen suitable candidates. In other words, they would find people capable of running a large non-profit whose values were consistent with fighting for Second Amendment rights. This might be someone like a Mike Fifer who ran Sturm, Ruger for many years as CEO. The search committee would then present the candidates to the Board for a “meet and greet”. I have seen this many times in academia when a new dean or college president is being selected. You will notice there is not mention of interference by the Nominating Committee in the process. The Board as a whole would discuss the candidates and then vote on them. This would take it out of the hands of the Old Guard or Cabal and put it in the hands of the entire Board.

I don’t know the timetable for a selection. Would it be in time for the next Board meeting? Or would a candidate be selected before Judge Cohen could impose a special monitor assuming the jury finds the NRA failed in its duties to its members? Speed would be in the interest of Charles Cotton and the Cabal. Speed, like this whole committee, would not be in the interests of the members of the NRA. That would be served by the Buz Mills’ model of finding a new EVP.

To throw one more wrinkle into this, given the precarious state of the NRA’s finances it may be up to a bankruptcy judge to make the decision on an interim basis. You have to ask why did former President Trump make his speech at the Great American Outdoor Show instead of at the Annual Meeting in May. I’m sure Mr. Trump would not want to be making his speech to the NRA faithful while the organization was in the midst of a bankruptcy trial.

I Actually Agree With Marion On This

As weird as it may seem I find myself somewhat in agreement with Marion Hammer. I was forwarded an email from her to the NRA-EVP Search Committee.

She made the point that the committee needs to look outside the current NRA operations for the person that can be a success as the next CEO and EVP of the NRA.

Here is her email and the members of the committee:

TO: The Members of the NRA-EVP Search Committee:

Congressman Bob Barr – Chairman
Professor David Coy
Carol Frampton, Esq.
Curtis Jenkins, Esq.
Sheriff Jay Printz
Barbara Rumpel
Chief Blaine Wade


At the risk of being redundant, I must say that these are tough times for the NRA.  The right leader or leaders is essential for NRA’s future.  I say leaders because I’m not sure that you can find one person who can do the job.  

You might need someone to be the public face of NRA. To do the TV and all media coverage and essentially be the person out front representing NRA and the work we do.

You also might need to find someone to be the workhorse.  Someone to make the tough decisions about running the day to day operations who won’t be afraid to “break some eggs to make an omelet”  and who isn’t afraid to terminate people who are only interested in themselves and not the NRA and our cause.

I seriously doubt that anyone currently involved with NRA operations meets either need.  Don’t be afraid to look outside of NRA for fresh new leaders who care about NRA.  Our members are depending on you to find the right person or persons.

When I look at you, I see 2 current NRA Officers, 2 lawyers, 2 law enforcement representatives and one average person.  None of you is what I would consider a high end business person, yet we must look at the business perspective.   

Whatever you decide, Is up to you.  I wouldn’t want to be in your position with the world watching me and expecting perfection.  Nonetheless, you must live in a “fishbowl” until the job is done, and then you must live with your decisions.

Please take your time and be thorough. Please be transparent with the NRA Board and don’t be afraid to reach out to Board members for information and advice. Always remember that there are good business people with incredible business knowledge on the Board who are there to serve.  Use them.   

I wish you all the very best of luck as you embark on a mission that is essential for the future of NRA and our members.  

Marion Hammer

Now as to what bothers me in all of this.

The committee is composed of the same old Board members who allowed Wayne to get away with his grifting, who didn’t object to Brewer’s billing, and who allowed a whole host of things that has led the NRA to be reduced to a shadow of its former self. Unless I am greatly mistaken and we the members get really lucky, anyone chosen by this bunch will not renovate nor reinvigorate the NRA. The organization will continue to muddle along with same old mindset appealing to an ever aging membership.

Interesting that Buz Mills was left off the list. Likewise, it is interesting Charles Cotton is off the list. Could this be so that Cotton could be their pick for the next EVP? God forbid!

A Friday Roundup

This week started with us in Saint Louis where my older daughter had scheduled surgery on Monday. What was expected to be a 1.5-2 hour standard procedure ended up being a five hour surgery. The surgeon found an unexpected tumor hidden behind other organs. While it was cancerous, it is at an early stage with an excellent long term prognosis. The major downside is that she will need a second surgery to complete the original procedure. Please keep Wendy in your prayers.

The news this weeks seems to be coming faster than I can keep up with so I’ll just go with a roundup with links to more indepth coverage.

The New York Attorney General’s Office rested its case against the NRA and the individual defendants on Monday. Their final witness was Eric Hines who is a forensic accountant who found the NRA had a number of internal control failures. The attorneys for the NRA and the individual defendants then asked for a directed verdict saying the state had not proved its case and that certain laws do not pertain to them.

The Reload has a good analysis of this argument by Joseph Brucker. The crux of the NRA’s argument is as follows:

The defendants’ arguments centered largely on the applicability of New York’s Estates Powers and Trusts Law (EPTL) to nonprofit corporations and their executives. The statute contains a provision that subjects any nonprofit corporation organized for “charitable purposes” to certain registration and reporting requirements. However, “charitable purposes” are defined using language that echoes the IRS’s federal 501(c)(3) classification. The NRA, a 501(c)(4), admitted that the law governs some of its funds and activities. But it argued that the statute’s provisions relating to the “administration” of charitable property should only apply to its restricted charitable donations, not to general funds used for noncharitable activities such as lobbying.

The individual defendants, meanwhile, say the statute does not apply to them at all: an accountant or lawyer who accepts a position at a New York nonprofit, they argue, does not sign up for the same responsibilities as the “trustee” of a charitable foundation or bequest. The “trustee” designation set off a round of frenzied discussion in the courtroom on Monday.

If Judge Cohen accepts this interpretation, it could prove problematic for the state to force reform on the NRA.

Erik Uebelacker has been following the case for Courthouse News Service. He has a good synopsis of the testimony of former NRA 1st VP Willes Lee who had gone nuclear on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. What I found most interesting was Lee’s response as to why he had written those posts.

Lee was far more reserved in court than he was on Facebook. During his testimony, he was hesitant to critique the NRA at all, despite his willingness to do so frequently online last year. 

“I don’t know why I was posting those now,” he said Wednesday. “But I must have felt that way.”

He didn’t deny the validity of the content in any of the posts, however.

“I don’t know why I was posting those now”? Jeez! Talk about wimping out when put on the stand.

The two best ways to follow the NRA trial day by day are to follow NRA Watch and to follow the tweets of Uebelacker. I hate to admit our enemies have done an excellent job in covering the testimony in the case in an above board and fair way. NRA Watch is a project of Bloomberg’s Everytown.

Moving on in the Spirit of Aloha, the Supreme Court of Hawaii doesn’t like Heller, McDonald, or Bruen nor do they think it applies in Hawaii.

The court said:

“The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities,” the court wrote. “The history of the Hawaiian Islands does not include a society where armed people move about the community to possibly combat the deadly aims of others.”

Christopher Wilson had legally purchased his firearm in Florida back in 2013. He had been charged with possessing an unregistered firearm. His first challenge under the Second Amendment was denied but his second challenge after the Bruen decision was successful. A Hawaii district court had dismissed the charges based upon Bruen but the state appealed.

If ever a case cried out for the grant of a writ of certiorari it is this one. I can’t see how the SCOTUS can ignore such an in-your-face challenge to the supremacy of national law. As gun rights attorney Alan Beck notes, “The use of pop culture references to attempt to rebuke the Supreme Court’s detailed historical analysis is evidence this is not a well-reasoned opinion.”

In other 2A news, a group of Second Amendment organizations including the Second Amendment Foundation, CCRKBA, and theFirearms Policy Coalition are asking the US Supreme Court to grant certiorari in Bianchi v. Brown. The SCOTUS had vacated and remanded the case then known as Bianchi v Frosh back to the 4th Circuit for a ruling consistent with Bruen. Since then, the case was argued before a 3-judge 4th Circuit panel and its has been over a year since the argument without a decision. For some reason, the 4th Circuit has now decided to hear the case en banc. The case is a challenge to Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (sic).

Adam Kraut, SAF Executive Director, notes in their release:

“The Fourth Circuit’s decision to hear this case en banc, over a year after it was argued before a panel and with no published opinion, seems to imply the court desired to take this case from a panel with which it disagreed,” noted SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “The unconstitutionality of Maryland’s Assault Weapons Ban has been apparent since it was passed into law, as Heller already provided the proper analysis, which the Fourth Circuit previously ignored to shield the law from a swift death. Intervention from the Supreme Court is necessary to restore order and force the lower courts to properly address this issue in a timely manner, as each day the Plaintiffs rights are being infringed upon.”

Finally, I would like to note that Early, One-Stop Voting begins for the North Carolina March Primary next Thursday, February 15th. Grass Roots North Carolina has issued their Remember in November ratings of the candidates based upon both their voting history (if any) and a survey. Likewise, GRNC-Political Victory Fund has issued their recommendations regarding pro-rights candidates in contested races. Today is the last day to be registered to vote for the primary. This will be the first election in which a photo ID will be required since North Carolina voters approved a constitutional amendment requiring it in 2018.

GRNC-PVF Issues Recommendations For NC Primary

In advance of the March 5th North Carolina Primary, Grass Roots North Carolina – Political Victory Fund has released their recommendations. These recommendations are not made in all races but rather in those races where pro-gun candidates stand out. If the race is uncontested in the primaries, no recommendation is issued. A recommendation is more limited than a blanket endorsement.

It should be noted that One-Stop Early Voting in the primary begins on February 15th. You can go here to find the early voting locations for your county.

Here are GRNC-PVF’s recommendations for both Federal and NC state races:



Unfortunately, leftists are still filing litigation against congressional districts, trying once again to deprive you of the political districts you sent representatives to the General Assembly to draw. Barring successful litigation, however, the districts and races where you can make a difference are listed below.

District 1 (R): In this swing district, the Republican primary features 2 candidates, both of whom returned GRNC’s candidate survey: Laurie Buckhout (96%, GRNC ****), Sandy Smith (99%, ****), with the winner running against incumbent Democrat Don Davis (GRNC 0-star). Both Republicans list support for the 2nd Amendment on their websites, so GRNC-PVF has no recommendation in this race.

District 2 (R): In this solidly Democrat district, the winner of the Republican primary will unfortunately face incumbent Deborah Ross (GRNC 0-star) in the General. Of three Republican candidates, only Eugene F. Douglass (96%, ****) returned the GRNC survey. GRNC-PVF recommends EUGENE F DOUGLASS.

District 3 (R): In this solidly Republican district, incumbent Greg Murphy (survey: 94%, voting: 92%, ****) has no primary opponent.

District 4 (R): In what is the most Democrat district in NC, with a Republican primary winner who will face Valerie Foushee (GRNC 0-star) in the General, GRNC-PVF recommends MAHESH (MAX) GANORKAR (survey: 100%, ***) over Eric Blankenburg (survey: NR, 0-star).

District 5 (R): In this solidly Republican district, GRNC-PVF recommends incumbent VIRGINIA FOXX (survey: 100%, voting: 92%, ****) over challenger Ryan Mayberry (survey: 100%, ****), but notes that Foxx has dropped gun votes in recent sessions of Congress and should be watched carefully.

District 6 (R): In this open seat in a now-Republican district with no Democrats running, whomever wins the Republican Primary will go to Washington. And as a demonstration of the increasing importance of GRNC evaluations in NC political races, all six Republican challengers submitted GRNC’s candidate survey, and all with scores of 100%, suggesting that any of them would be 2nd Amendment voters. However, the standout, who also hunts and vows to protect the 2nd Amendment on his website, as well as touting an endorsement by Donald Trump, is Addison McDowell (survey: 100%, ****). Accordingly, GRNC-PVF recommends ADDISON MCDOWELL.

District 7 (R): In this Republican-leaning district, incumbent David Rouzer (votes: 92%, ****) does not face a primary opponent.

District 8 (R): In this open seat in a Republican district, four of six candidates submitted GRNC’s candidate survey, all with scores of 98% or better. However, only one has a 100% voting record while serving in the NC House. GRNC-PVF recommends JOHN BRADFORD (survey: 100%, votes: 100%, ****).

District 9 (R): In this Republican-leaning district, incumbent Richard Hudson has improved his voting record (survey: 100%, votes: 92%, ****), and is faced with challenger Troy Tarazon (survey: 100%). Given that votes are a better indicator than survey scores, plus Hudson’s history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation, GRNC-PVF recommends RICHARD HUDSON.

District 10 (R): In this Republican-leaning district, the race for the open seat left by departing Patrick McHenry features six Republican contenders, all of whom submitted GRNC’s candidate survey with scores of 99% or higher. The party favorite, endorsed by former NC House Speaker Tim Moore, is Grey Mills (survey: 100%, votes: 100%, ****), who is leaving a NC House seat to run for Congress. But party favorites are often not the strongest 2A candidates. In this race, the standout is Pat Harrigan (survey: 100%, ****) who, by virtue of running a company that manufactures AR-15s and other firearms, is most likely to be a 2nd Amendment leader. GRNC-PVF recommends PAT HARRIGAN.

District 11 (R): In this Republican-leaning district, incumbent Chuck Edwards (survey: 100%, votes: 100%, ****) is being challenged by Christian Reagan (survey: 100%, ****). Although Edwards has angered some conservatives with votes on non-2nd Amendment issues, he has a 100% pro-gun voting record and a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation. GRNC-PVF recommends CHUCK EDWARDS.

District 12: In this heavily Democrat district, only Addul Ali (survey: 96%, ****) registered as a Republican contender to longtime leftist Alma Adams.

District 13 (R): The race for this newly-drawn and heavily Republican district (formerly held by Democrat Wiley Nickel, 0-star) is truly a free-for-all, with 14 (yes, 14) Republicans running for the nomination and only one Democrat. Of the 14, 7 submitted GRNC’s candidate survey, with 6 earning a 4-star evaluation. GOP strategists reportedly claim the 4 serious contenders are DeVan Barber, (survey: 98%, ****), Kelly Daughtry (survey: NR, 0-star), Brad Knott (survey: 100%, ****), and Fred Von Canon (survey: 92%, ****). Of the three who submitted GRNC’s survey, only Knott touts defense of the 2nd Amendment as a campaign issue. Knott was also the only candidate to earn a perfect 100% on his survey. GRNC-PVF recommends BRAD KNOTT.

District 14: It is widely conjectured that, in redistricting, NC House Speaker Tim Moore (survey: 93%, votes: 100%, ***) drew this Republican-leaning district for himself. He is clearly the favored candidate in name-recognition, money, and party support, making him the overwhelmingly likely victor. But Moore, who started his career with a perfect 100% pro-gun voting record, has dropped to three stars (***) in recent years due to unwillingness to give certain pro-gun bills committee hearings. In 2023, he pulled permitless concealed carry bill HB 189 from its calendared floor vote at the last minute despite it having cleared two committee hearings. While Moore will probably make a good congressman and will certainly get GRNC-PVF support in the General Election, we cannot reward marginal performance in leadership. GRNC-PVF recommends opponent JEFF GREGORY (survey: 98%, ****).



NC Governor (R): The Republican primary for governor has presented GRNC with a conundrum. Two candidates have distinguished themselves as Second Amendment supporters in the race, leaving our board of directors divided on which to recommend. On one hand, NC State Treasurer Dale Folwell compiled a 100% pro-gun voting record, GRNC survey scores averaging 96%, and a history of co-sponsoring pro-gun legislation while in the NC House, and has publicly called for constitutional carry, giving him GRNC’s highest 4-star evaluation (****).

On the other, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson first gained national attention with his impassioned plea for gun rights to the Greensboro City Council, coauthored an op-ed with GRNC President Paul Valone calling for repeal of our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit law, garnered a 100% GRNC survey, and has come out publicly for gun rights, saying: “I got them AR-15s in case the government gets too big for its britches.”

Both candidates have expressed support for constitutional carry and have promised to advocate it to the General Assembly. However, only Folwell has said so in public. The third candidate, a millionaire conducting a largely self-funded campaign, is Bill Graham (Survey: NR, GRNC 0-star), supported by the “RINO” contingent of the Republican Party, including an endorsement by Sen. Thom Tillis (GRNC 0-star), who helped craft the so-called “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” which Joe Biden is attempting to use as a back door to universal gun registration. Given the strong Second Amendment stances of both Folwell and Robinson, in the Republican gubernatorial primary, the GRNC Political Victory Fund recommends you vote AGAINST Bill Graham.

NC Governor (L): Rarely does one see a Libertarian primary, but two Libertarians have filed for the gubernatorial primary. Because Mike Ross (survey: 100%, ****) and Shannon Bray (survey: 96%, ****) both received 4-star evaluations, GRNC-PVF has no recommendation in this race.

NC Lt. Governor (R): Another free-for-all featuring 11 Republican candidates seeking the nomination, 8 answering GRNC’s candidate survey, with 7 earning a 4-star evaluation. Two candidates have voting histories in the NCGA (Deanna Ballard, survey: 100%, votes: 100%, **** and Jeffrey Elmore, survey: 97%, votes: 100%, ****), but in their time in the legislature, neither sponsored pro-gun legislation, suggesting the 2nd Amendment is a back-burner issue for them. The candidate who stands out for 2nd Amendment voters is Hal Weatherman (survey: 100%, ****) who, despite having never serving in office, has been chief-of-staff or district office manager for three pro-gun office-holders: Congressman Sue Myrick (****), Lt. Gov. Fan Forest (****) and Congressman Madison Cawthorn (****). GRNC-PVF recommends HAL WEATHERMAN.

NC Attorney General: Although there is no Republican primary for the seat presently held by leftist Josh Stein (0-star, who is now running for governor), the Republican contender stands tall as a voice for conservatives and gun owners. Dan Bishop (survey: 88%, votes, 100%, ****) has a long history of supporting the 2nd Amendment, first in the NC House, then the NC Senate, and presently in Congress. Bishop has sponsored numerous pro-gun bills and often voted for the 2nd Amendment even when others Republicans in NC’s congressional delegation did not. GRNC-PVF strongly recommends DAN BISHOP.

NC Commissioner Agriculture (R): GRNC-PVF recommends COLBY HAMMOND (survey: 96%, GRNC ****) because incumbent Steve Troxler (survey: 95%, 0-star) insisted on posting the NC State Fair against concealed carry even when statutory requirements to do so were repealed by GRNC.

NC State Auditor (R): This race is more important to gun rights than it might seem because the state auditor has the power to audit the offices of sheriffs who delay concealed handgun permits. As the only candidate in the race with a 100% pro-gun voting record and history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation GRNC-PVF recommends JEFF TARTE (vote record: 100%, survey: 95%, ****).

NC Secretary of Labor (R): GRNC-PVF recommends JON HARDISTER (survey: 98%, VOTES: 100%, ****) who currently serves in the NC House, where he has a perfect voting record and a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation.

NC Superintendent of Public Instruction (R): GRNC-PVF recommends MICHELE MORROW (survey: 97%, ****).

NC State Treasurer: GRNC-PVF recommends A.J. DOUD (survey: 90%, ****).

NC Secretary of State (R): GRNC-PVF recommends either CHAD BROWN (survey: 100%, ****) or CHRISTINE E. VILLAVERDE (survey: 100%, ****) over Jesse Thomas (survey: NR, 0-star).


NC Supreme Court (R): This open seat being vacated by Michael Morgan (who is running for governor) is a potential Republican pickup which could make the NC Supreme Court 6-1 under Republican control, consolidating conservative principles from the Court for decades to come. Having long had support from GRNC-PVF in previous races, Republican Jefferson Griffin does not have a primary, but is highly worthy of support by 2nd Amendment voters. GRNC-PVF strongly recommends JEFFERSON GRIFFIN.

NC Court of Appeals Seat 12: There are no primaries for this race, securing the Republican nomination for former NC House representative Tom Murry (survey: 84%, votes: 100%, ****), who will likely get a GRNC-PVF recommendation in November.


District 03 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends MICHAEL SPECIALE (voting record: 100%, survey: 100%). In addition to a 100% recent voting record in the NC House, Speciale has a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation and standing up to leadership for gun rights. He will be a leader for your rights in the NC Senate.

District 13 (R): Both Republican candidates, Vicki Harry and Scott Lassiter, submitted GRNC surveys with scores of 100%, earning 4-star evaluations. Because neither have voting records, GRNC-PVF has no recommendation in this race.

District 42 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends JAIME DANIEL (survey: 100%, ****) over Stacie McGinn (GRNC survey: 94%, ****).

District 45 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends MARK HOLLOW (survey: 99%, voting record: 100%, ****). Opponent Nancy Meek (survey 100%, ****) is reportedly pro-gun, but Hollo has both a perfect voting record while in the NC House, and a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation.


District 9 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends TIMOTHY REEDER (votes: 100%, ****) over Tony Moore (GRNC survey: 94%, ****) due to priority of voting record over survey scores.

District 9 (D): In a rare case of a 4-star Democrat, GRNC-PVF recommends LENTON CREDELLE BROWN (survey: 100%, ****) over Claire Kempner (survey: NR, 0-star).

District 14 (R): Incumbent George Cleveland is one of the few long-term stalwart Second Amendment defenders of the NC House, with 100% voting record, repeated 100% survey score, and long history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation, more than earning a GRNC 4-star evaluation (****). GRNC-PVF strongly recommends GEORGE CLEVELAND over challenger Wyatt Gamble (GRNC survey: NR, 0-star).

District 25 (R): In a reversal of 2022, GRNC-PVF recommends YVONNE MCLEOD (survey: 88%, ***) over incumbent Allen Chesser (survey: 100%, votes: 100%, bill support: 50%, ***), after Chesser surprised both GRNC and other legislators with an attempted gun control amendment to the pistol purchase permit repeal.

District 35 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends MIKE SCHIETZELT (survey: 99%, ****) over James Norman (survey: 100%, ****). Although Schietzelt’s survey was an insignificant one point lower, his website features defense of the 2nd Amendment as a campaign platform, while Norman says nothing about defending your rights.

District 48 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends MELISSA SWARBRICK (survey: 96%, ****) over James Diaz (survey: 90%, ****).

District 55 (R): Because voting record is a better measure of candidates than survey scores, GRNC-PVF recommends MARK BRODY (survey: 96%, votes: 100%, ****) over Richard T. Miller (GRNC survey: 91%, ****) and Arthur L. McDonald (survey: 80%, ***).

District 59 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends ALLEN CHAPELL (survey: 91%, ****) over Alan Branson (survey: 80%, ***).

District 62 (R): In his last service in the NC House, John Blust started off pro-gun. But over time, his voting record sagged to only 81%. Accordingly, GRNC-PVF recommends ANN SCHNEIDER (SURVEY: 99%, ****) over John Blust (survey: 100%, votes: 81%). Jaxon Barber, Michelle C. Bardsley, and Britt W. Moore all refused to return GRNC’s candidate survey, earning only GRNC’s lowest 0-star evaluation.

District 65 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends A. REECE PYRTLE, JR. (GRNC survey: 97%, votes: 100%, ****) over Joseph A. Gibson III (GRNC survey: 96, ****).

District 67 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends CODY HUNEYCUTT (survey: 95%, ****) over Brandon King (survey: NR, 0-star).

District 67 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends DEAN ARP (survey: 100%, votes: 100%, ****) over Clint Cannaday (survey: 88%, ***).

District 73 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends JONATHAN ALMOND (survey: 98%, ****) over Holly Edwards (survey: NR, 0-star).

NC House District 82 (R): Due to a 100% voting record and a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation, GRNC-PVF recommends KEVIN CRUTCHFIELD (survey: 85%, voting record: 100%, ****) over Brian Echevarria (survey: 100%, ****)

District 83 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends BRAD JENKINS (GRNC survey: 100%, ****) over Grant Campbell (survey: NR, 0-star).

District 84 (R): Due to a 100% voting record and a history of sponsoring pro-gun legislation, GRNC-PVF recommends JEFF MCNEELY (survey: 93%, voting record: 100%, ****) over Doug Gallina (survey: NR, 0-star).

District 94 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends either BLAIR EDDINS (survey: 96%, ****) or DWIGHT SHOOK (survey: 96%, ****) over Stoney Green (survey: NR, 0-star) and Larry Yoder (survey: NR, 0-star).

District 110 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends KELLY HASTINGS (survey: 100%, voting record: 100%, ****) over Esther Scott (survey: NR, 0-star).

District 111 (R): GRNC-PVF recommends either DAVID ALLEN (survey: 100%, ****) or PAUL BRINTLEY (survey: 100%, ****) over Scott Neisler (survey: NR, 0-star) and Paul Scott (survey: NR, 0-star).


Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners: Although GRNC-PVF does not ordinarily make recommendations in local races, in this case we have a stalwart candidate who until recently served in the NC House. With a long history of pro-gun sponsorship and votes supporting gun right even in opposition to his party leadership, GRNC-PVF strongly recommends LARRY PITTMAN (survey: 100%, votes: 100%),

This message supporting the above-named candidates was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

GRNC Releases 2024 Remember In November Ratings

Grass Roots North Carolina, the state’s independent gun rights group, has released their latest version of Remember in November. It is a rating of all candidates for Council of State, US Congress, State House, and State Senate in North Carolina on where they stand on gun rights.

From GRNC on their star ratings:

“Remember in November” candidate evaluations estimate where candidates stand on gun issues by comparing their views with those of a control group of gun owners. As noted below, a “4-STAR” candidate agrees with control group on at least 90% of gun issues, a 3-STAR agrees on least 80%, a 2-STAR on at least 70%, a 1-STAR on at least 60%, and a 0-STAR candidate agrees on less than 60% of gun issues.

Every candidate was sent a survey to their address of record with the NC State Board of Elections. Their responses were compared to a control group of gun owners on issues ranging from concealed handguns to safe storage to the Second Amendment. If a candidate did not return a survey, their response was rated a zero. When it comes to ratings, the voting record, if any, should be considered more important than survey results. In other words, action speak louder than words.

Candidate evaluations sorted by name are here.

Meanwhile, candidate evaluations by office and district sought are here.

If you look at the candidate evaluations, you will note that Republicans who blew off the survey receive the same score as Democrat anti-gun politicians. For example, in the race for Governor of NC, Republican attorney Bill Graham who has blanketed the airwaves with ads blew off the survey and has no voting record received a zero star rating. Likewise, Attorney General Josh Stein (D-NC) blew off the survey but had a negative voting record from his time in the General Assembly received the same zero star rating.

Meanwhile, in my own State Senate district, both the Republican and Democrat blew off the survey which is a shame. I already know that St. Sen. Julie Mayfield (D-Buncombe) is anti-gun but it would be nice to know that Republican Kristie Sluder believes in the Second Amendment. Her Facebook page says she stands with Trump but what does that mean in terms of gun rights?

My State House district is the same with neither the Democrat or Republican responding to the survey. If you are a Republican running in a district with a Democrat incumbent, you just might pick up a few extra votes if you stake out your position as pro-gun rights. The GOP is not called the Stupid Party without reason.

Yeti Buys Mystery Ranch Packs

In a deal that must have been in the works for a while now, YETI Holdings, Inc. has purchased Mystery Ranch. YETI is well-known for their coolers and drinkware while Mystery Ranch makes high-end packs for hunting, the outdoors, and the military. It seems like a good acquisition as both companies are known for making higher-end products.

Below are examples of Mystery Ranch packs as displayed at the 2024 SHOT Show from photos I took.

While YETI did not have a booth at the SHOT Show, they did have a booth at the recent Dallas Safari Club Convention. Interestingly enough, both the Complementary Spouse and I were given imprinted YETI can coolers after we attended the DSC Chapter Leaders breakfast.

From the joint press release announcing the purchase:

“MYSTERY RANCH packs have earned a global reputation within the most demanding communities by building load-bearing equipment that delivers in the harshest environments. Their ethos, passion and people not only align with the YETI team, but also connect well with our commitment to innovation and our customers.” said Matt Reintjes, President & CEO at YETI. “Their communities, ambassadors and obsession with quality make it a natural fit with YETI.”

Founded in 2006, the original YETI cooler was born out of frustration and passion. YETI has since grown into an industry innovator of premium outdoor gear designed for the hardcore outdoor adventurer, outside enthusiast and everyone in between. Like YETI, MYSTERY RANCH products have been built with durability and performance in mind for over two decades whether for use on the fire line, backcountry or in your everyday adventure.

“YETI’s passion for innovation and the outdoors aligns closely with our founding vision,” said Dana Gleason, Co-Founder of MYSTERY RANCH. “Renée Sippel-Baker, my co-founder, and I know they are a perfect partner to build upon our long history of making the best load-bearing equipment in the world for the most extreme users as well as the everyday mission.”

YETI is headquartered in Austin, Texas while Mystery Ranch is located in Bozeman, Montana. The announcement states that Mystery Ranch will continue to work out of Montana and will work with YETI to “integrate teams and functions”.

I did not realize until I read of this transaction that YETI is a New York Stock Exchange publicly traded stock. They have a market capitalization of almost $3.8 billion on annual revenues of over $1.5 billion. YETI has 900 plus employees. They are much larger than I expected when I started writing this post! They will be adding another 150 employees with their purchase of Mystery Ranch.

NRA Board Member Herb Lanford Passes Away

I received news yesterday that Herbert Lanford, Jr., a longtime member of the NRA Board of Directors, died on February 1st. He was 75 years old. He died in hospice care from Spartanburg (SC) Regional Hospice Home.

The notice from NRA Secretary John Frazer reads in part:

It is with great sadness that I share with you that NRA Board member Herbert A. “Herb” Lanford, Jr. passed away on February 1, 2024. He was 75 years old.  Herb served on and off the Board beginning in 1986.  He is survived by his brother, Tom; his sister, Joanne Hensley; and many nieces and nephews.

Graveside services with military honors will be held at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, February 8, at Greenlawn Memorial Garden located at 1300 Fernwood Glendale Road, Spartanburg, SC  29307.  Visitation will be at the graveside prior to the service.

Lanford’s death will leave the Board with only 75 Directors as all three of the non-elected candidates from 2023 have filled positions on the Board. Article IV, Section 2 of the NRA Bylaws makes no provision for filling a vacancy other than from those who had been on the ballot and not elected.

CORRECTION: I had assumed that James Chapman was already on the Board of Directors as he had received more votes than Rick Ector who is on the Board. I had forgotten Rick was elected as the 76th Director. Thus, James Chapman will fill the seat left empty by Herb Lanford’s death and the Board will still have 76 members. That is, for now. Things could change after the NY trial but who knows.