2024 SCI Convention – The Auctions

The Safari Club International had another successful convention in Nashville. In addition, from what I’ve been told, they have signed a 10-year contract to continue holding the convention in Nashville. From a personal perspective, I love it as Nashville is an easy drive for me and the city is much nicer than Las Vegas or Reno in my humble opinion.

The convention is more than a celebration. It is the major event used to raise money to support SCI and the SCI Foundation’s mission of hunter advocacy and worldwide wildlife conservation.

According to SCI’s report on the convention:

 SCI held record-breaking dinners and live auctions that featured gourmet wild game meat meals, which sold out on Friday and Saturday nights, raising more than $20 million for SCI/F advocacy and conservation efforts.

As noted, one of the key components of the fund-raising effort are the auctions. In addition to the nightly auctions mentioned above, they also held both live day auctions and silent auctions. All told, there were 17 different auctions that raised by my estimate over $6.2 million. The amount raised by the auctions increased each day of the convention with approximately $2.3 million raised on Saturday.

The big ticket items were reserved for the night auctions. These included a 5-day hunt for two hunters seeking walrus in the Canadian territory of Nunavut which went for $150,000, a 7-day Alaska coastal hunt for mountain goat and Sitka black tail deer which raised another $250,000, and a 14-day hunt in Tanzania for leopard, Cape buffalo, and plains game that went for $42,500.

The auction item that raised the most money was the one-of-a-kind highly engraved Beretta SL3 Tutankhamun 12-gauge shotgun which went for $435,000! Originally unveiled at last year’s convention, it had been purchased by Alex Roy of EuroOptic. After displaying it as his company’s headquarters for a year, he donated it to be auctioned off by SCI this year.

Lest you think it was all five and six figure items auctioned off to deep-pocketed millionaires and billionaires, the auctions had a number of lower priced items. For example, there were earrings that went for $60, packs for $150, and a pair of Italian leather handbags for $125.

You could also find bargains if you bid smartly. Whether it was it was $250 worth of Swift ammo for $175, $375 for a pair of Kenetrek Mountain Extreme boots that normally retail for $500, or a $1,500 Trijicon AccuPoint scope for only $500, bidders found bargains.

If you were looking for a plains game hunt, you could do very well especially in the day auctions. One 7-day South African plains game hunt for four hunters and four observers in Limpopo went for a mere $1,200. It included a $1,000 credit for trophy fees. Checking the outfitter’s website, the daily fees would have totaled over $11,000!

I have a R/T ticket to Johannesburg that needs to be used by mid-September, I had been talking with a number of outfitters at the convention about a short trip with limited number of animals in late August. I had a number of quotes that I obtained both here and at the earlier DSC convention. I finally decided to see if there was something that might fit the bill in the auctions and I did. After checking with Tsala Safaris about their openings in August, I bid on their donated hunt. I had met Brandon and Johanrie “Jo” van Zyl at an earlier convention and like the young couple. The auction I won was for two hunters and two observers for a 7-day hunt that is a mix of four trophy animals and 16 cull or herd reduction animals. I think because it had to be taken this year, it reduced the bidding. Nonetheless, it has worked out perfectly for me and I will be making two dream trips to South Africa this year. With luck, my brother-in-law will be joining me for both.

Tsala Safaris compound in Limpopo
The Tsala photo of their booth at SCI

NYSRPA Recommendations? Fuhgettaboutit!

The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association has made their recommendations for the 2024 NRA Board election.

Beyond appalling, these recommendations show they were not paying attention during the recent trial in New York.

The NRA was found liable for failing to properly administer charitable assets under the Estates, Powers, and Trusts Law (EPTL). Despite this they recommend David Coy who was Chair of the Finance Committee and Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee. They were also found liable for a related party transaction in payments to David Keene that was not properly approved even after the fact.

Moving on, Charlie Beers was the person who submitted the “Wayne is the greatest, past, present, and future” resolution at the 2022 NRA Meeting of the Members. Janet Nyce is now the de facto leader of the “Friends of Susan” contingent on the Board. Meanwhile, Joel Friedman and Don Saba didn’t think having a succession policy more substantial than the bylaw that has made Andrew Arulanandam the Interim EVP was needed.

Here is what they expect you to do with these recommendations.

My suggestion?

The Bachenberg Letter

I know the title to this post sounds like a Cold War thriller set in a divided Berlin. However, it is about a long email sent out on Monday by William “Bill” Bachenberg to fellow members of the NRA Board of Directors.

He makes some interesting points in his message to the Board. They include the need for a well thought-out strategic business plan for rebuilding the NRA, deciding what they are seeking in a new Executive VP, expanding the search committee beyond Board members, and establishment of a non-Board Advisory Council. There are other points upon which I might disagree. For example, having Donald Trump Jr. serve as a National Spokesperson. While I like Don Jr. and I really like his Field Ethos publication, any person selected to serve as a National Spokesperson has to be dedicated solely to the NRA and no other organization or cause.

Bachenberg describes himself as a “board outsider” in his own words. Given he has served on the Board for almost 20 years, I was wondering about that. I reached out to some former Board members who said he was part of the Old Guard and not willing to rock the boat. Another said he thought Bachenberg was “part of the sheep team that follows the cabal.” I am not a conspiracy theorist but the copy of his email I got had first been forwarded by Marion Hammer. Notwithstanding his being part of the Old Guard, one former Board member allowed that he thought he was on the mark about the EVP nominating committee.

Looking to his business experience, Bachenberg was the founder and CEO of Data Base Services International until 2012 when it was acquired by Xand. Then he moved into a senior advisory role with the combined company. He and his wife Laura also own Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays in Coplay, Pennsylvania. Bachenberg also established Camp Freedom which is a 2,300 acre outdoor adventure camp for disabled veterans.

A quick search finds that Bachenberg has been quite involved with Republican politics in Pennsylvania and especially with the Trump campaign. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that he and his wife had donated over $500,000 to support Trump, other GOP candidates, and PACs in 2020. He was the co-chair of the Sportsmen for Trump PAC. He is also involved in some political controversy. He chaired the slate of so-called “fake electors” submitted to Congress after the 2020 election. It may be why he was subpoenaed by the Democrat’s January 6th Committee. Of course, the fact that a NRA Board member member was subpoenaed was news in and of itself.

I would be remiss if I didn’t note that Bachenberg is on the ballot for the 2024 Board election. He was, as you might expect, nominated by the Nominating Committee. I would note that his committee service does not include anything related to the Audit, Finance, or Ethics Committee.

As I said earlier, he does bring up some interesting ideas. It is just a shame that they are only now coming out at this late date. From what I can tell, he never broached any of these suggestions prior to Wayne leaving.

Forwarded Message —–From: William Bachenberg <wab@nradirector.com>Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 at 11:24:53 PM ESTSubject: EVP Search

Dear Board Members,

I have read the appointment of a search committee and believe the formation of a search committee is the “cart before the horse.”  I believe we need to do a lot of soul searching on the future of the organization and this process MUST not be rushed. 

As a “board outsider” I’m extremely disappointed to say the least with the current search process, it defies many business best practices.  While these are fine board members, here we go again with the same mistakes of the past, looking inward for solutions instead of looking outside the organization for greater experience and expertise. 

Being on the board for 20 plus years I have seen (and experienced) the alienation of many strong business leaders who were members of the board because leadership did not listen to us or leverage our business skills.  Hence, most of those board member business leaders have not run for re-election.  Every re-election I ask myself why run again since the organization has marginalized (no excluded me) in utilizing my 45+ years of business, technology and non-profit experience.  I question why have a board of directors that management does not leverage?  The only reason I keep running is a few board members convince me to stick it out because change is coming.  Well change has been now “force” upon the organization and I’m not a quitter. 

First, the organization needs to reflect on the past to plan for the future.  This requires evaluating the whole organization and then what a new organizational structure looks like for the future.  Our current organizational structure has been flawed for years after we grew past 50 million dollars, yet no one would listen or acknowledge it.  I had to completely reinvent my technology company four times over a 32 year span to survive or I would have joined the tens of thousands of technology companies that failed over those years.  As with any organization, it is extremely hard to make large changes.  I had first-hand experience with having to make massive changes and us humans are not that acceptable to change.

I believe we are rudderless in many areas due to the current financial difficulties and loss of great staff.  For the organization to survive, now is the time to re-evaluate and update our core mission(s) along with defining a new organizational structure for the future.  A well thought out written strategic and business plan for rebuilding the organization is mandatory at this time.  How can we develop comprehensive job descriptions without know what we are hiring for?  The new strategic plan needs to be done with open minds, with internal and external resources, and experienced individuals.  Hard decisions need to be made leaving self-interests at home on which programs survive for the good of the organization, the membership and the Second Amendment.  Many hard decisions are coming our way and we need a strong plan to guide us.  Next would be the review our Bylaws what might need to be considered/updated with any organizational changes and leadership duties.  This strategic planning also aids with evaluating building/office space needs if we are still planning on moving or right sizing the current headquarters building.

Second, this brings up what position(s) are we hiring for: Chief Executive Officer(EVP)? Chief Operating Officer? National Spokesperson? Who else?  All of the proceeding?  We need an updated organization chart that supports our strategic plan, not the other way around.  I believe at a minimum it will show we need a person that who is called a Chief Operating Officer in the business world (you can call that person the EVP if you want).  That person needs to be a proven business professional that runs the day-to-day activities of the organization.  This does not have to be a “gun” person, we need a seasoned business professional!!!  I also believe we need to hire a National Spokesperson to be the face of the NRA and will have no distractions of running the day-to-day operations.  A couple of years back Don Trump Jr contacted me if NRA was looking for a National Spokesperson, he saw the need.  He did preface, “I don’t want to deal with any of the operational bullshit.”  I’m not sure what he would say today, but when the time is right I can ask him if he might be interested if requested by the board.

Once we identify the positions we need to fill, we need to develop their job descriptions. What are the salary ranges? Where will they be based?  Travel?  What criteria will be used to evaluate and rank the candidates?  Then we can only begin a real search.  Then what search firm will we use?  I also do not believe that the additional hires beyond the COO/EVP should be solely left to a new leader at this time.  The board of directors must be involved in hiring them too.  The board finally needs to take charge and lead!!!

Third, it appears we have not learned from history that elevating/using board members for important positions/activities has not yielded great results.  Why is the search committee only composed of board members?  Do any of these individuals managed large multi-million dollar organizations?  Probably one.  Do any of these individuals have extensive experience in interviewing and hiring senior leadership positions?  Do these individuals have peers that can assist with the search?  We had a few past board members with extensive business experience, why were they not appointed to the search committee for their experience?  There are many allied very large organizations that have extensive experience with executive searches and hiring executive leadership.  Why are they not part of the process?  Our allied partners should also be part of the process of rebuilding our organization in order to begin rebuilding trust with this segment.

Forth, We need experienced business leadership advising the organization.  I’m tired of hearing over the years we are a non-profit.  NO WE ARE NOT!!!  We are a business that must have income and must have profit to survive.  We need to act like a business.   Now is the time to create a small group of “business professionals” made up of a few board members and outside business leaders to help guide senior leadership back to fiscal soundness and the prestige the NRA once earned.  Call it an Executive Advisory Council if you want.

I don’t have all the answers, no one does, but this should start the conversation for the future of the NRA.  Now is the time to consider these observations, challenge them, build on them and improve on them.

One of my favorite sayings “If you don’t have time to do it right the first time, you don’t have time to do it a second time.”  As I said earlier we have the cart before the horse with appointing a search committee with no direction.

We are sitting on the edge of a razor blade, NRA can become ten times more effect than we ever were or fade to be a minor league player.  Or worse, disappear altogether if we do not act with sound business solutions and practices.

Let’s put our differences to rest, let’s all work to build a strategic plan for the organization’s future and then staff for greatness.

The free world is watching, we can’t let our members, America’s gun owners and manufacturers down at this critical time.  LET’S GET THIS RIGHT, the stakes are too high and there will be no second chance.


Bill Bachenberg

Tweet Of The Day

When it was Twitter, they were called tweets. Now that Elon Musk has renamed it to X, I’ve heard that they are called “xeets”, “xcerpts”, or merely posts.

Regardless, this is a great comment by Conrad Hannon. I don’t know who he is but he nails it.

Some people wake up in the morning, and instead of drinking coffee to start their day, they put on their thin skin and venture out into the world with the intent of finding things to be offended about

Everytown Tells Who NOT To Vote For

Everytown for Gun Safety just sent out a press release giving voters a list of politicians not to vote for. Well, actually it was a list of Demanding Moms leaders and Everytown volunteers that they had endorsed.

John Feinblatt, president of Everytown, said, “We’re proud to endorse these Moms Demand Action volunteers and Everytown leaders who already have built a strong track record of fighting hard to keep their neighbors safe (sic) and are now making the leap from advocating for laws to writing them.” He confuses keeping neighbors safe with keeping them disarmed.

The full list of candidates endorsed today and the office they are running for is available below:

  • Arkansas
    • Kate Schaffer, Arkansas State House, District 10
    • Denise Garner, Arkansas State House, District 20
    • Nicole Clowney, Arkansas State House, District 21
    • Denise Ennett, Arkansas State House, District 80
  • California
    • Sam Liccardo, US Representative, CA-16
    • George Whitesides, US Representative, CA-27
    • Marisol Rubio, California State Senate, District 09
    • Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, California State Assembly, District 16
    • Catherine Stefani, California State Assembly, District 19
    • Pilar Schiavo, California State Assembly, District 40
    • Darshana Patel, California State Assembly, District 76
    • Linda Deos, Davis City Council, District 2
    • Jett Black-Maertz, Santa Barbara City Council, District 1
  • Florida
    • Gay Valimont, US Representative, FL-01
  • Georgia
    • Lucy McBath, US Representative, GA-06
  • Illinois
    • Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, Illinois State House, District 17
    • Marti Deuter, Illinois State House, District 45
    • Jackie Williamson, Illinois State House, District 47
    • Maura Hirschauer, Illinois State House, District 49
    • Nabeela Syed, Illinois State House, District 51
    • Maria Peterson, Illinois State House, District 52
    • Mary Beth Canty, Illinois State House, District 54
    • Tracy Katz Muhl, Illinois State House, District 57
    • Bob Morgan, Illinois State House, District 58
    • Joyce Mason, Illinois State House, District 61
    • Laura Dias, Illinois State House, District 62
    • Heidi Henry, Illinois State House, District 75
    • Anne Stava-Murray, Illinois State House, District 81
    • Valerie Simutis, Local School Council Member Chicago Public Schools
    • Sara Knizhnik, Lake County Board, District 18
    • Jennifer Merritt, Sangamon County Board, District 25
  • Iowa
    • Christina Bohannan, US Representative, IA-01
  • Michigan
    • Emily Busch, US Representative, MI-10
  • Mississippi
    • Shirley Meeks, Sunflower County Election Commissioner, District 5
  • North Carolina
    • Natasha Marcus, Insurance Commissioner
    • Claire Kempner, North Carolina State House, District 09
    • Allison Dahle, North Carolina State House, District 11
    • Maria Cervania, North Carolina State House, District 41
    • Beth Helfrich, North Carolina State House, District 98
  • Ohio
    • Allison Russo, Ohio State House, District 07
    • Crystal Lett, Ohio State House, District 11
    • Jessica Miranda, Ohio State House, District 28
    • Erika White, Ohio State House, District 41
    • Rachael Morocco, Ohio State House, District 60
    • Mark Gooch, Ohio State House, District 77
  • Oregon
    • Maxine Dexter, US Representative, OR-03
  • Texas
    • Rhonda Hart, US Representative, TX-14
    • Suleman Lalani, Texas State House, District 76
    • Denise Wilkerson, Texas State House, District 94
    • Chase West, Texas State House, District 132
  • Virginia
    • Missy Cotter Smasal, US Representative, VA-02

Looking over this list I see the anti-gun mayor of San Jose Sam Liccardo is being pushed. He is the one who wants every gun owner to be required to carry liability insurance.

With regard to North Carolina, State Senator Natasha Marcus is trying to be the Commissioner of Insurance. Her only experience on insurance issues is from serving on a Senate committee. Her campaign website speaks more about her dedication to stuff like clean energy, gun control, and abortion than it does to issues concerning the insurance industry and insurance consumers. I have written about her in the past especially with regard to her historical ignorance about the use of gun control to keep blacks disarmed.

I know looks should not matter but when I look at the official picture of Rep. Allison Dahle (D-Wake), I say WTF! I know she says she worked on Broadway as a stage manager but that picture does reinforce her image as a wild-eyed gun controller. She does want all the usual laws: AWB, magazine bans, universal background checks, etc.

I will have to give Everytown this. They are working hard to get their gun control activists elected at all levels. Their “Demand a Seat” program trains their activists on how to run for office and work on campaigns. Unfortunately, they are often successful. We on the pro-rights side have not done a good job in grooming future candidates. While we do support those who support us when they do run for office, finding good potential candidates is not something we have done that I am aware of. That needs to change!

The Jury Has Returned With A Guilty Verdict

According to posts by court watchers, the jury in the NRA’s New York trial have returned with a verdict. The jurors reportedly are coming down to the court room.

From ABC News:

After five days of deliberations, a jury in New York on Friday held the National Rifle Association liable for financial mismanagement and found that Wayne LaPierre, the group’s former CEO, corruptly ran the nation’s most prominent gun rights group.

The jury determined that LaPierre’s violation of his duties cost the NRA $5,400,000, though he already repaid roughly $1.5 million to the organization.

LaPierre, staring forward with his hands clasped in his lap, sat in the first row of the gallery while the jury read the verdict.

I will be adding to this post as more info becomes available.

UPDATE I: More from Erik Uebelacker on Twitter.

UPDATE II: It looks like Woody Phillips is on the hook for $2 million.

From Rachel Scharf of Law360:

UPDATE III: I am getting mixed messages regarding John Frazer. According to Scharf, the jury did not ban him unlike Wayne LaPierre. However, another report reports they found Frazer acted “inappropriately” but did not cause financial harm.

The AP by way of The Hour is reporting that “NRA omitted or misrepresented information in its tax filings and violated New York law by failing to adopt a whistleblower policy.” There is no word yet on whether they were found guilty of retaliation against the whistleblowers. (They were)

Reportedly, LaPierre plans to appeal according to his attorney Kent Correll.

UPDATE IV: Rachel Scharf gives a bit more clarity with these charts:

The trial will now move to the bench phase where Judge Joel Cohen will implement remedies. I tend to agree with NRA In Danger that a court-appointed monitor is almost certain. I do know that Rocky Marshall deliberately made that suggestion in his first-day testimony which caused quite some consternation among the lawyers.

Open Letter From Former NRA Director Tim Knight

Below is an open letter from former NRA Director Tim Knight. I am publishing it with his permission.

Image from knight4nra.com

Tim along with fellow directors Esther Schneider and Sean Maloney are named as whistleblowers (Question 9b on verdict form) in the current New York trial who suffered retaliation. They spoke out about alleged financial misconduct and called for a review of the billings by Bill Brewer and his firm. As a result, he and the other two were stripped of their committee assignments, rebuffed when they sought information, and were prevented from doing their fiduciary duties. This led to their resignations on August 1, 2019.

I don’t think it needs repeating but I’ll say it anyway. Tim is one of the good guys. He helped lead the grassroots campaign in Colorado that led to the recall of two anti-gun politicians. Like another famous Tennessean, he answered the call from another state and went to help in their fight. He is a grassroots activist who has always recognized that his job was to serve the members of the NRA.

The verdict in the NY vs. NRA case is due shortly. Although I believe the case had some political motivations behind it based on the words of the New York Attorney General when she was running for office, I don’t think NRA members should dismiss the grave concerns revealed in what is now several court cases.

I, along with a few others directors, expressed concerns over the misappropriation of funds both internally and then later publicly in 2019. We recognized who our boss actually was:  our fellow members who were faithfully paying their dues. We did not believe the NRA Board and management were holding to the mission of the Association nor were they being transparent about expenses. Every NRA Director has a duty to the members, the law and the NRA’s mission statement. Several of us were dismissed from our committees and accused of disloyalty towards the NRA for raising our financial concerns. Most Board members were too scared to stand up to Wayne and his cronies, especially Marion Hammer. Other Board members were part of the management cabal themselves and had no intention of changing a thing. So, the Board circled their wagons and remained silent. They were unwilling or unable to speak up or divided on where their loyalties lay.

The current NRA Board has failed in its duty to the NRA members, and I think that every single Board member who hasn’t openly spoken up about reform and responsibility should resign immediately. Our Association deserves bold, honorable and honest Board members focused on their legal responsibilities and on the members who elected them. No more should they focus on those who can dole out favors, vacations, car rides, consulting fees and other graft. We need to stop electing the silent, the complicit or those who hope to be “trusted remainders” when this all blows over. Board members who are 2nd Amendment hero’s, politicians or captains of industry might once have been effective for our association. They are no longer effective and need to resign as well.

To fix our association, we need a much smaller board with term limits as well as a significant revision of the structure the board operates under. Strict disclosure rules for Board members and management needs to be enforced and shared with NRA members during the annual meeting. This information should be disclosed to everyone during the main members business meeting that is open to the public. 

I trust the members who make up the association and in the mission statement that should always keep it focused. We need new leadership and a new board now. If both do not change, the slow degradation of our once great association will do more damage to our civil rights, hunting culture, gun safety education and competitions that we can ill afford. My fellow members, if the court does not grant you the remedy you think is deserved, please stop supporting the do nothing’s, ne’er do wells, and the faded hero’s. If we want our Republic back, let’s start with our association!

I look forward to the day when the NRA once again, through hard work and results, regains the trust of millions of law abiding gun owners. We are stronger when we stand together as hunters, competitors, enthusiasts, advocates and educators.

  • Timothy Knight

NRA Board of Directors 2015-2019

Citizen of the Republic, Constitutionalist, National 2a Advocate, Founder‘13 CO Recalls. School Safety Proponent, Effective Grassroots Campaigner.

Day Five And No Verdict In NRA Trial Yet

According to posts by Erik Uebelacker and Rachel Scharf, the jurors in the NRA’s New York trial have requested the transcript of Woody Phillips’ testimony. They still have not rendered a verdict as earlier this afternoon.

We do know however what they had for lunch!

One person asked what is taking so long. Uebelacker responded that this is a complicated case and I would agree. As he notes, it is like four trials in one. You have the NRA plus the three individual defendants.

As my friend Danny the Mac humorously noted, if the jurors are getting paid by their employers plus the court stipend plus lunch, why not wait until after lunch on Friday to render a verdict. He’s got a point.

UPDATE: Rachel Scharf has this on jurors’ request for more info.

UPDATE II: According to a tweet by Erik Uebelacker, the three witnesses that Rachel Scharf references above are Charles Cotton, David Coy, and Sonja Rowling. Presumably, the attorneys for both sides will need to examine these transcripts before Judge Cohen releases them to the jurors.

That said, I find it very interesting that the jurors want to re-examine the testimony of the chair and vice-chair of the Audit Committee (Cotton and Coy respectively). Moreover, I understand that Coy is chair of the Finance Committee. With the addition of Rowling to the mix it would seem they are interested in improper expenditures and who approved them.

Tomorrow May Be The Day When The Jury Returns

Since I’m not in New York and since the state refuses to televise trials, I have been relying upon the reports of others with regard to some aspects of the NRA trial. Documents that have been filed I can access but I can’t see what is happening in the courtroom.

For the day to day reports on witnesses and the arguments from both sides, I have been depending upon NRA Watch. I do realize that it is a tool of Bloomberg’s Everytown but it has fairly reported courtroom proceedings. Other sources such as Courthouse News Service, NRA In Danger, and Stephen Gutowski’s The Reload have been very good but not quite as up to date.

Twitter or X has been very helpful in following the trial since the closing arguments and the case has been sent to the jury. Erik Uebelacker (@Uebey) has been very good. A new source I discovered today, Rachel Scharf of Law360, has been even better.

Here are a couple of her posts from earlier today:

Given this tweet by Erik Uebelacker, I think we are getting close to the end of the jury’s deliberations. They may have skipped around but my gut tells me that they have been taking each item in order.

I also received a text from Judge Phil Journey who also expects a decision as soon as tomorrow. Given his experience as a trial judge, I’d say he has a good feel for how juries behave.

I’m not making any bets on what the jury will return. They have asked for all the exhibits, have sent multiple notes to Judge Cohen including one that asks the meaning of “monetary harm to the NRA”, and a computer with trial transcripts. With the exception of the last item, I believe that have gotten what they have requested. This leads me to believe that they are doing their due diligence, examining every charge carefully, and are working hard to reach the various verdicts fairly. I don’t think anyone will be able to say that they didn’t do their jobs.

So, with any luck, we will see the jury return with their verdicts sometime tomorrow. I plan to keep checking Twitter throughout the day and will report if I hear anything.

Vote Four For Reform

The official NRA magazines with the ballots for the 2024 Board of Directors election have started to arrive. The Complementary Spouse and I both received ours today.

I would urge you in the strongest possible terms to bullet vote, i.e, only vote for these candidates and no others, for the Four for Reform. While there are a couple of others deserving of your vote, it is essential that these four get elected.

All four are on the ballot as a result of your efforts in signing their petition. We need people like them on the Board as they won’t put up and shut up. Indeed, both Judge Phil Journey and Rocky Marshall were retaliated against for standing up for what is right. That retaliation has led to the NRA being charged with violating the State of New York ‘s whistleblower law. This is one of the charges that the jurors in the New York trial are in the process of deciding guilt or innocence.

So few of the eligible voters actually vote that every vote for these four is critical.

We don’t know the outcome of the trial in New York and we don’t know what remedies Judge Cohen will impose if the NRA is found guilty. He could dissolve the current board and reduce it in size. He could appoint a special overseer. He could appoint a temporary board of people who are not tainted such as these four. He could do all of these things and that is why support for clean, untainted candidates is so important.